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Acid Rain
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Acid rain is caused when fossil fuel emissions combine with water in the atmosphere. The environmental effects of acid rain include the acidification of lakes and streams, damage to trees at high altitude, the acceleration of decay in buildings and poorer air quality. Acid Rain also poses serious human health risks by contributing to heart and lung disorders such as asthma and bronchitis. Through the Acid Rain Program and other Clean Air initiatives, the EPA monitors and seeks to reduce the effects of acid rain by regulating industrial emissions and advocating energy efficiency alternatives and pollution prevention programs.

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Browse these EPA Acid Rain subtopics
Air Pollutants
Aerosols, Asbestos, Carbon Monoxide, Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), Criteria Air Pollutants, Ground Level Ozone, Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs), Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), Lead, Mercury, Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Particulate Matter (PM), Propellants, Radon, Refrigerants, Substitutes, Sulfur Oxides (SO2), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Air Pollution
Certification Programs, Clear Skies, Community Involvement, Industrial Air Pollution, New Source Review, Research, State Implementation Plans, Stationary Sources, Testing, Transboundary Pollution, Urban Air Pollution

Air Pollution Control
Abatement, Remediation, Treatment

Check! Air Pollution Effects
Acid Rain, Climate Change, Economic Effects, Environmental Effects, Global Warming, Health Effects, Risk Assessment

Air Pollution Legal Aspects
Compliance, Enforcement, Guidance, Legislation, Permits, Regulations, Reporting, Standards

Air Pollution Monitoring
Emission Factor, Emission Inventory, Emissions, Measurement, Models, Monitoring, World Trade Center Monitoring

Air Quality
Air Quality Criteria, Air Quality Models, Attainment, Emission Factor, Emission Inventory, Emissions, Emissions Measurement, Emissions Trading, Measurement, Models, Monitoring, Nonattainment

Climate Change, Global Warming, Ground Level Ozone, Ozone Depletion, Ozone Layer, Ozone Monitoring, Ozone Transport, Smog, Ultraviolet Radiation (UV)

Indoor Air Pollution
Carbon Monoxide, Environmental Tobacco Smoke, Fireplaces, Mercury, Mold, Radon, Sick Building Syndrome, Vermiculite, World Trade Center Dust Cleanup

Mobile Sources
Airplanes, Automobiles, Diesels, Engines, Fuels, Inspection and Maintenance, Lawn and Garden Equipment, Locomotives, Marine Engines, Trucks and Buses, Used Oil Recycling, Vehicle Emissions

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This page last updated: November 13, 2004