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NOS Offices
Office of Response and Restoration
scientist taking sediment sample

OR&R scientists sample sediments to determine the levels and types of contamination within a site.

The Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) works to prevent and mitigate harm to coastal resources. OR&R is the primary NOAA office that responds to oil spills and hazardous material releases. It provides scientific support to the U.S. Coast Guard for spills and technical assistance to other agencies for hazardous material releases. It also works with federal, state and tribal natural resource trustees to restore damaged coastal resources.

OR&R maintains an interdisciplinary team to respond to oil and chemical spills, and other hazards threatening coastal environments and communities. It provides and coordinates advice on scientific and environmental issues. The Office forecasts the movement and behavior of spilled oil and chemicals, evaluates the risk to resources, and recommends protective and cleanup actions. OR&R also provides training, prepares and tests spill response contingency plans, and conducts research to improve response capabilities.

oiled mudflat

Oil contaminates a mudflat in Louisiana. A white boom, which is used to contain the oil, is seen in the upper right corner of the image.

OR&R experts work with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), other waste cleanup agencies and parties responsible for release of hazardous materials to insure that appropriate measures are implemented to evaluate and address contaminant threats, and restore coastal resources. OR&R scientists provide advice on ecological risk, contaminated sediments and remedial issues at more than 350 coastal waste sites that have been affected by chronic, long-term contamination.

OR&R scientists also work with other agencies, co-trustees, and coastal communities to resolve cleanup and liability settlements. In addition to working cooperatively with responsible parties, OR&R leads NOAA’s efforts to clean up and restore the Pribilof Islands, Alaska.

OR&R is responsible for coordinating NOAA's activities within the inter-agency Coral Reef Task Force. Pictured is a garibaldi swimming under a purple hydra coral.

OR&R also conducts natural resource damage assessments when oil or hazardous substances injure coastal resources. NOAA scientists, economists and lawyers collaborate with other federal, state and tribal trustees to determine the level of harm to coastal resources and what measures should be taken to restore the injured resources. OR&R also develops new and innovative techniques and procedures for improving damage assessment and restoration activities. This knowledge is shared through training and technical assistance programs with natural resource trustees, coastal managers and other decisionmakers.

OR&R also administers NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program, ensuring that all NOAA planning and budget activities related to coral reefs are coordinated. Finally, it supports NOAA’s role as the co-chair of the inter-agency Coral Reef Task Force.


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For More Information

Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) Web Site

Complete list of OR&R Web sites


Budget, personnel, organization, and program information (pdf, 68 kb)

Program Map (pdf, 100 kb)

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oil and chemical spills topic

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