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October 28, 1999
CONTACT: Edmund Byrnes
(202) 606-2572


Top Clinton Official Addresses Efforts To Improve Representation of Hispanics in the Federal Workforce

Official Proposes Program to Help Hispanic Students

Washington, DC -- U.S. Office of Personnel Management Director Janice R. Lachance will provide an update on the successes of OPM’s government-wide Nine-Point Plan to improve the representation of Hispanics in the federal government during her keynote address at the 13th Annual Conference of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU), November 1. Her update will include statistics from a recently issued profile showing the advances Hispanics have made in federal government.

“OPM is committed to ensuring that the federal workforce looks like America...an America that embraces everyone, no matter what their heritage is,” said Lachance. “And OPM is leading the way because of its ‘in-house’ commitment to diversity.”

Lachance will reiterate her commitment by announcing a 5-year effort to increase Hispanic student employment in her own agency.

Event: 13th Annual Conference of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
Date: November 1, 1999
Time: 12 pm - 1:30 pm
Place: Hotel Inter-Continental Miami
100 Chopin Plaza
Miami, FL


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