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Conservation subtopics Alphabetical List of All Topics

One of the best ways to preserve our natural resources and reduce the amount of waste we generate is through conservation. The benefits of conservation are numerous, including cost savings, pollution prevention and job creation. EPA seeks to conserve our environmental resources through two methods: re-use and reduction. The re-use, or recycling of resources, lowers the demands for new resources and reduces waste. Reduction serves the same purposes through the more efficient use of resources. Through grants and other initiatives, EPA encourages the development and implementation of new technologies such as low-flush toilets and hybrid vehicle engines that contribute to the conservation of our natural resources and the protection of the environment.

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Browse these EPA Conservation subtopics
Best Management Practices

Check! Conservation

Alternative Fuels, Clean Fuels, Energy Conservation, Energy Efficiency, Fuel Economy, Geothermal Energy, Hydropower, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Wind Power

Pollution Prevention Programs

Aluminum, Batteries, Compost, Glass, Paper, Plastics, Refrigerant Recycling, Tires, Used Oil

Smart Growth

Sustainable Development

Transportation Alternatives
Biking, Ride Sharing, Transportation Control Measures

Voluntary Partnerships

Waste Reduction
Refrigerant Recovery, Source Reduction, Waste Exchanges, Waste Minimization

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This page last updated: November 13, 2004