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OSM Seal Guide to requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)


We may not be able to meet deadlines established by the FOIA due to factors such as the number of requests received in an office, the volume of records sought, decentralized record keeping procedures and limitations on staff resources. We recognize that some requesters who can show "exceptional need or urgency" should have their requests processed out of turn. We may provide expedited handling when we find that there is a compelling need for the information as described below.

THREAT TO LIFE OR SAFETY. When an individual's life or personal safety would be jeopardized by failure to process a FOIA request immediately.

LOSS OF SUBSTANTIAL DUE PROCESS RIGHTS. When an individual's due process rights would be threatened if we did not process your FOIA request immediately.

URGENCY. When a member of the media (or a person primarily engaged in disseminating information) requests information, and there is an urgency to inform the public concerning an actual or alleged Federal government activity.

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Office of Surface Mining
1951 Constitution Ave. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20240