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Fuels and Fuel Additives
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Diesel Fuel

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New!  Reducing Nonroad Diesel Emissions
EPA is proposing new emission standards for nonroad diesel engines used in construction, agricultural and industrial operations.  The Agency is also proposing a more than 99 percent reduction in the sulfur content in fuel used by these engines.  The proposed emission standards would achieve a reduction in particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) levels of more than 90 percent.   This will significantly improve the air quality for Americans nationwide.
Contact:  ASD Information Line, phone:  (734) 214-4636, email:

Some chemical characteristics and natural impurities in diesel fuel can affect exhaust emissions from diesel engines, can damage or impede the operation of emission control devices, and can increase secondary pollutant formation in the atmosphere.  The Environmental Protection Agency, which has a mandate to assure healthy air quality, has regulated highway diesel fuel quality since 1993 and most recently established low sulfur requirements in diesel fuel starting in 2006. 

Contact:  Richard Babst, phone:  (202) 564-9473, email: or
Early introduction of ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel:
Jim Blubaugh, phone:  (202) 564-9244 or email:

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court house  Diesel Fuel Programs and Regulations

Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicle Standards and Highway Diesel Sulfur Control Requirements
This rule established a single comprehensive national control program that will regulate the heavy-duty vehicle and its fuel as a single system.  The new sulfur standards for highway diesel fuel begin to take effect in 2006.  The new emissions standards for heavy-duty vehicles begin to take effect in 2007.
Contact:  Anne Pastorkovich, phone: (202) 564-8987, email:

Related links

Final Rule:  Fuel Quality Regulations for Highway Diesel Fuel Sold in 1993 and Later Calendar Years.  Rule that established initial highway diesel fuel requirements.  An electronic version of this Federal Register (FR) Notice is not available at this time. Hard copy version is located at Volume 55, page 34120 of FR, published August 21, 1990.  Also see revised rule published January 18, 2001 (above).

Regulations Related to Highway Diesel Fuel in Alaska & U.S. Territories

State of Alaska Petition for Exemption from Diesel Fuel Sulfur and Dye Requirements.
Contact:  Richard Babst, phone:  (202) 564-9473, email:

Old Federal Register Notices Related to Diesel Fuel in Alaska and US Territories
Unfortunately, the following Federal Register notices are not yet available on our website, but are listed for your convenience with citations to the Federal Register volume, page and date.
Contact:  Richard Babst, phone:  (202) 564-9473, email:

  • Direct Final Decision to Exempt Mariana Islands from Diesel Fuel Sulfur Requirements - 59 FR 26129 (May 19, 1994)
  • Final Decision to Exempt Alaska for Rural Areas and to October 1, 1996 for Highway Areas  - 59 FR 13610 (March 22, 1994)
  • Direct Final Decision to Exempt Guam from Diesel Fuel Sulfur Requirements - 58 FR 48968 (September 21, 1993)
  • Proposed Decision to Exempt Alaska for Rural Areas and to October 1, 1996 for Highway Areas - 58 FR 45307 (August 27, 1993)
  • Final Decision to Exempt American Samoa from the Diesel Fuel Sulfur Content Requirements - 57 FR 32010 (July 20, 1992)
  • Proposed Decision to Exempt American Samoa from the Diesel Fuel Sulfur Content Requirements - 56 FR 58243 (November 18, 1991)

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Links to Diesel-Related EPA Pages

  • Voluntary Diesel Retrofit Program.  Addresses pollution from diesel construction equipment and heavy-duty vehicles tht are currently on the road.  This site is designed for fleet operators, air quality planners in state/local government and retrofit manufacturers.
  • Health Assessment Document for Diesel Exhaust EPA/600/8-90/057, May 2002.  This assessment examined possible health hazards associated with exposure to diesel engine exhaust.  (The document download, which is very large, appears half way down this page.)
  • Clean Diesel Independent Review Panel.  Provides independent advice to the Agency on industries' progress in developing and demonstrating technologies that will be used to reduce engine exhaust emissions and to lower the sulfur level of highway diesel fuel.
  • Diesel Fuel Analysis Program  EPA program that quantifies air pollution emission effects of diesel fuel parameters on various nonroad and heavy-duty (large) diesel engines.
  • Diesel Additives List of diesel additives registered by companies / manufacturers in accordance with the regulations at Title 40 of Code of Federal Register, Part 79.  Fuel additives are chemicals added to gasoline or diesel fuel for various reasons, including octane or cetane enhancement, and inhibiting corrosion.
  • Truck and Bus Engines Emission Standards Guidance, regulations, and general information on emission standards for heavy-duty highway diesel engines and vehicles.
  • Nonroad Engine Emission Standards  General information, reports, and proposals for nonroad engine emission standards (e.g., marine diesel engines).

Links to Related EPA Sites

  • Tier 2/Gasoline Sulfur Home Page Information on more protective tailpipe emissions standards for all passenger vehicles.  Also information on standards for lower sulfur in gasoline.
  • Fuels Home Page Information on EPA's fuels programs and standards including reformulated gasoline, fuel additives, gasoline detergents, oxygenated gasoline, alternative / clean fuels, etc.
  • Fuels Reporting Forms (including company and facility registration forms) The registration forms are for reformulated gasoline and conventional gasoline (anti-dumping), but are also used for diesel refiner registration under the diesel sulfur rule (40 CFR 80 Subpart I)
  • Vehicle Emission Standards Provides links to emission and certification standards for automobiles, motorcycles, trucks, and buses.

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External Links to Related Information  Exit EPA Disclaimer

Code of Federal Regulations - Title 40 CFR Part 80 Compilation of federal regulations of fuel and fuel additives, including diesel fuel.
This link is to the Government Printing Office's site.

IRS Tax Code with Diesel Fuel Dye Requirement (26 CFR Chapter I, 48.4082-1).  Tax exemption for dyed diesel fuel.  (Diesel fuel that is dyed red is assumed to not be highway fuel and may not be used in highway vehicles since it does not meet federal, diesel quality standards (e.g., sulfur content) unless it is used in a manner that is tax-exempt as defined by the IRS.)
This link is to the Government Printing Office's site.

Alaska Department of Conservation, Division of Air and Water Quality, "Ultra Low Sulfur" page.
This page is on Alaska's efforts to develop an alternate plan for the state to transition to low-sulfur diesel fuel.
Alaska Department of Conservation.

California Air Resources Board: California's Diesel Risk Reduction Program CA program to further reduce diesel particulate matter (PM) emissions from diesel-fueled engines and vehicles.
California Environmental Protection Agency

California Air Resources Board: Diesel Fuel Program CA's overall diesel fuel programs including sulfur content standards.
California Environmental Protection Agency

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