Welcome to the United
States Environmental Protection Agency Web Site.
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act mandates that Federal departments
and agencies make electronic and information technology (EIT) accessible
to individuals with disabilities. This includes individuals with
disabilities who are Federal employees or members of the public
wishing to access information. EPA is committed to and is making
every possible effort to ensure that all electronic and information
technology developed, procured, maintained, or used by EPA is accessible
to people with disabilities.
Electronic Information Technology (EIT) refers to the set of tools
that include, but is not limited to, software applications and computer
hardware, telecommunications products (such as telephones), information
kiosks and transaction machines, World Wide Web sites, video and
multimedia, and office equipment (such as copiers and fax machines).
Achieving compliance with Section 508 is an ongoing process. If
you have any problems or questions about accessing information on
a particular page, please e-mail your comments using the “contact
us” link located in the footer section of the EPA web pages.
We will make sure that your comments are sent to the appropriate
office within EPA.
Visit the following Web Sites to obtain further information and
to learn more about the regulations governing accessibility of Federal
electronic information:
Section 508 home page http://www.section508.gov

Access Board http://www.access-board.gov/508.htm  |