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Hire a Veteran Now!

There are nearly 2,000 One-Stop Career Centers nationwide where employers can go to receive assistance in connecting to and recruiting veterans. One-Stop Career Centers offer a wealth of resources including specialized Local Veterans' Employment Representatives (LVERs) and Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program (DVOP) staff who work solely with veteran populations and can provide relevant veteran applicant referrals. Find the One-Stop Career Center near you. Or call 1-877-US2-JOBS for direct assistance.
America's Job Bank is a component of the One-Stop Career Center network. Post job listings, create customized job orders and search resumes automatically to find veterans highly trained in all types of skills.
Created by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, USAJOBS is the official job site of the United States Federal Government. It's your one-stop source for Federal jobs and employment information.

Utilize these private sector online recruitment resources to find resumes of veterans highly trained in all types of skills.