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OSM Seal Guide to requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)


OSM records are releasable unless they contain information that qualifies for withholding under one or more of the FOIA exemptions and sound grounds exist for invocation of the exemption. The officials in the Office of Surface Mining who have authority to deny records under the FOIA are the FOIA Officer (for records located in the Headquarters office); and the Regional Directors and Field Office Directors (for records located within their respective jurisdiction).

EXEMPTION 1. (5 USC 552(b)(1)). Matters of national defense or foreign policy; OSM does not have any of these classified records.

EXEMPTION 2. (5 USC 552(b)(2)). Internal personnel rules and practices.

EXEMPTION 3. (5 USC 552(b)(3)). Information exempted by other statutes.

EXEMPTION 4. (5 USC 552(b)(4)). Trade secrets and commercial or financial information received from a person which is privileged or confidential.

EXEMPTION 5. (5 USC 552(b)(5)). Privileged interagency or intra-agency memoranda and letters.

EXEMPTION 6. (5 USC 552(b)(6)). Personal information affecting an individual's privacy.

EXEMPTION 7. (5 USC 552(b)(7)). Records compiled for law enforcement purposes.

EXEMPTION 8 (5 USC 552(b)(8)). Records of financial institutions. OSM has never invoked this exemption.

EXEMPTION 9 (5 USC 552(b)(9)). Geological and geophysical information concerning wells. OSM has never invoked this exemption.

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Office of Surface Mining
1951 Constitution Ave. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20240