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  • VA Accomplishments 2001 to Present
    September 2004 -- The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has changed dramatically in the past several years. VA treats more veterans in more places than ever before. The department has begun the largest and most extensive restructuring of its health care system in history. The claims backlog has been significantly reduced; claims processing has nearly doubled; waiting times for appointments have decreased and research has yielded some promising new finds.

  • Results Report for VA Employees
    In May 2001, VA developed the first VA Strategic Plan for Employees. The "Employee Plan" highlighted our vision for the future and described the important role that each of us would play in improving the lives of our Nation's veterans. This document, our Results Report for VA Employees highlights some of our more significant accomplishments.

  • VA Releases CARES Final Report
    Secretary Anthony J. Principi issued his decision on the Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services (CARES) Commission report on May 7, 2004. The decision details the realignment and allocation of resources necessary for VA to meet the demand for health care services over the next 20 years. The Secretary's decision, the Commission's report to the Secretary, news releases describing actions affecting individual states and a wealth of related CARES information can be found by clicking on the CARES link above.

  • Message for Iraqi Freedom/Enduring Freedom Veterans - VA has produced this 30-second public service announcement for military service members returning from Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. Click to view the "Our Turn to Serve You " public service announcement in Windows Media Player format. Click to view the "Our Turn to Serve You " public service announcement in Real Player format. Accessibility - Click to download the transcript in pdf format. If you do not have Real Player installed, you can download a free version here from

  • VA FAIR Act 2003 Inventory - Pursuant to OMB notification in the Federal Register; and in accordance with the requirements of the FAIR Act, the VA FY 2003 Inventory of Commercial Activities is made available to the general public.

  • The VA Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Task Force Report to the Secretary contains recommendations to improve the delivery of services to veterans with service-connected disabilities and employment handicaps. The principal Task Force recommendation calls for VA to implement a new, comprehensive, employment-driven service delivery system. The Task Force also makes recommendations in the areas of strategic partnerships, program, organization, work process, and integrating capacities.
  • My HealtheVet
    VA's new veteran health portal specifically designed for veterans, their advocates, and their families. It provides one-stop shopping for VA benefits, special programs, health information and services, and a health education library that gives up-to-date information about medications and conditions, tools for measuring your health status, and the latest health news. Log on to today.
  • VA Strategic Plan 2003-2008
    This VA Strategic Plan addresses the President’s Management Agenda and defines the key strategies the Department will implement to meet the President’s goals. This plan, and the new governance process that we have established, will serve as the cornerstones of VA’s effort to strengthen our overall management, accountability, and stewardship of VA resources, and our implementation of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA). The plan also communicates a top-level summary of VA’s long-term direction and will be shared extensively with our partners and stakeholders.


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Reviewed/Updated: October 22, 2004