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The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is the independent, federal agency that regulates commodity futures and option markets in the United States.

In carrying out its regulatory and enforcement responsibilities under the Commodity Exchange Act, the CFTC relies upon the public as an important source of information. A questionnaire, available by clicking on the Enron Information link on the CFTC’s homepage at, has been prepared by the CFTC’s Division of Enforcement (“Division”) to assist members of the public in reporting suspicious activities or transactions involving Enron, its subsidiaries, affiliates, or related entities. The Division is also interested in receiving information relating to suspicious activities or transactions that may have affected West coast electricity or natural gas prices in January 2000 through December 31, 2001. Upon completion, the questionnaire can be transmitted to the Division electronically (by clicking on “Submit” at the bottom of the form) or mail to the Division of Enforcement, CFTC, 140 Broadway, New York, New York, 10005, or fax to (646) 746-9939.

The CFTC has established several ways individuals can submit any relevant information:

Media Case Contact:
Stephen Obie
Regional Counsel, Eastern Regional Office
CFTC Division of Enforcement
(646) 746-9766