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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Models-3 Visualization Subsystem
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Collage Tutorial
Pave Tutorial
Vis5d Tutorial
DXDriver Tutorial


Models-3 Visualization Subsystem          visualization tools image

This section provides information and tutorials on how to use the various Models-3 Visualization Subsystem applications. (It assumes that the software has already been installed on your system.) It does not cover how these applications may be invoked from other parts of the Models-3 System, such as StudyPlanner, as these are described elsewhere.

The Models-3 Visualization Subsystem consists of the following user-level applications:

Collage NCSA's collaborative visualization tool.Exit EPA Disclaimer
PAVE MCNC's Program for the Analysis and Visualization
of Environmental data.
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Vis5d UWSSEC's visualization program for 5d arrays of meteorological data.
DXDriver Graphical User Interface (GUI) for launching IBM Visualization Data
Explorer (DX).
VisDriver Main GUI interface to all of the above applications. Only VisDriver is launched directly by Models-3 users.
M3Subset A utility used to extract subsets of Models-3 data files. It is used during DX visualizations but may also be of interest to Models-3 users.

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