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The Final 2003 Numbers Just Released


Uniform Crime Report GraphicIt's here ... all 516 pages of it: Crime in the United States 2003, our latest annual report of nationwide crime statistics, available in its entirety free of charge on this web site.

We have to admit, it's a lot to digest. So a few recommendations ...

1) If you're new to the report, take a look at Crime Factors on page v, which explains how to read and understand the numbers.

2) For the highlights, see our press release, "FBI Releases Crime Statistics for 2003".

3) Check out two special crime studies we've added this year: Violence Among Family Members and Intimate Partners and The Importance of Homicide as a Community Problem in the United States. Both are in Section V. Also see our press release on these studies.

4) If you're interested in all the details on offenses reported, see Section II. Crimes covered include: Violent Crime (murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault), Property Crime (burglary, larcency-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson), and Hate Crime.

5) For changes to this year's publication--including the discontinuance of the Crime Index--see "Recent Developments" on page 5 in Section I.

6) The Crime Clock on page 7 is always fascinating.

7) Want the history of the Uniform Crime Reporting program that has generated this annual roadmap of crime since 1930? See page 3 of Section I.

Final words: As always, we thank our partners in law enforcement who collect and supply the data in this report. And we hope this publication is useful to law enforcement leaders, criminologists, news media, academics, and anyone else who seeks a better understanding of crime in these United States.

Links: Uniform Crime Reports web page | Crime in the United States 2003 Press Release | Topical Crime Studies Press Release

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