Error Notification Work Flow Process Chart

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Error Notification Work Flow Process Chart

Step 1: Web Users send in a notification about an alleged error through the appropriate EPA Web site. EPA then sends an acknowledgment to the notifier.

Step 2: A Headquarters Data Quality Action Officer (DQAO) inputs information about the notification into the Integrated Error Correction Process (IECP) tracking system and then determines if this notification is actually pinpointing erroneous data on EPA's site. If the notification is not specifically referring to erroneous data, then the DQAO sends an email to the notifier, thanking him or her and informing him or her of any referrals (if applicable). If the notification is pinpointing erroneous data on EPA's site, then the DQAO forwards the notification to the Data Steward/System Action Officer (SAO) (i.e. the EPA, Regional or State staff person who "owns" or manages the data). The DQAO and the SAO always keep the notifier aware of the status of the notification.

Step 3: The SAO then determines if the data questioned by the notifier are correct or incorrect. If the data are correct, then the SAO informs the notifier and the DQAO that no corrections are to be made and the information stands. If the data are incorrect, then the SAO makes the appropriate corrections or requests the facility/company in question to make the appropriate corrections, all the while keeping the notifier and the DQAO informed. Additionally, if these data are corrected but these corrections cannot be displayed until the Web site is refreshed with the new information, then the SAO and DQAO will display a data quality "flag" to show what the correct information should be.

Step 4: The DQAO and the SAO keep each other informed of changes to the Web site and of any correspondence or telephone discussions with the original notifier. When the EPA Web site is refreshed with updates, and when the DQAO makes sure that the corrected data is displayed, then the error flag will be removed. The notifier continues to be informed throughout this process.

Last modified on June 25, 2001