[NPS Arrowhead] U.S. Dept. of Interior National Park Service Archeology and Ethnography Program
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federal archeology program sites and collections at work nationwide

(photo) The ruins of Fort Union National Monument, New Mexico.


The Federal archeology program is a general term that includes interpretation programs, collections care, scientific investigations, protection efforts, and public education and outreach efforts. The program covers activities on federal and tribal land, as well as federally financed, permitted, or licensed actions on nonfederal land. Authorities, regulations, and guidelines define these activities to preserve, properly treat, and protect archeological sites and objects, such as the Archeological Resources Protection Act and the National Historic Preservation Act, especially Sections 106 and 110. The archeological work involves the identification, evaluation, and nomination of historic properties to the National Register of Historic Places. The foundation for these activities and programs was laid by the authorities and protections provided by the Antiquities Act of 1906.

Dozens of federal agencies, such as the Bureau of Land Management, US Army Corps of Engineers, Forest Service, and National Park Service, have archeological programs related to their own activities and responsibilities. The Secretary of the Interior is charged with providing general guidance and coordination for all of federal archeology. The Secretary is required to report to Congress on federal archeological activities under the Archeological and Historic Preservation Act and the Archaeological Resources Protection Act. The Departmental Consulting Archeologist accomplishes the report for the Secretary with the support of the Archeology and Ethnography Program, NPS, and cooperation of dozens of federal agencies.

The position of Departmental Consulting Archeologist (DCA) was created in 1927 to advise the Secretary of the Interior about archeological matters handled by any bureau of the Department. For many years, the DCA primarily reviewed permit applications under the Antiquities Act of 1906 and made recommendations to the Secretary. Yet, even during the earliest years of the DCA function, other important activities were linked to the job. These include: advocating better protection of archeological sites scattered over the lands of the Department, mainly in the Southwest; preventing unlawful excavation and gathering of objects of antiquity on federal and tribal lands; inspecting the orderly progression of archeological field work under secreterial permit; and, encouraging the publication of information through the scientific and educational institutions that carried out most of the early archeological studies done under Antiquities Act permits.

Since the late 1950s, the DCA function has expanded beyond enforcement related to the Antiquities Act to a more general guidance role as required by the set of laws mentioned above. Currently, the DCA is the program manager for the Archeology and Ethnography program, NPS. The kinds of guidance and activities carried out today by this function include: (1) developing regulations and policy documents, often in concert with other federal agency officials, such as the uniform regulations for the Archaeological Resources Protection Act and the National Strategy for Federal Archeology; (2) coordinating joint archeological activities and programs undertaken by federal and other public agencies; (3) implementing the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act within units of the National Park Service; (4) developing, maintaining, and coordinating the implementation of the National Archeological Database; (5) preparing the Secretary of the Interior's Report to Congress on Federal archeology; (6) developing and publishing technical and programmatic information related to archeological preservation, such as the Abandoned Shipwreck Act Guidelines; (7) developing training courses; and, (8) maintaining clearinghouses on incidents of vandalism to archeological resources on public and tribal lands and on efforts to educate the public on the nature and value of archeological resources.





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