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OZONE Early Action Compacts

Early Action Compacts -- An Alternative Route to Clean Air

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is working with communities to get clean air as soon as possible by entering into Early Action Compacts that will reduce ground-level ozone, commonly known as smog. Communities close to or exceeding the 8-hour ozone standard that have elected to enter into an Early Action Compact will start reducing air pollution at least two years sooner than required by the Clean Air Act.

Communities participating in the Early Action Compacts must submit plans for meeting the national 8-hour ozone air quality standard in 2004, rather than waiting until 2007 -- the deadline for other areas not meeting the 8-hour ozone standard.

Early Action Compacts require communities to:

  • Develop and implement air pollution control strategies,
  • Account for emissions growth, and
  • Achieve and maintain the national 8-hour ozone standard.

EPA will designate these areas "nonattainment" in April 2004. However, as long as Early Action Compact areas meet agreed upon milestones, the impact of nonattainment designation for the 8-hour ozone standard will be deferred.

Click on the links below to read:

Early Action Compact agreements and supporting documents by state and area
How Early Action Compacts work (70KB PDF)
A table summarizing benefits and cautions to be aware of with Early Action Compacts. (66KB PDF)
Information about ground-level ozone and your health (58KB PDF)
A history of how the Early Action Compact program got started in Texas (29KB PDF)

Note: Click on the blue Click here to retrieve PDF document ball to retrieve detailed information on a specific Early Action Compact. The asterisk * denotes a county in a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA).

This Early Action Compact webpage is still under development with frequent updates of new documents.

Information Directory

RMNotices Early Action Compact Rulemaking Notices
#Guidance Early Action Compact Guidance and Other Resources
#MilestoneList Early Action Compact Milestone Requirements
#Correspondence Early Action Compacts Related Correspondence
#FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
#FAQ Summary of Local Measures Under Consideration by EAC Areas
#List List of Early Action Compacts with Links to Area-Specific Submittals and Information
File ... 20040615_eac_location.pdf ..... 0.20 MB Location of Early Action Compacts

Early Action Compact Rulemaking Notices

Final Rule for First Deferred Effective Date (September 30, 2005)
File ... fr_69(117)_34080.pdf ..... 0.08 MB June 18, 2004 Published Final Rule for Modification to Effective Date of Air Quality Designation for the 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Chattanooga, TN-GA
File ... rm040614_eac_chattanooga_rendd.pdf ..... 0.12 MB June 14, 2004 Signed Final Rule for Modification to Effective Date of Air Quality Designation for the 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Chattanooga, TN-GA
File ... fs040614_eac_chattanooga_rendd.pdf ..... 0.12 MB June 14, 2004 Fact Sheet: Modification to Effective Date of Air Quality Designation for the 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Chattanooga, TN-GA
File ... fr_69(84)_23858.pdf ..... 0.67 MB April 30, 2004 Published Final Rule for Air Quality Designations and Classifications for the 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards; Early Action Compact Areas With Deferred Effective Dates ... Federal Register 69: 23858-23951
File ...
          rm040415_eac_rtc.pdf ..... 0.23 MB April 15, 2004 Response to Comments Document for the following EPA Proposed Rules — [1] Deferral of Effective Date of Nonattainment Designations for 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Early Action Compact Areas (Docket No. OAR-2003-0090-0278) and [2] Early Action Compact-related Comments for Proposed Rule to Implement the 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (Docket No. OAR-2003-0090-0717)
File ...
          TSD_Ch7_4-16a-04.pdf ..... 0.65 MB April 15, 2004 Evaluation of Control Strategies and Technical Assessments for Early Action Compact Local Plans ... March 31, 2004 Milestone (Chapter 7 in 8-Hour Ozone Designations Technical Support Document)
 File ...cl040614_eac_tn_chattanooga_rendd.pdf ..... 0.09
MB June 14, 2004 Evaluation of Control Strategies and Technical Assessments of Additional Local Control Measures and Modeled Attainment Demonstration for Chattanooga, TN-GA Early Action Compact Area ... Submitted June 7, 2004 to Supplement March 31, 2004 Milestone Submission
April 15, 2004 Signed Clean Air Ozone Designations Rule including information about Early Action Compact deferrals (See the box titled "EPA's Final Nonattainment Designations for 8-Hour Ozone")
Proposed Rule for First Deferred Effective Date (September 30, 2005)
File ... fr_68(241)_70108.pdf ..... 0.15 MB December 16, 2003 Published Proposed Rule for First Deferred Effective Date ... Federal Register 68: 70108-70119
File ... n_prm_eac_sign20031211.pdf ..... 0.22 MB December 11, 2003 Signed Proposed Rule for First Deferred Effective Date

Early Action Compact Guidance and
Other Resources

File ... gm041014_eac_sip-submittals.pdf ..... 0.14 MB EPA, October 14, 2004 ... Guidance on State Implementation Plan (SIP) Submittals for Early Action Compact Areas (EACs)
File ... gm040805_eac_energy-efficiency.pdf ..... 0.83 MB EPA, August 5, 2004 ... Guidance on SIP Credits for Emission Reductions from Electric-sector Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Measures
File ... 420b04005.pdf ..... 0.26 MB EPA, June 23, 2004 ... Guidance on Quantifying NOx Benefits for Cetane Improvement Programs for Use in SIPs and Transportation Conformity (EPA Report No.— EPA 420-B-04-005)
File ... wl040218_eac_resources.pdf ..... 0.16 MB EPA, February 18, 2004 ... Weblinks to State and Local Websites
File ... gm040116_eac_resources.pdf ..... 0.14 MB EPA, January 16, 2004 ... Matrix of EPA Guidance Documents for Preparing EAC Control Measures
File ... 6-16-2003_eac_milestone_memo.pdf ..... 0.30 MB EPA, April 4, 2003 ... Guidance for the June 16, 2003 Submission and Other Clarifications
File ... designation_eac_20021114.pdf ..... 2.39 MB EPA, November 14, 2002 ... Schedule for 8-Hour Ozone Designations and its Effect on Early Action Compacts
File ... 20020619_eac_protocol.pdf ..... 0.11 MB EPA, June 19, 2002 ... Protocol for Early Action Compacts Designed to Achieve and Maintain the 8-hour Ozone Standard
File ... measures.pdf ..... 0.33 MB EPA, November 24, 1999 ... "Serious and Severe Ozone Nonattainment Areas: Information on Emissions, Control Measures Adopted or Planned and Other Available Control Measures"
File ... gd19990531_epa-454_r-99-004.pdf ..... 0.81 MB EPA, May 31, 1999 ... "Draft Guidance on the Use of Models and Other Analyses in Attainment Demonstrations for the 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS"
File ... epa-420-r-94-002_07-94.pdf ..... 5.41 MB EPA, July 1994 ... "Methodologies for Estimating Emission and Travel Activity Effects of TCMs"
File ... control_nox_under_caa.pdf ..... 7.45 MB STAPPA/ALAPCO, July 1994 ... "Controlling Nitrogen Oxides Under the Clean Air Act: A Menu of Options"
File ... 15reg_under_caa.pdf ..... 11.30 MB STAPPA/ALAPCO, September 1993 ... "Meeting the 15 Percent Rate-of-Progress Requirement Under the Clean Air Act: A Menu of Options"

Early Action Compact Milestone Requirements

For an area to participate in the Early Action Compact program, the local community must develop and implement through the State SIP a local air quality plan that will bring the area into attainment of the 8-hour NAAQS by December 31, 2007. The development and implementation of this plan must include specific steps and must meet certain target deadlines as set forth in the following list of milestones.

December 31, 2002 No later than December 31, 2002, compacts must be completed, signed by local, State (or Tribal) and EPA officials, and formally submitted.
June 16, 2003 Compact areas identify/describe local control measures that are being considered during the planning process. Deadline for describing the control measures must be met to maintain program eligibility.
March 31, 2004 The resulting local plan, including control measures, must be completed and submitted to the State by this date for inclusion in the SIP.
December 31, 2004 States must submit a SIP consisting of the local plan, including all adopted control measures that demonstrate attainment of the 8-hour ozone NAAQS by December 31, 2007.
December 31, 2005 Compact areas must implement the local control measures that have been incorporated into the SIP.
June 30, 2006 Compact areas must certify progress toward attainment since previous milestone, e. g., continued implementation and progress toward improvement in air quality and emissions reductions.
December 31, 2007 Area must attain the 8-hour ozone NAAQS. Failure to attain by this date will result in the nonattainment designation becoming effective.

Early Action Compact Related Correspondence

Correspondence related to Early Action Compacts from EPA, State and local agencies, industry, the regulated community, environmental groups and citizens is included here. We have cataloged this correspondence according to whether it is national, state-wide, or compact-specific in scope.

National Scope
  File ... c_eac_selc-epa_20040907.pdf ..... 2.20 MB Letter dated September 7, 2004, from J. David Farren and Marily Nixon, Southern Environmental Law Center, Chapel Hill, NC, to Richard Schutt, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4
  File ... c_eac_selc-sc_20030515.pdf ..... 5.91 MB Letter dated May 15, 2003, from J. David Farren and Sierra B. Weaver, Southern Environmental Law Center, Chapel Hill, NC, to James A. Joy, III, Bureau of Air Quality, SC Department of Health and Environmental Control
  File ... c_eac_sace-epa_20030325.pdf ..... 0.11 MB Letter dated March 25, 2003, from Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Knoxville, TN, to U.S. EPA, Region 4
State-wide Scope
  File ... eac_r4.htm#SC_swcor North Carolina
  File ... eac_r4.htm#SC_swcor South Carolina
  File ... eac_r4.htm#SC_swcor Tennessee
Compact-specific Scope

Frequently Asked Questions

As State and local agencies move forward to complete milestones in support of Early Action Compacts, they have asked a number of questions for clarification of previously issued guidance and its application to EAC areas. These questions have been reviewed and responses prepared by EPA Regional Offices, OAQPS and OGC. This is a living document, and EPA intends to provide responses to additional questions as needed.

File ... 20040115_eac_faq_modeldemo.pdf ..... 0.03 MB January 15, 2004 ... Frequently Asked Questions on Implementing the DRAFT 8-Hour Ozone Modeling Guidance to Support Attainment Demonstrations for Early Action Compact
File ... 20030515_eac_faq_vol-1.pdf ..... 0.11 MB May 15, 2003 ... Frequently Asked Questions on 8-hour Ozone Early Action Compacts--Volume 1
File ... 20040219_eac_faq_vol-2.pdf ..... 0.07 MB February 19, 2004 ... Frequently Asked Questions on 8-hour Ozone Early Action Compacts--Volume 2: Weight of Evidence

Summary of Local Measures Under Consideration by EAC Areas

By June 16, 2003, EAC areas were required to submit a list of local measures that each area is considering for adoption and implementation, based on stakeholder involvement. By March 31, 2004, these areas are required to submit a local plan that includes a final selection of local measures for adoption and submittal to EPA as a SIP revision by December 31, 2004. This final selection of measures will be based on a technical demonstration showing attainment of the 8-hour ozone standard by December 31, 2007.

Below is a matrix of local control measures under consideration by each EAC area. This matrix is a summary of the measures based on the submittals EPA received by the June 16, 2003 deadline. To make the table more manageable, the control measures have been grouped into 16 major categories. Each major category has been grouped further into subcategories.

Each of the June 16, 2003 submittals is posted under the area-specific listing on this website. .

File ... 20040331_eac_measures_full_list.pdf ..... 0.14 MB March 31, 2004 ... Compiled list of local measures under consideration by EAC areas reported in March 31, 2004 Milestone
File ... 20031231_eac_measures_full_list.pdf ..... 0.41 MB December 31, 2003 ... Compiled list of local measures under consideration by EAC areas reported in December 31, 2003 progress reports
File ... 20030616_eac_measures_matrix.pdf ..... 0.05 MB June 16, 2003 ... Highlight matrix of local measures under consideration by EAC areas
File ... 20030616_eac_measures_full_list2.pdf ..... 0.41 MB June 16, 2003 ... Compiled list of local measures under consideration by EAC areas

List of Early Action Compacts with Links to Area-Specific Submittals and Information


eac_r6.htm#AR_Memphis Memphis Area
(see also Mississippi and Tennessee)

Denied deferral of effective date of nonattainment designation — June 15, 2004
Crittenden County*
DeSoto County,* MS
Fayette County,* TN
Shelby County,* TN
Tipton County,* TN


 eac_r8.htm#CO_Denver Denver Area Adams* & Arapahoe* Counties (the part west of Kiowa Creek - excludes extreme eastern portions of the counties)
Boulder County* (part of - excludes Broomfield and Rocky Mtn National Park)
Broomfield County*
Denver County*
Douglas County*
Jefferson County*


 eac_r4.htm#GA_Chattanooga Chattanooga Area
(see also Tennessee)
Catoosa County*
Walker County*
Hamilton County,* TN
Marion County,* TN
Meigs County, TN
eac_r4.htm#GA_Augusta Lower Savannah - Augusta Area
(Aiken - Augusta area)
(see also South Carolina)
Columbia County*
Richmond County*
Aiken County,* SC
Allendale County, SC
Bamberg County, SC
Barnwell County, SC
Calhoun County, SC
Orangeburg County, SC


 eac_r6.htm#LA_Shreveport Shreveport - Bossier City Area Bossier Parish*
Caddo Parish*
Webster Parish*


 eac_r3.htm#MD_Wash Washington County
(west of Washington, DC)
Washington County* (part of Washington-Baltimore MSA)


 File ...USGW5(1996)_P_96-09-24.pdf ..... 0.52 MB Memphis Area
(see also Arkansas and Tennessee)

Denied deferral of effective date of nonattainment designation — June 15, 2004
DeSoto County*
Crittenden County,* AR
Fayette County,* TN
Shelby County,* TN
Tipton County,* TN

New Mexico

 eac_r6.htm#NM_SanJuan San Juan County
(Farmington area)
San Juan County

North Carolina

 eac_r4.htm#NC_Fayetteville Fayetteville
(Fayetteville area)
Cumberland County*
 eac_r4.htm#NC_Mountain Mountain Area of Western NC
(including Asheville)
Buncombe County*
Haywood County
Henderson County
Madison County*
Transylvania County
 eac_r4.htm#NC_Triad Triad Area
(Greensboro - Winston Salem - High Point area)
Alamance County*
Caswell County
Davidson County*
Davie County*
Forsyth County*
Guilford County*
Randolph County*
Rockingham County
Stokes County*
Surry County
Yadkin County*
 eac_r4.htm#NC_Unifour Unifour Area
(Hickory - Morganton -Lenoir area)
Alexander County*
Burke County*
Caldwell County*
Catawba County*


 eac_r6.htm#OK_Oklahoma Central Oklahoma
(Oklahoma City area)
Canadian County*
Cleveland County*
Logan County*
McClain County*
Oklahoma County*
Pottawatomie County*
 eac_r6.htm#OK_Tulsa Tulsa Area Creek County* (part of)
Osage County* (part of)
Rogers County* (part of)
Tulsa County*
Wagoner County* (part of)

South Carolina

 eac_r4.htm#SC_Appalachian Appalachian
(Greenville - Spartanburg - Anderson area)
Anderson County*
Cherokee County*
Greenville County*
Oconee County
Pickens County*
Spartanburg County*
 eac_r4.htm#SC_BCD Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester
(Charleston area)
Berkeley County*
Charleston County*
Dorchester County*
 eac_r4.htm#SC_Catawba Catawba
(part of Charlotte - Gastonia - Rock Hill area)
Chester County
Lancaster County
Union County
York County*
 eac_r4.htm#SC_Central Central Midlands
(Columbia area)
Fairfield County
Lexington County*
Newberry County
Richland County*
 eac_r4.htm#SC_LCountry Low Country
(Beaufort area)
Beaufort County
Colleton County
Hampton County
Jasper County
 eac_r4.htm#SC_LSavannah Lower Savannah - Augusta Area
(Aiken - Augusta area)
(see also Georgia)
Aiken County*
Allendale County
Bamberg County
Barnwell County
Calhoun County
Orangeburg County Columbia County,* GA
Richmond County,* GA

 eac_r4.htm#SC_PeeDee Pee Dee
(Florence area)
Chesterfield County
Darlington County
Dillon County
Florence County*
Marion County
Marlboro County
 eac_r4.htm#SC_Santee Santee Lynches
(Sumter area)
Clarendon County
Kershaw County
Lee County
Sumter County*
 eac_r4.htm#SC_USavannah Upper Savannah
(Abbeville - Greenwood area)
Abbeville County
Edgefield County* (actually in Augusta-Aiken MSA)
Laurens County
Saluda County
Greenwood County
 eac_r4.htm#SC_Waccamaw Waccamaw
(Myrtle Beach area)
Georgetown County
Horry County*
Williamsburg County


 eac_r4.htm#TN_Chattanooga Chattanooga Area
(see also Georgia)
Hamilton County*
Marion County*
Meigs County
Catoosa County,* GA
Walker County,* GA
 eac_r4.htm#TN_Haywood Haywood County
(near Memphis)
Haywood County
 eac_r4.htm#TN_Knoxville Knoxville Area
Denied deferral of effective date of nonattainment designation — June 15, 2004
Anderson County*
Blount County*
Jefferson County
Knox County*
Loudon County*
Sevier County*
Union County*
 eac_r4.htm#TN_Lawrence Lawrence County
(southern TN, between Chattanooga and Memphis)

Opted out of Early Action Compact
Lawrence County
 eac_r4.htm#TN_Memphis Memphis Area
(see also Arkansas and Mississippi)

Denied deferral of effective date of nonattainment designation — June 15, 2004
Fayette County*
Shelby County*
Tipton County*
Crittenden County,* AR
DeSoto County,* MS
 eac_r4.htm#TN_Nashville Nashville Area Cheatham County*
Davidson County*
Dickson County*
Robertson County*
Rutherford County*
Sumner County*
Williamson County*
Wilson County*
 eac_r4.htm#TN_Putnam Putnam County
(central TN, between Nashville and Knoxville)
Putnam County
 eac_r4.htm#TN_Tricities Tri-Cities Area
(Johnson City-Kingsport-Bristol area)
Carter County*
Hawkins County*
Johnson County
Sullivan County*
Unicoi County*
Washington County*


 eac_r6.htm#TX_Austin Austin - San Marcos Area Bastrop County*
Caldwell County*
Hays County*
Travis County*
Williamson County*
 eac_r6.htm#TX_Northeast Northeast Texas Area
(Longview - Tyler area)
Gregg County*
Harrison County*
Rusk County
Smith County*
Upshur County
 eac_r6.htm#TX_SanAntonio San Antonio Area Bexar County*
Comal County*
Guadalupe County*
Wilson County*


 eac_r3.htm#VA_NSV Northern Shenandoah Valley Region
(Winchester Area)
City of Winchester
Frederick County (adjacent to Washington-Baltimore MSA)
 eac_r3.htm#VA_Roanoke Roanoke Area Botetourt County*
City of Roanoke*
City of Salem*
Roanoke County*

West Virginia

 eac_r3.htm#WV_EPan The Eastern Pan Handle Region
(Martinsburg area)
Berkeley County*
Jefferson County* (part of Washington-Baltimore MSA)
* Denotes county in a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)


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