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Summary of U.S. Export Controls on Libya

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers | BIS License Requirements
BIS Licensing Policy |Department of the Treasury Licensing | Regulation

On April 23, 2004, the Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) issued General License 550.575, which transferred licensing jurisdiction for the export of items subject to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS). The effective date of this General License is April 29, 2004. OFAC continues to maintain certain financial restrictions, including blocking the assets of named persons. You should consult with OFAC if you have questions regarding these issues.

On April 29, 2004, BIS published an amendment to the EAR in the Federal Register. This amendment updates our license requirements for Libya. The amendment is consistent with changes in U.S. legal authorities concerning Libya and reflects Libya's continuing good faith effort to completely dismantle its weapons of mass destruction and missile programs, and adherence to its renunciation of terrorism.

In summary, BIS's new licensing requirements and policies for Libya are as follows:

License Requirements

Deemed Exports

De minimis

License Exceptions

Licensing Policy

License applications for exports or reexports to Libya will be reviewed pursuant to applicable licensing policies in the EAR, as follows:


Nuclear Nonproliferation

National Security

Missile Technology

Cryptographic, Cryptoanalytic, and Cryptologic items


Crime Control

Civil Aircraft

End-use/End-user Controls

Department of the Treasury Licensing



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