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STORET logo STORET Data Warehouse

Data refreshed on October 31, 2004


    Query Options

STORET Station Descriptions
Stations by Geographic Location
Stations by Organization and Station ID
STORET Regular Results
(Non-Biological Physical and Chemical Result Data)
Regular Results by Geographic Location
Regular Results by Station
Regular Results by Project
STORET Biological Results
Biological Results by Geographic Location
Biological Results by Station
Biological Results by Project
STORET Habitat Results
Habitat Results by Geographic Location
Habitat Results by Station
Habitat Results by Project
Download a delimited text file of results reported to STORET from Automated Data Loggers. These results, which cannot yet be downloaded via the query options at the left, will be in the form of a self-extracting compressed file (450K) which may be saved on disk and will expand when executed. In its uncompressed form, this file requires 14.8 MB of disk space.
Select from among available reports which document the standards, methods, practices, and other metadata supplied by data owners to document the quality of the monitoring results found in the National STORET Data Warehouse.
* Adobe Acrobat® Reader required.
A step-by-step guide for first-time users of the STORET Data Warehouse.
* Adobe Acrobat® Reader required.


Stations registered in STORET
(Click anywhere on the map to see it enlarged)

Click Here to Enlarge


Comments? If you have a question or comments on this website or on the STORET system,
please call STORET User Assistance at 1-800-424-9067,
or send us an email at


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