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Monday, Nov. 2, 1998
CONTACT: Bruce John Milhans
(202) 606-1800

Vice President Gore Reports to President:
Federal Employees Health Benefits Program Complies with Patients’ Bill of Rights

Washington, D.C. -- In the East Room of the White House today, President Bill Clinton unveiled a report from Vice President Al Gore that detailed how the federal government has complied with provisions of the President’s Patients’ Bill of Rights.

“The Patients’ Bill of Rights applies to almost 9 million people covered by the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, and at a cost of less than a quarter per enrollee per year,” said Office of Personnel Management Director Janice R. Lachance. “It is difficult to understand why the humane, common-sense and economical provisions that the President has provided for federal employees are not being made available to all Americans.”

Vice President Gore’s report documents that the 285 health plans participating in FEHBP in 1999 -- which together cover nearly nine million federal employees, retirees and their dependents -- will implement new patient protections.

In February, the President directed Medicare, Medicaid, the Office of Personnel Management, the Department of Defense Military Health Program, and the Veteran’s Health Program -- which together serve over 85 million Americans -- to, where possible, come into compliance with the Patients’ Bill of Rights as outlined by the President’s Quality Commission. Today, the Vice President released a report highlighting that these agencies have taken all the action within their statutory authority to implement patient protections. As a result, the federal health plans are now, or soon will be, in virtual compliance with the patients’ bill of rights.

OPM has specifically requested that plans implement new protections including access to specialists, continuity of care, disclosure of financial incentives, and access to emergency room services. Finally, OPM has issue new regulations to prevent “gag clauses.” OPM is also sending information to beneficiaries to assure they are fully aware of their new patient protections.


Note to reporters: copies of the OPM report to the Vice President are available from the Office of Communications at 202-606-1800.

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Web page created 2 November 1998