OPM News Release Banner

October 28, 1993
  CONTACT: Sharon J. Wells
(202) 606-1800


Washington, D.C.--Employees dreaming about cutting their commutes, getting off the roads and rails may soon have to pinch themselves to make sure they are awake. Using new information from OPM, agencies may permit certain employees to work at locations other than the regular office, including home.

OPM Deputy Director Lorraine Green has written to personnel directors encouraging agencies "to offer this flexibility to employees in situations where accountability for customer service can be assured. OPM is providing information to help you set up flexiplace programs as recommended by the National Performance Review. Well-designed flexiplace programs are 'family friendly' and offer many benefits to employers, employees, and society as a whole."

In August, OPM Director Jim King forwarded to agencies the final report on the federal flexiplace pilot project. He suggested agencies consider the ideas as they examined various approaches to "reinventing government." "Our report shows flexiplace is a success and can benefit individual and organizational performance We support flexible workplace arrangements and are prepared to help agencies implement good programs," said Jim King.

Employees on flexiplace, also called telecommuting, typically work at home, but can work at other agency-approved locations. For example, the General Services Administration is setting up several metropolitan areas for federal employees who currently commute long distances between home and work. Telecommuting centers will be furnished with necessary office supplies and equipment.

To develop effective flexiplace programs, agencies are being encouraged to seek employee views and bargain with unions representing affected employees.

Guidance going to agencies describes the reasons for flexiplace, basic parameters for its use, the conditions under which it is most likely to succeed, and the personnel policies and procedures that apply to employees on flexiplace. Information is also from OPM's electronic bulletin board Main Street.

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