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  Grazinglands Research Laboratory, El Reno, Oklahoma
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Careers at Grazinglands Research Laboratory

What do you need to work at GRL?

GRL employs research animal scientists, research physiologists, research geneticists, research agronomists, research geologists, research hydraulic engineers, plant geneticists, plant physiologists, ecologists, research meteorologists, soil scientists,  and microbiologists.  GRL's support staff includes animal scientists, biologists, biological technicians, chemists, computer specialists, ecologists, geologists, mathematicians, physical science technicians, soil scientists, vet. medical officers, and office staff.

To be a geneticist, earn a bachelor's degree in animal science, biochemistry, agronomy, plant science, horticulture, poultry science, dairy science, forestry, or fisheries and wildlife. Genetics draws heavily from mathematics, biology, statistics, biochemistry, microbiology, and chemistry, so those courses are important. Graduate degrees can lead you to more sophisticated research and development positions. In high school take as many courses in math, science, and English as possible. Also, take courses in computer science and communications.



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