OPM News Release Banner

September 27, 1999
CONTACT: Sharon J. Wells
(202) 606-2537

**Media Advisory**

Special Event on Y2K Preparedness

Washington, D.C.– Preparing for the year 2000 has become a national challenge. To help meet that challenge the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is sponsoring a half-day event focusing on the role of the Federal Employee Assistance Program (EAP) in helping employees deal with their concerns about Y2K and its impact on their lives.

Y2K–Rising to the Challenge,” will be presented on September 30, 1999, at 9:30 a.m. in the Alan K. Campbell Auditorium at 1900 E, Street, N.W.

“OPM achieved Year 2000 compliance for all of our missioncritical systems by the governmentwide target date of March 31, 1999,” said OPM Director Lachance. “With our own house in order, we thought it was important to tap the unique expertise of our Federal Employee Assistance Programs to help employees make personal decisions about the level of Y2K preparedness that is appropriate for their own households.”

Deputy Director John Sepulveda, Director of Communications Jon-Christopher Bua and the Director of OPM’s Boston Employee Assistance Program will all speak about this very important subject. Participants will receive a new resource, OPM’s “Employee Assistance Program Y2K Support Kit.”

The event is intended for all Federal agency staff involved in EAP delivery or management; all individuals who are involved in or who will be involved in agency Y2K preparedness efforts; Chief Information Officers and their staffs; Directors of Personnel and other human resources staff, and management and union officials. Any interested Federal employees are also encouraged to attend.

WHAT: “Y2K–Rising to the Challenge”
WHERE: Alan K. Campbell Auditorium
1900 E Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.
WHEN: September 30, 1999, 9:30 A.M.

Media interested in attending the event should contact OPM’s Sharon J. Wells at the above phone number or email address.


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Web page created 27 September 1999