Department Of Interior

Contact:Joan Moody
For Immediate Release: July 14, 2003

Innovative Interior Department Programs Support President's Management Agenda

WASHINGTON -- The Department of Interior has made significant progress on all five government-wide initiatives that are part of the President's Management Agenda, Assistant Secretary of the Interior Lynn Scarlett said today.

"We applaud the efforts of the President's Office of Management & Budget for its leadership on this issue, Scarlett said following an OMB press conference on the agenda, which is the Administration's plan to bring private sector management practices to the federal government. Highlights of Interior's work in the five areas are:

Expanded Electronic Government ("E Gov"):
* Geospatial One Stop launches new portal 6/30 and involves state and local governments to an unprecedented degree in making digital mapping more accessible, inexpensive, and powerful for government and the private sector.
* Recreation One Stop relaunches with expanded mapping capability, expanded nonfederal recreation information, and moves toward a single on-line federal recreation reservation system. New, interactive maps now use Geographic Information System (GIS) technology.
*: DOI dramatically improves its IT Security Rating, and develops first-ever enterprise architecture.
Budget and Performance Integration:
* DOI moves toward its first ever results-oriented, integrated, departmental strategic plan, public comments concluded in late May.
* DOI slated to adopt Activity Based Costing department-wide on 10/1/03 to improve accountability and empower managers to make smarter decisions.
Strategic Management of Human Capital:
* DOI releases its first strategic plan for Human Capital, focusing on common organizational chal-lenges and laying out strategies for addressing them. Bureaus to develop Workforce Plans by 9/03.
Competitive Sourcing:
* DOI develops two study methods that are fairer to employees and better for our customers than previously commonly used approaches, and OMB puts them into new Circular A-76 released 5/29.
* With more than 2,000 FTEs studies DOI has made management improvements that benefit the US citizen without involuntarily separating a single full-time permanent employee.
Financial Management Improvement: DOI launches plans for a new modern, integrated financial management system as part of FY04 budget request.


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