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Secretary Thompson's Blood Donation Challenge - Give Thanks! Give Life! Give Twice!  

Blood Donation
Questions & Answers

How long does it take to give blood?
The process for whole blood donation usually takes about 1 hour. The blood collection itself is usually about 10 minutes. The donation process includes registration, a brief medical screening, blood collection, and refreshments. Apheresis (platelet) collections take about 2 hours.

How much blood is taken?
For whole blood and apheresis (platelet) donations, about one pint of blood is taken. One pint is equal to about one pound.

How often can I give?
You can donate whole blood every 56 days. Red blood cells are the oxygen carrying cells. They can take 2 weeks or longer to fully return to normal.
Those that donate platelets (apheresis donation) can do so as much as twice in one week -- or up to 24 times per year. Platelet and plasma components are replaced in the body more quickly than red cells. Platelets will return to normal levels within a few hours of donating. Plasma, the watery substance of your blood, takes a couple of days.

What are platelets?
Platelets are tiny cell fragments that circulate throughout the blood and aid in blood clotting. Platelets are also known as thrombocytes.

How much blood do I have in my body?
Women have about ten pints, and men about 12 pints of blood in their bodies.

Are there age limits for blood donors?
Seventeen years is the minimum blood donor age in most States. The minimum age is 16 in California, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana and Washington. There is no upper age limit.

Is it safe to give blood?
Yes. Donating blood is 100 percent safe. You cannot get HIV or other communicable diseases by donating blood.

Is it safe to receive blood?
Yes. The blood supply is the safest it's ever been, especially since the implementation of nucleic acid amplification testing (NAT) under an FDA-sponsored research protocol. NAT is a new, more sensitive gene-based test to screen the blood supply for HIV and Hepatitis C. Each pint of blood is tested for evidence of donor infection with hepatitis viruses B and C, human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV) 1 and 2, human T-lymphotropic viruses (HTLV) I and II and syphilis. General safety procedures are also in place: blood donor eligibility standards, individual screening, laboratory testing, confidential exclusion of donations, and donor record checks.

What is the universal blood type?
Type O negative is the universal donor and can give blood to any other blood type; 8 percent of the U.S. population has blood type O negative. AB positive is the universal recipient and can receive blood from any other blood type; 2.5 percent of the U.S. population has blood type AB positive.

How long until my blood is used?
All blood donations are processed and available for use within 24 to 48 hours. Whole blood is processed into components (red cells, platelets, plasma). After processing, the red cells can be stored for 42 days. Plasma can be frozen and stored for up to 12 months. Platelets (from whole blood or by apheresis) expire after 5 days.

Are the health history questions necessary every time?
Yes. Screening questions must be asked of all donors at each donation. This is an FDA requirement that helps blood centers ensure the safest possible blood supply.

Can I get paid for donating blood?
No. FDA rules say that blood used for transfusions cannot be "bought". Studies show that volunteer donors provide a safer blood supply.

Why do blood shortages occur?
The inventory changes hourly due to unpredictable demands from trauma incidents. When the supply drops below a 3-day level, blood centers begin alerting local donors to increase the inventory to a safe operating level.

Secretary's Blood Donation Challenge | Blood Donation Facts | First-Time Donor | You May Not be Able to Donate | How-To Links