National Park Service
Park Name A juvenile and an adult condor in the flight pen. Photo by K. Lalumiere.
Condor Release Program

Hoi is the adult mentor bird that teaches the young condors the skills they need to survive in the wild. Photography by Ralph W. Schardt. On Thursday, October 28, condor 307 was released into the wild at Pinnacles National Monument. Two other birds were slated to be released, but did not choose to enter the double-door trap that serves as the exit for the flight pen. Two more birds will be released over the next few days.

If you see condors, please view them from a distance and never approach them or try to feed them.

Other Related Information
Ventana Wilderness Society Condor Information
San Diego Wild Animal Park Condor Program
US Fish & Wildlife Service Condor Information
Peregrine Fund Condor Restoration Information
Oregon Zoo
Los Angeles Zoo
California Condor Recovery Program

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