Description of how laws and regulations come to be, what they are,
and where to find them.
EPA Dockets
EPA Dockets (EDOCKET) is an electronic public docket and on-line
comment system designed to expand access to documents in EPA’s major

Search, view, and comment on hundreds of Federal regulations open
for comment from up to 160 Federal agencies.
Major Environmental Laws
Major statutes or laws that form the legal basis for the programs
of the EPA.
Current Legislation
in Congress
Current legislation before the U.S. Congress, Congressional
Committees, and uncompiled Public Laws.
U.S. Code
Official Record of all U.S. Laws.
Regulations and Proposed
New regulations, proposed rules, the Federal Register,
dockets, and the regulatory agenda of future regulations.
Code of Federal Regulations
Federal regulations codified in the Code of Federal
Regulations and additional material related to Title
40: Protection of Environment.
Guidance Documents
A collection of non-binding guidance materials issued
by EPA Headquarters offices since January 1, 1999.
The collection includes documents issued to Regions,
states, and/or the regulated community which explain
what must be done to meet environmental requirements
or explain how EPA will exercises its discretion in
implementing statutory or regulatory requirements.