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Commitments of Traders - Release Schedule Dates for 2004

Backgrounder - The Commitments of Traders Report

Contains general background information and detailed explanatory notes for the short form, the long form, and the options-and-futures-combined reports. Reports are published for contract markets in which 20 or more traders hold positions equal to or above the reporting levels established by the CFTC.

Current Reports

Futures only Commitments of Traders Reports

Chicago Board of Trade Long Form Short Form
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Long Form Short Form
Chicago Board Options Exchange Long Form Short Form
Kansas City Board of Trade Long Form Short Form
Minneapolis Grain Exchange Long Form Short Form
Commodity Exchange Incorporated Long Form Short Form
Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange Long Form Short Form
New York Cotton Exchange Long Form Short Form
New York Futures Exchange Long Form Short Form
New York Mercantile Exchange Long Form Short Form
Previously Viewable Long Form Short Form

Futures and Options Combined Commitments of Traders Reports

Chicago Board of Trade Long Form Short Form
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Long Form Short Form
Chicago Board Options Exchange Long Form Short Form
Kansas City Board of Trade Long Form Short Form
Minneapolis Grain Exchange Long Form Short Form
Commodity Exchange Incorporated Long Form Short Form
Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange Long Form Short Form
New York Cotton Exchange Long Form Short Form
New York Futures Exchange Long Form Short Form
New York Mercantile Exchange Long Form Short Form
Previously Viewable Long Form Short Form

Other Available Formats

Futures Only Commitments of Traders Comma Delimited Text File
Contains the most recent futures only long form data in a comma delimited format for easy loading into a spreadsheet. See new format field descriptions (column headings).
Options and Futures Commitments of Traders Comma Delimited Text File
Contains the most recent futures only long form data in a comma delimited format for easy loading into a spreadsheet. See new format field descriptions (column headings).


Historical Reports

Historical Commitments of Traders "Futures only" Compressed Reports
The complete Commitments of Traders futures only file from 1986 is included in the new format by year. See new format field descriptions (column headings).
Historical Commitments of Traders "Futures and Options Combined" Compressed Reports
The complete Commitments of Traders futures and options combined file from March 1995 to current, is included in the new format by year. See new format field descriptions (column headings).

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