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Ejournal access is usually limited to LANL.
= ejournal information

« A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z »

information about I.T. magazine 1196-4715 I.T. magazine
information about IAEA bulletin 0020-6067 IAEA bulletin
information about IBAR 0332-1118 IBAR
information about IBM journal of research and development 0018-8646 IBM journal of research and development
information about IBM systems journal 0018-8670 IBM systems journal
    Jan. 1, 1987-
    v.33, no.1- (1994- )
information about Icarus 0019-1035 ; 1090-2643 (Electronic) Icarus
information about ICES journal of marine science 1054-3139 ICES journal of marine science
information about Ichthyological research 1341-8998 ; 1616-3915 (Electronic) Ichthyological research
information about IEE proceedings. A, Science, measurement and technology 0960-7641 ; 0143-702X IEE proceedings. A, Science, measurement and technology
    v. 135-137 (1988-1990)
    v. 138-140 (1991-1993)
information about IEE proceedings. B, Electric power applications 0143-7038 IEE proceedings. B, Electric power applications
information about IEE proceedings. C, Generation, transmission, and distribution 0143-7046 IEE proceedings. C, Generation, transmission, and distribution
information about IEE proceedings. Circuits, devices and systems 1350-2409 IEE proceedings. Circuits, devices and systems
information about IEE proceedings. Communications 1350-2425 IEE proceedings. Communications
information about IEE proceedings. Computers and digital techniques 1350-2387 IEE proceedings. Computers and digital techniques
information about IEE proceedings. Control theory and applications 1350-2379 IEE proceedings. Control theory and applications
information about IEE proceedings. D, Control theory and applications 0143-7054 IEE proceedings. D, Control theory and applications
information about IEE proceedings. E, Computers and digital techniques 0143-7062 IEE proceedings. E, Computers and digital techniques
information about IEE proceedings. Electric power applications 1350-2352 IEE proceedings. Electric power applications
information about IEE proceedings. F, Radar and signal processing 0956-375X ; 0143-7070 IEE proceedings. F, Radar and signal processing
    v. 137-141, no. 1 (Feb. 1990-Feb. 1994)
    v.135-136 (1988-1989)
information about IEE proceedings. G, Circuits, devices, and systems 0956-3768 IEE proceedings. G, Circuits, devices, and systems
information about IEE proceedings. Generation, transmission, and distribution 1350-2360 IEE proceedings. Generation, transmission, and distribution
information about IEE proceedings. H, Microwaves, antennas, and propagation 0950-107X ; 0143-7097 IEE proceedings. H, Microwaves, antennas, and propagation
    v. 135, no.1-v. 138, no.3 (Feb. 1988-June 1991)
    v. 138, no.4-v. 140, no.6 (Aug. 1991-Dec. 1993)
information about IEE proceedings. I, Communications, speech, and vision 0956-3776 ; 0143-7100 IEE proceedings. I, Communications, speech, and vision
    v. 135-v.137, no.3 (Feb. 1988-June 1990)
    v. 137, no.4-v. 140 (Aug. 1990-Dec. 1993)
information about IEE proceedings. J, Optoelectronics 0267-3932 IEE proceedings. J, Optoelectronics
information about IEE proceedings. Microwaves, antennas and propagation 1350-2417 IEE proceedings. Microwaves, antennas and propagation
information about IEE proceedings. Nanobiotechnology 1478-1581 IEE proceedings. Nanobiotechnology
information about IEE proceedings. Optoelectronics 1350-2433 IEE proceedings. Optoelectronics
information about IEE proceedings. Radar, sonar, and navigation 1350-2395 IEE proceedings. Radar, sonar, and navigation
information about IEE proceedings. Science, measurement and technology 1350-2344 IEE proceedings. Science, measurement and technology
information about IEE proceedings. Software 1462-5970 IEE proceedings. Software
information about IEE proceedings. Software engineering 1364-5080 IEE proceedings. Software engineering
information about IEE proceedings. Vision, image, and signal processing 1350-245X IEE proceedings. Vision, image, and signal processing
information about IEE review 0953-5683 ; 0013-5127 IEE review
information about IEEE aerospace and electronic systems magazine 0885-8985 IEEE aerospace and electronic systems magazine
information about IEEE annals of the history of computing 1058-6180 IEEE annals of the history of computing
information about IEEE antennas & propagation magazine 1045-9243 IEEE antennas & propagation magazine
information about IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters 1536-1225 IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters
information about IEEE ASSP magazine 0740-7467 IEEE ASSP magazine
information about IEEE circuits and devices magazine 8755-3996 IEEE circuits and devices magazine
information about IEEE circuits and systems magazine 1531-636X IEEE circuits and systems magazine
information about IEEE communications letters 1089-7798 IEEE communications letters
information about IEEE communications magazine 0163-6804 IEEE communications magazine
information about IEEE computational science & engineering 1070-9924 IEEE computational science & engineering
information about IEEE computer applications in power 0895-0156 IEEE computer applications in power
information about IEEE computer graphics and applications 0272-1716 IEEE computer graphics and applications
information about IEEE concurrency 1092-3063 IEEE concurrency
information about IEEE control systems magazine 0272-1708 IEEE control systems magazine
information about IEEE design & test of computers 0740-7475 IEEE design & test of computers
information about IEEE distributed systems online 1541-4922 IEEE distributed systems online
    v.1, no.1- (2000- )
    v.5, no.1- (Jan. 2004- )
information about IEEE electrical insulation magazine 0883-7554 IEEE electrical insulation magazine
information about IEEE electron device letters 0741-3106 IEEE electron device letters
information about IEEE engineering in medicine and biology magazine 0739-5175 IEEE engineering in medicine and biology magazine
information about IEEE engineering management review 0360-8581 IEEE engineering management review
information about IEEE expert 0885-9000 IEEE expert
information about IEEE geoscience and remote sensing letters 1545-598X IEEE geoscience and remote sensing letters
information about IEEE industry applications magazine 1077-2618 IEEE industry applications magazine
information about IEEE instrumentation & measurement magazine 1094-6969 IEEE instrumentation & measurement magazine
information about IEEE intelligent systems 1094-7167 IEEE intelligent systems
information about IEEE internet computing 1089-7801 IEEE internet computing
information about IEEE journal of oceanic engineering 0364-9059 IEEE journal of oceanic engineering
information about IEEE journal of quantum electronics 0018-9197 IEEE journal of quantum electronics
information about IEEE journal of robotics and automation 0882-4967 IEEE journal of robotics and automation
information about IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics 1077-260X IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics
information about IEEE journal of solid-state circuits 0018-9200 IEEE journal of solid-state circuits
information about IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 0733-8716 IEEE journal on selected areas in communications
information about IEEE LCS 1045-9235 IEEE LCS
information about IEEE LTS 1055-6877 IEEE LTS
information about IEEE micro 0272-1732 IEEE micro
information about IEEE microwave and guided wave letters 1051-8207 IEEE microwave and guided wave letters
information about IEEE microwave and wireless components letters 1531-1309 IEEE microwave and wireless components letters
information about IEEE multimedia 1070-986X IEEE multimedia
information about IEEE network 0890-8044 IEEE network
information about IEEE parallel & distributed technology 1063-6552 IEEE parallel & distributed technology
information about IEEE personal communications 1070-9916 IEEE personal communications
information about IEEE pervasive computing 1536-1268 IEEE pervasive computing
information about IEEE photonics technology letters 1041-1135 IEEE photonics technology letters
information about IEEE potentials 0278-6648 IEEE potentials
information about IEEE power and energy magazine 1540-7977 IEEE power and energy magazine
information about IEEE power electronics letters 1540-7985 IEEE power electronics letters
information about IEEE power engineering review 0272-1724 IEEE power engineering review
information about IEEE robotics & automation magazine 1070-9932 IEEE robotics & automation magazine
information about IEEE security & privacy 1540-7993 IEEE security & privacy
information about IEEE sensors journal 1530-437X IEEE sensors journal
information about IEEE signal processing letters 1070-9908 IEEE signal processing letters
information about IEEE signal processing magazine 1053-5888 IEEE signal processing magazine
information about IEEE software 0740-7459 IEEE software
information about IEEE spectrum 0018-9235 IEEE spectrum
information about IEEE TCDL bulletin IEEE TCDL bulletin
information about IEEE technology & society magazine 0278-0097 IEEE technology & society magazine
information about IEEE transactions on acoustics, speech, and signal processing 0096-3518 IEEE transactions on acoustics, speech, and signal processing
information about IEEE transactions on advanced packaging 1521-3323 IEEE transactions on advanced packaging
information about IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems 0018-9251 IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems
information about IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 0018-926X IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation
information about IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 1051-8223 IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity
information about IEEE transactions on automatic control 0018-9286 IEEE transactions on automatic control
information about IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering 0018-9294 IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering
information about IEEE transactions on broadcasting 0018-9316 IEEE transactions on broadcasting
information about IEEE transactions on circuits and systems 0098-4094 IEEE transactions on circuits and systems
information about IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 1051-8215 IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology
information about IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. 1, Fundamental theory and applications 1057-7122 IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. 1, Fundamental theory and applications
information about IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. 2, Analog and digital signal processing 1057-7130 IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. 2, Analog and digital signal processing
information about IEEE transactions on communications 0090-6778 IEEE transactions on communications
information about IEEE transactions on components and packaging technologies 1521-3331 IEEE transactions on components and packaging technologies
information about IEEE transactions on components, hybrids, and manufacturing technology 0148-6411 IEEE transactions on components, hybrids, and manufacturing technology
information about IEEE transactions on components, packaging, and manufacturing technology. Part A 1070-9886 IEEE transactions on components, packaging, and manufacturing technology. Part A
information about IEEE transactions on components, packaging, and manufacturing technology. Part B, Advanced packaging 1070-9894 IEEE transactions on components, packaging, and manufacturing technology. Part B, Advanced packaging
information about IEEE transactions on components, packaging, and manufacturing technology. Part C. Manufacturing 1083-4400 IEEE transactions on components, packaging, and manufacturing technology. Part C. Manufacturing
information about IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems 0278-0070 IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems
information about IEEE transactions on computers 0018-9340 IEEE transactions on computers
information about IEEE transactions on consumer electronics 0098-3063 IEEE transactions on consumer electronics
information about IEEE transactions on control systems technology 1063-6536 IEEE transactions on control systems technology
information about IEEE transactions on device and materials reliability 1530-4388 IEEE transactions on device and materials reliability
information about IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation 1070-9878 IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation
information about IEEE transactions on education 0018-9359 IEEE transactions on education
information about IEEE transactions on electrical insulation 0018-9367 IEEE transactions on electrical insulation
information about IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility 0018-9375 IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility
information about IEEE transactions on electron devices 0018-9383 IEEE transactions on electron devices
information about IEEE transactions on electronics packaging manufacturing 1521-334X IEEE transactions on electronics packaging manufacturing
information about IEEE transactions on energy conversion 0885-8969 IEEE transactions on energy conversion
information about IEEE transactions on engineering management 0018-9391 IEEE transactions on engineering management
information about IEEE Transactions on evolutionary computation 1089-778X IEEE Transactions on evolutionary computation
information about IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems 1063-6706 IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems
information about IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 0196-2892 IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing
information about IEEE transactions on image processing 1057-7149 IEEE transactions on image processing
information about IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 0278-0046 IEEE transactions on industrial electronics
information about IEEE transactions on industry applications 0093-9994 IEEE transactions on industry applications
information about IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine 1089-7771 IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine
information about IEEE transactions on information theory 0018-9448 IEEE transactions on information theory
information about IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 0018-9456 IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement
information about IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 1524-9050 IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems
information about IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 1041-4347 IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering
information about IEEE transactions on magnetics 0018-9464 IEEE transactions on magnetics
information about IEEE transactions on medical imaging 0278-0062 IEEE transactions on medical imaging
information about IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 0018-9480 IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques
information about IEEE transactions on mobile computing 1536-1233 IEEE transactions on mobile computing
information about IEEE transactions on multimedia 1520-9210 IEEE transactions on multimedia
information about IEEE transactions on nanobioscience 1536-1241 IEEE transactions on nanobioscience
information about IEEE transactions on nanotechnology 1536-125X IEEE transactions on nanotechnology
information about IEEE transactions on neural networks 1045-9227 IEEE transactions on neural networks
information about IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 1534-4320 IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering
information about IEEE transactions on nuclear science 0018-9499 IEEE transactions on nuclear science
information about IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 1045-9219 IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems
information about IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 0162-8828 IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence
information about IEEE transactions on plasma science 0093-3813 IEEE transactions on plasma science
information about IEEE transactions on power delivery 0885-8977 IEEE transactions on power delivery
information about IEEE transactions on power electronics 0885-8993 IEEE transactions on power electronics
information about IEEE transactions on power systems 0885-8950 IEEE transactions on power systems
information about IEEE transactions on professional communication 0361-1434 IEEE transactions on professional communication
information about IEEE transactions on rehabilitation engineering 1063-6528 IEEE transactions on rehabilitation engineering
information about IEEE transactions on reliability 0018-9529 IEEE transactions on reliability
information about IEEE transactions on robotics and automation 1042-296X IEEE transactions on robotics and automation
information about IEEE transactions on semiconductor manufacturing 0894-6507 IEEE transactions on semiconductor manufacturing
information about IEEE transactions on signal processing 1053-587X IEEE transactions on signal processing
information about IEEE transactions on software engineering 0098-5589 IEEE transactions on software engineering
information about IEEE transactions on speech and audio processing 1063-6676 IEEE transactions on speech and audio processing
information about IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part A. Systems and humans 1083-4427 IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part A. Systems and humans
information about IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part B, Cybernetics 1083-4419 IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part B, Cybernetics
information about IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part C. Applications and reviews 1094-6977 IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part C. Applications and reviews
information about IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics 0018-9472 IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics
information about IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 0885-3010 IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control
information about IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 0018-9545 IEEE transactions on vehicular technology
information about IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems 1063-8210 IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems
information about IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 1077-2626 IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics
information about IEEE transactions on wireless communications 1536-1276 IEEE transactions on wireless communications
information about IEEE wireless communications 1536-1284 IEEE wireless communications
information about IEEE/ACM transactions on networking 1063-6692 IEEE/ACM transactions on networking
    v.1, no.1- (Feb.1993- )
    v. 1, no. 1- (Feb. 1993-)
information about IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics 1083-4435 IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics
information about IIE transactions 0740-817X IIE transactions
    Dec. 1, 1987-
    v. 29, no. 2- (1997-)
information about III-Vs review 0961-1290 III-Vs review
information about Illinois business review 0019-1922 Illinois business review
information about Illinois journal of mathematics 0019-2082 Illinois journal of mathematics
information about ILR report 0736-6396 ILR report
information about IMA journal of applied mathematics 0272-4960 ; 1464-3634 IMA journal of applied mathematics
information about IMA journal of numerical analysis 0272-4979 IMA journal of numerical analysis
information about Image and vision computing 0262-8856 Image and vision computing
information about Immunity 1074-7613 Immunity
    v.4, no.1 (Jan 1996- )
    v.1, no.1-8 (1994); v.13, no.1-4 (2000)
information about Immuno-analyse & biologie specialisee 0923-2532 Immuno-analyse & biologie specialisee
information about Immunochemistry 0019-2791 Immunochemistry
information about Immunogenetics 0093-7711 ; 1432-1211 (Electronic) Immunogenetics
information about Immunological reviews 0105-2896 ; 1600-065X (Electronic) Immunological reviews
information about Immunologie & Impfen 1435-2842 ; 1435-862x (Electronic) Immunologie & Impfen
information about Immunology 0019-2805 Immunology
information about Immunology and cell biology 0818-9641 ; 1440-1711 Immunology and cell biology
information about Immunology letters 0165-2478 Immunology letters
information about Immunology today 0167-5699 Immunology today
information about ImmunoMethods 1058-6687 ImmunoMethods
information about Immunopharmacology 0162-3109 Immunopharmacology
information about Immunotechnology 1380-2933 Immunotechnology
information about IMPACT of computing in science and engineering 0899-8248 IMPACT of computing in science and engineering
information about Implantodontie 1158-1336 Implantodontie
information about In business 0190-2458 In business
information about In context In context
    Feb. 2000-
    June 2001-
information about In session 1077-2413 In session
information about In silico biology 1386-6338 In silico biology
information about In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Animal 1071-2690 In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Animal
information about In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Plant 1054-5476 In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Plant
information about Inc 0162-8968 Inc
    (Mar.1988- )
    Dec. 1, 1987 -
information about Incentive 1042-5195 Incentive
information about The incorporated statistician 1466-9404 The incorporated statistician
information about Indagationes mathematicae 0019-3577 Indagationes mathematicae
information about Independent 1099-6052 Independent
information about Independent energy 1043-7320 Independent energy
information about Indiana business review 0019-6541 Indiana business review
information about Indiana University mathematics journal 0022-2518 Indiana University mathematics journal
information about Indo-Iranian journal 0019-7246 Indo-Iranian journal
information about Industrial & engineering chemistry 0019-7866 Industrial & engineering chemistry
information about Industrial & engineering chemistry research 0888-5885 Industrial & engineering chemistry research
    v.35, no.1- (1996- )
information about Industrial & engineering chemistry. Fundamentals 0196-4313 Industrial & engineering chemistry. Fundamentals
information about Industrial & engineering chemistry. Process design and development 0196-4305 Industrial & engineering chemistry. Process design and development
information about Industrial & engineering chemistry. Product research and development 0196-4321 Industrial & engineering chemistry. Product research and development
information about Industrial & labor relations review 0019-7939 Industrial & labor relations review
information about Industrial crops and products 0926-6690 Industrial crops and products
information about Industrial distribution 0019-8153 Industrial distribution
    (Jan.1995- )
    July 1, 1996 - May 2003.
information about Industrial laboratory 0019-8447 Industrial laboratory
information about Industrial management 0019-8471 Industrial management
information about Industrial marketing management 0019-8501 Industrial marketing management
information about The Industrial physicist 1082-1848 The Industrial physicist
information about Industry and innovation 1366-2716 Industry and innovation
information about Industry week 0039-0895 Industry week
information about Infant and child development 1522-7227 ; 1522-7219 (Electronic) Infant and child development
information about Infant behavior & development 0163-6383 Infant behavior & development
information about Infant mental health journal 0163-9641 ; 1097-0355 (Electronic) Infant mental health journal
information about Infection 0300-8126 ; 1439-0973 (Electronic) Infection
information about Infection and immunity 0019-9567 ; 1098-5522 (Electronic) Infection and immunity
information about Infection, genetics and evolution 1567-1348 Infection, genetics and evolution
information about Infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology 1064-7449 ; 1098-0997 (Electronic) Infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology
information about Infectious diseases newsletter 0278-2316 Infectious diseases newsletter
information about Infinite energy 1081-6372 Infinite energy
information about Inflammation 0360-3997 Inflammation
information about Inflammation research 1023-3830 ; 1420-908X (Electronic) Inflammation research
information about Info World Canada 1208-4182 Info World Canada
information about INFOR 0315-5986 INFOR
information about Inform 0892-3876 Inform
information about Informatik 0178-3564 ; 0949-2925 (Electronic) Informatik
information about Informatik-Spektrum 0170-6012 ; 1432-122x (Electronic) Informatik-Spektrum
information about Information & communications technology law 1360-0834 Information & communications technology law
information about Information & management 0378-7206 Information & management
information about Information and computation 0890-5401 Information and computation
information about Information and organization 1471-7727 Information and organization
information about Information and software technology 0950-5849 Information and software technology
information about Information bulletin 0538-4753 Information bulletin
information about Information economics and policy 0167-6245 Information economics and policy
information about Information executive 1092-0374 Information executive
information about Information fusion 1566-2535 Information fusion
information about Information management & computer security 0968-5227 Information management & computer security
information about The information management journal 1050-2342 The information management journal
information about Information management report 0961-7612 Information management report
information about Information processing & management 0306-4573 Information processing & management
information about Information processing letters 0020-0190 Information processing letters
information about Information research 1368-1613 Information research
information about Information retrieval 1386-4564 Information retrieval
information about Information sciences 0020-0255 Information sciences
information about Information sciences. Applications 1069-0115 Information sciences. Applications
information about Information security technical report 1363-4127 Information security technical report
information about Information storage and retrieval 0020-0271 Information storage and retrieval
information about Information strategy 1365-6325 Information strategy
information about Information systems 0306-4379 Information systems
information about Information systems frontiers 1387-3326 Information systems frontiers
information about Information technology and disabilities 1073-5127 Information technology and disabilities
information about Information technology and libraries 0730-9295 Information technology and libraries
    Dec. 1, 1987-
    v.15, no.4- (Dec.1996- )
information about Information technology and management 1385-951X Information technology and management
information about Information technology for development 0268-1102 Information technology for development
information about Information technology, learning, and performance journal 0737-8998 Information technology, learning, and performance journal
information about Information today 8755-6286 Information today
    Oct. 1, 1987-
    v.15, no.1- (Jan.1998- )
information about Information visualization 1473-8716 ; 1473-8724 (Electronic) Information visualization
information about Information world review 0950-9879 Information world review
    Oct. 1, 1996-
    (Jan.1994- )
information about Informationweek 8750-6874 Informationweek
    (Jan.1995- ).
    (June 1997- )
information about Informing science 1521-4672 Informing science
information about Infosecurity today 1742-6847 Infosecurity today
information about InfoWorld 0199-6649 InfoWorld
    (1995- )
    v.9, no.47- (Nov. 23, 1987- )
information about Infrared physics 0020-0891 Infrared physics
information about Infrared physics & technology 1350-4495 Infrared physics & technology
information about Infrastructure finance 1063-0260 Infrastructure finance
information about Ingenieur-Werkstoffe 0935-5715 Ingenieur-Werkstoffe
information about Injury 0020-1383 Injury
information about Injury extra 1572-3461 Injury extra
information about Innovative food science & emerging technologies 1466-8564 Innovative food science & emerging technologies
information about Innovative higher education 0742-5627 Innovative higher education
    v.22, no.1- (Fall 1997- )
    v.22, no.1- (Fall 1997- )
information about Inorganic chemistry 0020-1669 Inorganic chemistry
information about Inorganic chemistry communications 1387-7003 Inorganic chemistry communications
information about Inorganic materials 0020-1685 Inorganic materials
information about Inorganica chimica acta 0020-1693 Inorganica chimica acta
information about Inquiry 0046-9580 Inquiry
information about Insect biochemistry 0020-1790 Insect biochemistry
information about Insect biochemistry and molecular biology 0965-1748 Insect biochemistry and molecular biology
information about Insectes sociaux 0020-1812 ; 1420-9098 (Electronic) Insectes sociaux
information about Inside Visual Basic 1093-8745 Inside Visual Basic
information about Insight - the journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses 1060-135X Insight - the journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses
information about Inspel 0019-0217 Inspel
information about INSS online occasional papers INSS online occasional papers
information about The Institutional investor 0020-3580 The Institutional investor
information about Instructional science 0020-4277 Instructional science
information about Instrumentation science & technology 1073-9149 Instrumentation science & technology
information about Instruments and experimental techniques 0020-4412 Instruments and experimental techniques
information about Insurance & technology 1054-0733 Insurance & technology
information about Insurance brokers' monthly and insurance adviser 0260-2385 (print ed.) Insurance brokers' monthly and insurance adviser
information about Insurance review 0749-8667 Insurance review
information about Insurance systems bulletin 0268-1935 Insurance systems bulletin
information about Insurance, mathematics & economics 0167-6687 Insurance, mathematics & economics
information about InTech 0192-303X InTech
information about Integral equations and operator theory 0378-620X Integral equations and operator theory
information about Integrated assessment 1389-5176 Integrated assessment
information about Integrated pest management reviews 1353-5226 Integrated pest management reviews
information about Integrated system design 1080-2797 Integrated system design
information about Integration 0167-9260 Integration
information about Integrative biology: issues, news, and reviews 1093-4391 ; 1520-6602 (Electronic) Integrative biology: issues, news, and reviews
information about Integrative medicine 1096-2190 Integrative medicine
information about Intellectual property & technology law journal 1534-3618 Intellectual property & technology law journal
information about Intellectual property and technology forum Intellectual property and technology forum
information about Intelligence 0160-2896 Intelligence
information about Intelligence 1523-8822 Intelligence
information about Intelligent data analysis 1088-467X Intelligent data analysis
information about Intelligent enterprise 1524-3621 Intelligent enterprise
information about Intelligent systems engineering 0963-9640 Intelligent systems engineering
information about Intensive & critical care nursing 0964-3397 Intensive & critical care nursing
information about Intensive care medicine 0342-4642 ; 1432-1238 (Electronic) Intensive care medicine
information about Intensivmedizin + Notfallmedizin 0175-3851 ; 1435-1420 (Electronic) Intensivmedizin + Notfallmedizin
information about Inter economics 0020-5346 Inter economics
information about Interacting with computers 0953-5438 Interacting with computers
information about Interactions 1072-5520 Interactions
information about Interchange 0826-4805 Interchange
information about Interdisciplinary science reviews 0308-0188 Interdisciplinary science reviews
information about Interface 1064-8208 Interface
information about Interface science 0927-7056 Interface science
information about InterJournal 1081-0625 InterJournal
information about Intermetallics 0966-9795 Intermetallics
information about The Internal auditor 0020-5745 The Internal auditor
information about International affairs 0020-5850 International affairs
information about International affairs 1473-8104 International affairs
information about International affairs review supplement 1473-8112 International affairs review supplement
information about International and comparative corporate law journal 1388-7084 International and comparative corporate law journal
information about International applied mechanics 1063-7095 International applied mechanics
information about International archives of occupational and environmental health 0340-0131 ; 1432-1246 (Electronic) International archives of occupational and environmental health
information about International biodeterioration & biodegradation 0964-8305 International biodeterioration & biodegradation
information about International bond investor 1352-0431 International bond investor
information about International business 1060-4073 International business
information about International business review 0969-5931 International business review
information about International children's rights monitor 0259-3696 International children's rights monitor
information about International commercial litigation 1359-2750 International commercial litigation
information about International communications in heat and mass transfer 0735-1933 International communications in heat and mass transfer
information about International congress series 0531-5131 International congress series
information about International contact lens clinic 0892-8967 International contact lens clinic
information about International contract adviser 0899-7799 International contract adviser
information about International criminal law review 1567-536X International criminal law review
information about International dairy journal 0958-6946 International dairy journal
information about International economic review 0020-6598 International economic review
information about International environmental agreements 1567-9764 International environmental agreements
information about International family planning digest 0362-4056 International family planning digest
information about International family planning perspectives 0190-3187 International family planning perspectives
information about International family planning perspectives and digest 0162-2749 International family planning perspectives and digest
information about International financial law review 0262-6969 International financial law review
information about The International food and agribusiness management review 1096-7508 The International food and agribusiness management review
information about International hepatology communications 0928-4346 International hepatology communications
information about International herald tribune 0294-8052 International herald tribune
information about International immunopharmacology 1567-5769 International immunopharmacology
information about The international information & library review 1057-2317 The international information & library review
information about International insolvency review 1180-0518 ; 1097-0355 (Electronic) International insolvency review
information about International insurance monitor 0020-6997 International insurance monitor
information about International journal for educational and vocational guidance 0251-2513 International journal for educational and vocational guidance
information about International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics 0363-9061 ; 1096-9853 (Electronic) International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics
information about International journal for numerical methods in engineering 0029-5981 ; 1097-0207 (Electronic) International journal for numerical methods in engineering
information about International journal for numerical methods in fluids 0271-2091 ; 1097-0363 (Electronic) International journal for numerical methods in fluids
information about International journal for parasitology 0020-7519 International journal for parasitology
information about International journal for philosophy of religion 0020-7047 International journal for philosophy of religion
information about International journal for quality in health care 1353-4505 International journal for quality in health care
information about International journal for radiation physics and chemistry 0020-7055 International journal for radiation physics and chemistry
information about International journal for the advancement of counselling 0165-0653 International journal for the advancement of counselling
information about International journal for the semiotics of law 0952-8059 International journal for the semiotics of law
information about The international journal of accounting 1094-4060 The international journal of accounting
information about International journal of accounting information systems 1457-0895 International journal of accounting information systems
information about International journal of adaptive control and signal processing 0890-6327 ; 1099-1115 (Electronic) International journal of adaptive control and signal processing
information about International journal of adhesion and adhesives 0143-7496 International journal of adhesion and adhesives
information about International journal of advanced manufacturing technology 0268-3768 ; 1433-3015 (Electronic) International journal of advanced manufacturing technology
information about International journal of African historical studies 0361-7882 International journal of African historical studies
information about The International journal of angiology 1061-1711 ; 1615-5939 (Electronic) The International journal of angiology
information about International journal of antimicrobial agents 0924-8579 International journal of antimicrobial agents
information about International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 0303-2434 International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation
information about International journal of applied electromagnetics in materials 0925-2096 International journal of applied electromagnetics in materials
information about International journal of applied quality management 1096-4738 International journal of applied quality management
information about The International journal of applied radiation and isotopes 0020-708X The International journal of applied radiation and isotopes
information about International journal of approximate reasoning 0888-613X International journal of approximate reasoning
information about International journal of aromatherapy 0962-4562 International journal of aromatherapy
information about International journal of Asian management 1618-7512 (Electronic) ; 1618-7504 International journal of Asian management
information about International journal of auditing 1090-6738 ; 1099-1123 (Electronic) International journal of auditing
information about International journal of bifurcation and chaos in applied sciences and engineering 0218-1274 International journal of bifurcation and chaos in applied sciences and engineering
information about The International journal of biochemistry 0020-711X The International journal of biochemistry
information about The International journal of biochemistry & cell biology 1357-2725 The International journal of biochemistry & cell biology
information about International journal of biological macromolecules 0141-8130 International journal of biological macromolecules
information about International journal of biometeorology 0020-7128 ; 1432-1254 (Electronic) International journal of biometeorology
information about International journal of cancer 0020-7136 ; 1097-0215 (Electronic) International journal of cancer
information about International journal of cardiac imaging 0167-9899 International journal of cardiac imaging
information about International journal of cardiology 0167-5273 International journal of cardiology
information about The international journal of cardiovascular imaging 1569-5794 The international journal of cardiovascular imaging
    v.20, no.1- (Feb. 2004- )
    v.17, no.1-v.19, no.6 (Feb. 2001-Dec. 2003)
information about International journal of chemical kinetics 0538-8066 ; 1097-4601 (Electronic) International journal of chemical kinetics
information about The International journal of children's rights 0927-5568 The International journal of children's rights
information about International journal of circuit theory and applications 0098-9886 ; 1097-007X (Electronic) International journal of circuit theory and applications
information about International journal of climatology 0899-8418 ; 1097-0088 (Electronic) International journal of climatology
information about International journal of clinical & laboratory research 0940-5437 ; 1434-4467 (Electronic) International journal of clinical & laboratory research
information about International journal of clinical monitoring and computing 0167-9945 International journal of clinical monitoring and computing
information about International journal of clinical oncology 1341-9625 ; 1437-7772 (Electronic) International journal of clinical oncology
information about International journal of coal geology 0166-5162 International journal of coal geology
information about International journal of colorectal disease 0179-1958 ; 1432-1262 (Electronic) International journal of colorectal disease
information about International journal of communication systems 1074-5351 ; 1099-1131 (Electronic) International journal of communication systems
information about The International journal of comparative labour law and industrial relations 0952-617X The International journal of comparative labour law and industrial relations
information about International journal of computer vision 0920-5691 International journal of computer vision
information about International journal of computers for mathematical learning 1382-3892 International journal of computers for mathematical learning
information about The International journal of conflict management 1044-4068 The International journal of conflict management
information about International journal of control 0020-7179 International journal of control
information about International journal of design computing 1329-7147 International journal of design computing
information about International journal of developmental neuroscience 0736-5748 International journal of developmental neuroscience
information about International journal of earth sciences 1437-3254 ; 1437-3262 (Electronic) International journal of earth sciences
information about The International journal of eating disorders 0276-3478 ; 1098-108X (Electronic) The International journal of eating disorders
information about International journal of educational development 0738-0593 International journal of educational development
information about International journal of educational research 0883-0355 International journal of educational research
information about International journal of electrical power & energy systems 0142-0615 International journal of electrical power & energy systems
information about International journal of electronics 0020-7217 International journal of electronics
information about International journal of electronics and communications 1434-8411 International journal of electronics and communications
information about International journal of energy research 0363-907X ; 1099-114X (Electronic) International journal of energy research
information about International journal of engineering science 0020-7225 International journal of engineering science
information about International journal of environment and pollution 0957-4352 International journal of environment and pollution
information about International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 0306-7319 ; 1026-7468 (CD) International journal of environmental analytical chemistry
information about The International journal of environmental studies 0020-7233 ; 1026-7476 (CD) The International journal of environmental studies
information about International journal of environmentally conscious design & manufacturing 1062-6832 International journal of environmentally conscious design & manufacturing
information about International journal of ethics 1526-422X International journal of ethics
information about International journal of expert systems 0894-9077 International journal of expert systems
information about International journal of fatigue 0142-1123 International journal of fatigue
information about International journal of finance & economics 1076-9307 ; 1099-1158 (Electronic) International journal of finance & economics
information about International journal of flexible manufacturing systems 0920-6299 International journal of flexible manufacturing systems
information about International journal of food microbiology 0168-1605 International journal of food microbiology
information about International journal of forecasting 0169-2070 International journal of forecasting
information about International journal of fracture 0376-9429 International journal of fracture
information about International journal of franchising and distribution law 1388-817X International journal of franchising and distribution law
information about International journal of game theory 0020-7276 ; 1432-1270 (Electronic) International journal of game theory
information about International journal of general systems 0308-1079 International journal of general systems
information about International journal of geriatric psychiatry 0885-6230 ; 1099-1166 (Electronic) International journal of geriatric psychiatry
information about International journal of government auditing 0047-0724 International journal of government auditing
information about International journal of group tensions 0047-0732 International journal of group tensions
    v. 27, no. 1-v.31, no. 4 (Spring 1997-Winter 2002)
    v.27, no.1-v.31, no.4 (1997-2002)
information about International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics 0020-7292 International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics
information about International journal of health care finance and economics 1389-6563 International journal of health care finance and economics
information about The international journal of health planning and management 0749-6753 ; 1099-1751 (Electronic) The international journal of health planning and management
information about The International journal of heat and fluid flow 0142-727X The International journal of heat and fluid flow
information about International journal of heat and mass transfer 0017-9310 International journal of heat and mass transfer
information about International journal of hematology 0925-5710 International journal of hematology
information about The international journal of high performance computing applications 1094-3420 The international journal of high performance computing applications
information about International journal of high speed computing 0129-0533 International journal of high speed computing
information about International journal of high technology ceramics 0267-3762 International journal of high technology ceramics
information about International journal of historical archaeology 1092-7697 International journal of historical archaeology
information about International journal of hospitality management 0278-4319 International journal of hospitality management
information about International journal of human factors in manufacturing 1045-2699 ; 1522-7111 (Electronic) International journal of human factors in manufacturing
information about International journal of human resources development and management 1465-6612 International journal of human resources development and management
information about International journal of human-computer studies 1071-5819 International journal of human-computer studies
information about International journal of hydrogen energy 0360-3199 International journal of hydrogen energy
information about International journal of imaging systems and technology 0899-9457 ; 1098-1098 (Electronic) International journal of imaging systems and technology
information about International journal of immunopharmacology 0192-0561 International journal of immunopharmacology
information about International journal of impact engineering 0734-743X International journal of impact engineering
information about International journal of industrial ergonomics 0169-8141 International journal of industrial ergonomics
information about International journal of industrial organization 0167-7187 International journal of industrial organization
information about International journal of infectious diseases 1201-9712 International journal of infectious diseases
information about International journal of information management 0268-4012 International journal of information management
information about International journal of information security 1615-5262 ; 1615-5270 (Electronic) International journal of information security
information about International journal of infrared and millimeter waves 0195-9271 International journal of infrared and millimeter waves
information about International journal of inorganic materials 1466-6049 International journal of inorganic materials
information about International journal of insect morphology & embryology 0020-7322 International journal of insect morphology & embryology
information about International journal of intelligent systems 0884-8173 International journal of intelligent systems
information about International journal of intelligent systems in accounting, finance & management 1055-615X ; 1099-1174 (Electronic) International journal of intelligent systems in accounting, finance & management
information about International journal of intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy 1096-7028 ; 1099-1182 (Electronic) International journal of intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy
information about International journal of intercultural relations 0147-1767 International journal of intercultural relations
information about International journal of law and psychiatry 0160-2527 International journal of law and psychiatry
information about International journal of legal medicine 0937-9827 ; 1427-1596 (Electronic) International journal of legal medicine
information about The international journal of logistics management 0957-4093 The international journal of logistics management
information about International journal of machine tool design & research 0020-7357 International journal of machine tool design & research
information about International journal of machine tools & manufacture 0890-6955 International journal of machine tools & manufacture
    v. 29- (1989- )
    v.28 (1988)
information about International journal of man-machine studies 0020-7373 International journal of man-machine studies
information about The international journal of marine and coastal law 0927-3522 The international journal of marine and coastal law
information about International journal of mass spectrometry 1387-3806 International journal of mass spectrometry
information about International journal of mass spectrometry and ion physics 0020-7381 International journal of mass spectrometry and ion physics
information about International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes 0168-1176 International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes
information about International journal of materials in engineering applications 0141-5530 International journal of materials in engineering applications
information about International journal of mechanical sciences 0020-7403 International journal of mechanical sciences
information about International journal of mechanics and materials in design 1569-1713 International journal of mechanics and materials in design
information about International journal of medical informatics 1386-5056 International journal of medical informatics
information about International journal of methods in psychiatric research 1049-8931 International journal of methods in psychiatric research
information about International journal of micrographics & optical technology 0958-9961 International journal of micrographics & optical technology
information about International journal of microwave and millimeter-wave computer-aided engineering 1050-1827 ; 1522-6301 (Electronic) International journal of microwave and millimeter-wave computer-aided engineering
information about International journal of Middle East studies 0020-7438 International journal of Middle East studies
information about International journal of mineral processing 0301-7516 International journal of mineral processing
information about International journal of modern physics. A, Particles and fields, gravitation, cosmology 0217-751X International journal of modern physics. A, Particles and fields, gravitation, cosmology
information about International journal of modern physics. B, Condensed matter physics, statistical physics, applied physics 0217-9792 International journal of modern physics. B, Condensed matter physics, statistical physics, applied physics
information about International journal of modern physics. C, Physics and computers 0129-1831 International journal of modern physics. C, Physics and computers
information about International journal of modern physics. D, Gravitation, astrophysics, cosmology 0218-2718 International journal of modern physics. D, Gravitation, astrophysics, cosmology
information about International journal of modern physics. E, Nuclear physics 0218-3013 International journal of modern physics. E, Nuclear physics
information about International journal of molecular sciences 1422-0067 International journal of molecular sciences
information about International journal of multiphase flow 0301-9322 International journal of multiphase flow
information about The International journal of museum management and curatorship 0260-4779 The International journal of museum management and curatorship
information about The International journal of nautical archaeology 1057-2414 The International journal of nautical archaeology
information about International journal of network management 1055-7148 ; 1099-1190 (Electronic) International journal of network management
    v.7, no.1- (Jan 1997- )
    v.7, no.1- (1997- ). Abstracts only v.6 (1996)
information about International journal of non-linear mechanics 0020-7462 International journal of non-linear mechanics
information about International journal of numerical modelling: electronic networks, devices and fields 0894-3370 ; 1099-1204 (Electronic) International journal of numerical modelling: electronic networks, devices and fields
information about International journal of nursing studies 0020-7489 International journal of nursing studies
information about International journal of obstetric anesthesia 0959-289X ; 1532-3374 (Electronic) International journal of obstetric anesthesia
information about International journal of oncology 1019-6439 International journal of oncology
information about International journal of operations & production management 0144-3577 International journal of operations & production management
information about International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 0901-5027 ; 1399-0020 (Electronic) International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery
information about International journal of organizational analysis 1055-3185 International journal of organizational analysis
information about International journal of osteoarchaeology 1047-482X ; 1099-1212 (Electronic) International journal of osteoarchaeology
information about International journal of parallel programming 0885-7458 International journal of parallel programming
information about International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology 0165-5876 International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology
information about International journal of pharmaceutics 0378-5173 International journal of pharmaceutics
information about International journal of plant sciences 1058-5893 International journal of plant sciences
information about International journal of plasticity 0749-6419 International journal of plasticity
information about International journal of politics, culture, and society 0891-4486 International journal of politics, culture, and society
information about International journal of population geography 1077-3495 ; 1099-1220 (Electronic) International journal of population geography
information about The International journal of pressure vessels and piping 0308-0161 The International journal of pressure vessels and piping
information about International journal of primatology 0164-0291 International journal of primatology
information about International journal of production economics 0925-5273 International journal of production economics
information about International journal of project management 0263-7863 International journal of project management
information about International journal of psychophysiology 0167-8760 International journal of psychophysiology
information about International journal of purchasing and materials management 1055-6001 International journal of purchasing and materials management
information about International journal of quantum chemistry 0020-7608 ; 1097-461X (Electronic) International journal of quantum chemistry
information about International journal of radiation applications and instrumentation. Part A, Applied radiation and isotopes 0883-2889 International journal of radiation applications and instrumentation. Part A, Applied radiation and isotopes
information about International journal of radiation applications and instrumentation. Part C, Radiation physics and chemistry 1359-0197 International journal of radiation applications and instrumentation. Part C, Radiation physics and chemistry
information about International journal of radiation applications and instrumentation. Part D, Nuclear tracks and radiation measurements, including thermoluminescence 1359-0189 International journal of radiation applications and instrumentation. Part D, Nuclear tracks and radiation measurements, including thermoluminescence
information about International journal of radiation biology 0955-3002 International journal of radiation biology
information about International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 0360-3016 International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics
information about International journal of refractory metals & hard materials 0263-4368 International journal of refractory metals & hard materials
information about International journal of refrigeration 0140-7007 International journal of refrigeration
information about International journal of rehabilitation and health 1068-9591 International journal of rehabilitation and health
information about International journal of remote sensing 0143-1161 International journal of remote sensing
information about International journal of research in marketing 0167-8116 International journal of research in marketing
information about International journal of RF and microwave computer-aided engineering 1096-4290 ; 1099-047X (Electronic) International journal of RF and microwave computer-aided engineering
information about The International journal of risk & safety in medicine 0924-6479 The International journal of risk & safety in medicine
information about The International journal of robotics research 0278-3649 The International journal of robotics research
information about International journal of robust and nonlinear control 1049-8923 ; 1099-1239 (Electronic) International journal of robust and nonlinear control
information about International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences 1365-1609 International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences
information about International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences & geomechanics abstracts 0148-9062 International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences & geomechanics abstracts
information about International journal of salt lake research 1037-0544 International journal of salt lake research
information about International journal of satellite communications 0737-2884 ; 1099-1247 (Electronic) International journal of satellite communications
information about International journal of satellite communications and networking 1542-0973 ; 1542-0981 (Electronic) International journal of satellite communications and networking
information about International journal of science and mathematics education 1571-0068 International journal of science and mathematics education
information about International journal of sexuality and gender studies 1566-1768 International journal of sexuality and gender studies
information about International journal of short-term psychotherapy 0884-724X International journal of short-term psychotherapy
information about International journal of solids and structures 0020-7683 International journal of solids and structures
information about International journal of speech technology 1381-2416 International journal of speech technology
information about International journal of stress management 1072-5245 International journal of stress management
information about International journal of technology and design education 0957-7572 International journal of technology and design education
information about International journal of technology management 0267-5730 International journal of technology management
information about International journal of the sociology of law 0194-6595 International journal of the sociology of law
information about International journal of theoretical physics 0020-7748 International journal of theoretical physics
information about International journal of thermal sciences 1290-0729 International journal of thermal sciences
information about International journal of thermophysics 0195-928X International journal of thermophysics
information about International journal of tourism management 0143-2516 International journal of tourism management
information about The international journal of tourism research 1099-2340 ; 1522-1970 (Electronic) The international journal of tourism research
information about International journal of transport management 1471-4051 International journal of transport management
information about International journal of trauma nursing 1075-4210 ; 1528-3941 (Electronic) International journal of trauma nursing
information about International journal of value based management 0895-8815 International journal of value based management
    v. 10, no. 1-v.16, no.3 (1997-2003)
    v.12, no.1-v.16, no.3 (1999-2003)
information about International journal of wireless information networks 1068-9605 International journal of wireless information networks
information about International journal on digital libraries 1432-5012 ; 1432-1300 (Electronic) International journal on digital libraries
information about International journal on document analysis and recognition 1433-2833 ; 1433-2825 (Electronic) International journal on document analysis and recognition
information about The International journal on drug policy 0955-3959 The International journal on drug policy
information about International journal on minority and group rights 1385-4879 International journal on minority and group rights
information about International journal on software tools for technology transfer 1433-2779 ; 1433-2787 (electronic ed.) International journal on software tools for technology transfer
information about International labour review 0020-7780 International labour review
information about International law forum du droit international 1388-9036 International law forum du droit international
information about International management 0020-7888 International management
information about International materials reviews 0950-6608 International materials reviews
information about International microbiology 1139-6709 ; 1618-1905 (Electronic) International microbiology
information about International migration digest 0538-8716 International migration digest
information about International migration review 0197-9183 International migration review
information about International negotiation 1382-340X International negotiation
information about International ophthalmology 0165-5701 International ophthalmology
information about International organization 0020-8183 International organization
information about International orthopaedics 0341-2695 ; 1432-5195 (Electronic) International orthopaedics
information about International peacekeeping 1380-748X International peacekeeping
information about International planning studies 1356-3475 International planning studies
information about International political science review 0192-5121 International political science review
information about International politics 1384-5748 International politics
information about International public management journal 1096-7494 International public management journal
information about International review of economics & finance 1059-0560 International review of economics & finance
information about International review of education 0020-8566 International review of education
information about International review of financial analysis 1057-5219 International review of financial analysis
information about International review of hydrobiology 1434-2944 ; 1522-2632 (Electronic) International review of hydrobiology
information about International review of law and economics 0144-8188 International review of law and economics
information about International reviews in physical chemistry 0144-235X International reviews in physical chemistry
information about International security 0162-2889 International security
    v.24, no,1 (1999-)
    v.1,no.1-v.21, no.3 (1976-1997)
information about International small business journal 0266-2426 International small business journal
information about International statistical review 0306-7734 International statistical review
information about International studies of management & organization 0020-8825 International studies of management & organization
information about International studies quarterly 0020-8833 International studies quarterly
information about International tax and public finance 0927-5940 International tax and public finance
information about The International tax journal 0097-7314 The International tax journal
information about International tax review 0958-7594 International tax review
information about International trade finance 1365-3512 (print ed.) International trade finance
information about International trade forum 0020-8957 International trade forum
information about International transactions in operational research 0969-6016 International transactions in operational research
information about International urogynecology journal and pelvic floor dysfunction 0937-3462 ; 1433-3023 (Electronic) International urogynecology journal and pelvic floor dysfunction
information about International urology and nephrology 0301-1623 International urology and nephrology
information about The Internet and higher education 1096-7516 The Internet and higher education
information about Internet electronic journal of molecular design 1538-6414 Internet electronic journal of molecular design
information about Internet journal of chemistry 1099-8292 Internet journal of chemistry
information about The Internet journal of vibrational spectroscopy 1362-671X The Internet journal of vibrational spectroscopy
information about Internet mathematics 1542-7951 Internet mathematics
information about Internet photochemistry & photobiology Internet photochemistry & photobiology
information about Internet research 1066-2243 Internet research
    v.4, no.1 (1994-).
    v.11, no.3- (2001- )
information about Internet resources newsletter 1361-9381 Internet resources newsletter
information about Internet world 1064-3923 Internet world
information about InternetWeek 1096-9969 InternetWeek
information about Internetworking Internetworking
information about Der Internist 0020-9554 ; 1432-1289 (Electronic) Der Internist
information about Intertax 0165-2826 Intertax
information about Interventional cardiology newsletter 1063-4282 Interventional cardiology newsletter
information about Inventiones mathematicae 0020-9910 ; 1432-1297 (Electronic) Inventiones mathematicae
information about Inverse problems 0266-5611 Inverse problems
    v. 1, no. 1- (1985- ).
    v.1- (1985- )
information about Invertebrate neuroscience 1354-2516 ; 1439-1104 (Electronic) Invertebrate neuroscience
information about Investigational new drugs 0167-6997 Investigational new drugs
information about The Investment dealers' digest 0021-0080 The Investment dealers' digest
information about Investment lawyer 1075-4512 Investment lawyer
information about Investor relations business 1092-1354 Investor relations business
information about Investors chronicle 0261-3115 Investors chronicle
information about IPA review 1030-4177 IPA review
information about IRE transactions on automatic control 0096-199X IRE transactions on automatic control
information about Irish journal of management Irish journal of management
information about Irish Marketing Review 0790-7362 Irish Marketing Review
information about Iron age new steel 1074-1690 Iron age new steel
information about Irrigation and drainage 1531-0353 ; 1531-0361 (Electronic) Irrigation and drainage
information about Irrigation and drainage systems 0168-6291 Irrigation and drainage systems
information about Irrigation science 0342-7188 ; 1432-1319 (Electronic) Irrigation science
information about ISA transactions 0019-0578 ISA transactions
information about British accounting review 0890-8389 British accounting review
information about Isis 0021-1753 Isis
    v.93, no.1- (March 2002- )
    v.1-87 (1913-1996)
information about Isokinetics and exercise science 0959-3020 Isokinetics and exercise science
information about ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 0924-2716 ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing
information about Israel journal of chemistry 0021-2148 Israel journal of chemistry
information about Issues in accounting education 0739-3172 Issues in accounting education
information about Issues in education 1080-9724 Issues in education
information about Issues in science & technology librarianship 1092-1206 Issues in science & technology librarianship
information about Issues in science and technology 0748-5492 Issues in science and technology
information about IT professional 1520-9202 IT professional
information about Italian journal of neurological sciences 0392-0461 ; 1126-5442 (Electronic) Italian journal of neurological sciences
information about ITBM RBM news 1297-9570 ITBM RBM news
information about ITE journal 0162-8178 ITE journal
information about Ivey business journal 1481-8248 Ivey business journal
information about Ivey business quarterly 1480-6746 Ivey business quarterly
information about Izvestiya. Mathematics 1064-5632 Izvestiya. Mathematics

643 titles.

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