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Commission Regulations
Commodity Exchange Act
Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000
Federal Register Notices
Contact:; (202) 418-5430

Advisories and Other Guidance

FCM and IB Financial Filings

Commodity Pool Annual Reports

Filing CPO and CTA Disclosure Documents
Registered commodity pool operators (CPOs) and commodity trading advisors ( CTAs) generally must provide prospective participants with a Disclosure Document. These documents must be filed with the National Futures Association (NFA), which reviews the documents for compliance with applicable regulations.

CPO and CTA Exclusions and Exemptions
The Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) and Part 4 of the Commission's regulations contain various provisions that provide relief from certain registration, disclosure and recordkeeping requirements for qualifying entities:

Offer or Sale of Foreign Futures and Options to Customers Located in the U.S.

Part 30 of the Commission's rules governs the offer and sale of foreign futures and options contracts to customers located in the U.S. These rules are designed to carry out Congress' intent that foreign futures and foreign options products offered or sold in the U.S. be subject to regulatory safeguards comparable to those applicable to domestic transactions. The activities that are subject to regulation and require registration include the solicitation or acceptance of orders for trading any foreign futures or foreign option contract and acceptance of money, securities or property to margin, guarantee or secure any foreign futures or foreign option trades or contracts. As set forth in Rule 30.4, any domestic or foreign person engaged in the activities of a futures commission merchant (FCM), introducing broker (IB), commodity pool operator (CPO) or commodity trading advisor (CTA) must register in the appropriate capacity or seek an exemption from registration under Rule 30.5 or Rule 30.10. Regardless of any relief from the registration requirement, all persons are subject to the antifraud provisions of Rule 30.9.

Rule 30.5 provides an exemption from registration for any person located outside of the U.S. who is required to be registered with the Commission under Part 30, other than a person required to be registered as an FCM. Rule 30.5 generally requires a firm seeking an exemption to file a petition for relief with the National Futures Association. The petitioner must, among other things, provide background and fitness information, and consent to the jurisdiction of the U.S. courts and the CFTC with respect to its dealings with U.S. customers. Notwithstanding any relief granted pursuant to Rule 30.5, all non-U.S. CTAs and CPOs must provide U.S. customers with the risk disclosures set forth in Rule 30.6.

Rule 30.10 permits a person affected by any of the requirements contained in Part 30 of the Commission's rules to petition the Commission for an exemption from such requirements. A petition for exemption pursuant to Rule 30.10 is typically filed on behalf of persons located and doing business outside the U.S. that seek access to U.S customers by (1) a governmental agency responsible for implementing and enforcing the foreign regulatory program, or (2) a self-regulatory organization (SRO) of which such persons are members. If the CFTC determines that compliance with the foreign jurisdiction's regulatory program would offer comparable protection to persons located in the U.S. as would be the case if the foreign firm complied with the U.S. regulatory system, and there is an information-sharing agreement between the Commission and the firm's home country regulator, the CFTC will issue an order to the foreign regulator granting general relief, subject to certain conditions. Individual firms seeking confirmation of that relief must then make certain representations set forth in the Rule 30.10 order issued to the foreign regulator. For a more detailed discussion of the Rule 30.10 application process, and the representations and conditions required therein, please refer to 62 Fed. Reg. 47792 (September 11, 1997) and Appendix A to Part 30. For a list of foreign government agencies and SROs that have received CFTC orders under Rule 30.10, please refer to the Backgrounder titled "Regulatory and Self-Regulatory Authorities That Have Received Exemptive Relief Under CFTC Rule 30.10."

Notwithstanding any relief granted pursuant to Rule 30.10, domestic and foreign FCMs must comply with the secured amount requirement under Rule 30.7. Rule 30.7 requires FCMs who accept money, securities or property from U.S. customers to maintain in a separate account or accounts such money, securities and property in an amount at least sufficient to cover or satisfy all of its current obligations to those customers. For a more detailed discussion of the Rule 30.7 secured amount requirement, please refer to Appendix B to Part 30. 65 Fed. Reg. 60558 (October 11, 2000).

You may obtain more information about the sale of foreign futures and options to U.S. customers by contacting Commission staff at (202) 418-5430, or by email at