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Remembering Pearl Harbor--
Supplementary Resources

Remembering Pearl Harbor: The USS Arizona Memorial
examines the attack that led the U.S. to enter World War II and shows how that event has been remembered. Those interested in learning more about the ship, the memorial, and what happened on December 7, 1941 will find a rich variety of materials on the Internet.

USS Arizona Resources
USS Arizona Memorial
The Memorial is one of the 378 units of the National Park Service. The park's web pages describe the history of the memorial and the events of December 7; it also provides a full Pearl Harbor casualty list and a list of the survivors on the Arizona.

Maritime Heritage Program
The National Park Service's Maritime Heritage Program works to advance awareness and understanding of the role of maritime affairs in the history of the United States by helping to interpret and preserve our maritime heritage. The program's Web pages include information on National Park Service maritime parks, historic ships, lighthouses, and life saving stations.

University of Arizona's USS Arizona Exhibit
This web site presents papers, photographs, and memorabilia of the USS Arizona held by the University of Arizona Library Special Collections. It also includes a history of the Arizona and links to other Internet resources about the ship and the attack at Pearl Harbor.

The Arizona Revisited: Divers explore the legacy of Pearl Harbor
A member of the National Park Service's Submerged Cultural Resources Unit describes diving in the wreckage of the Arizona and other ships damaged during the attack on Pearl Harbor. His article also includes drawings of the Arizona in its present resting place.

USS Arizona Memorial Fund: Pearl Harbor Commemorative
For those interested in learning more about how the memorial was created, the USS Arizona Memorial Fund website [www.pearlharbormemorial.com/] provides indepth information on this effort to preserve this significant event in our nation's history.

Pearl Harbor Resources
National Archives (NARA)
The Archives has placed on its web site many items about Pearl Harbor. Find them by visiting the NARA search engine. Use search terms such as Pearl Harbor, World War II, USS Arizona, and other terms from the lesson to access a variety of primary sources on the subject. The Archives' Digital Classroom offers materials such as the first typed draft of FDR's war address, links to later drafts, and additional suggestions for teaching activities.

Pearl Harbor Remembered
Don Schaaf's collection of resources provides photographs, oral histories of survivors, and an audio clip of President Roosevelt's "day that will live in infamy" speech.

Remembering Pearl Harbor: WWII Resources
The Pearl Harbor Working Group offers primary sources about the attack, including a discussion of the some of the most controversial claims surrounding the event, the Congressional hearings that followed the attack, and links to other sites that consider Pearl Harbor.

Historical Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Seagate, and Carnegie Mellon University's Universal Library system created an on-line version of The Historical Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The content is scanned directly from microfilm and contains nearly every issue of the Post-Gazette around the time of Pearl Harbor.

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