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DeputyAssistant Secretary for Aging, Edwin Walker and Colin Milner, CEO ICAA.
DeputyAssistant Secretary for Aging, Edwin Walker and Colin Milner, CEO ICAA.


The Administration on Aging Helps Celebrate Active Aging Week 2004 (September 27, 2004)

Before I tell you about the You Can ! Steps to Healthier Aging Campaign, I want to take a few minutes to talk about what the Administration on Aging is doing to advance the Secretary’s Prevention initiative for older people. AoA’s mission is to promote the dignity and independence of older people and to help our society prepare for the aging of the population. The aging of America is going to require every sector of society to rethink the way it does business. This includes the business of Prevention

U.S. Administration On Aging Seeks Partners To Promote Healthy Aging (August 20 2004)

The U.S. Administration on Aging is announcing that it will start enrolling partners on September 1 in a new campaign called You Can! Steps to Healthier Aging. Together with your organization’s commitment, we can encourage older Americans to make wise food choices and increase their physical activity.

You Can! Steps to Healthier Aging (August 12 2004)

Josefina G. Carbonell met with leaders from 50 key national organizations on August 12 to discuss how they can get involved in the new campaign called “You Can! Steps to Healthier Aging.”

AoA invites all members of the National Aging Services network and interested organizations to join the campaign beginning September 1. With your organization’s commitment we can help older Americans make wise food choices and be more physically active.

AoA Announces You Can! Steps to Healthier Aging Campaign (PDF - 38KB) (April 30, 2004)

Additional Information

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Last Updated 10/5/04


Images of Healthy Aging
Federal Partners
* Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Off Site)
* National Institute on Aging (NIA)
(Off Site)
* President's Council (Off Site)
* Steps to a Healthier US Initiative (Off Site)
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Note: General enrollment begins September 1st, 2004

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Right to Refuse Applications: AoA reserves the right to review and refuse partnership enrollment applications for the You Can! campaign. It is AoA policy not to accept applications from organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, gender, or religion or in cases where the public health benefit would be outweighed by a potential negative impact to AoA or HHS.


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