NSF LogoNSF Award Abstract - #0209874 AWSFL008-DS3

U.S.-FSU-EU Geology Field Mapping Course in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan, Central Asia

Latest Amendment Date June 20, 2003
Award Number 0209874
Award Instrument Standard Grant
Program Manager Cassandra M. Dudka
OISE Office of Internatl Science &Engineering;
Start Date April 15, 2002
Expires March 31, 2007 (Estimated)
Expected Total Amount $125370 (Estimated)
Investigator Ray J. Weldon ray@newberry.uoregon.edu (Principal Investigator current)
Sponsor U of Oregon Eugene
5219 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 974035219 541/346-5131
Field Application 0000099 Other Applications NEC
Program Reference Code 0000,5915,OTHR,


This international field camp will bring together students from the United States, European Union and Central Asia to learn geologic mapping skills. The principal investigators are Dr. Ray J. Weldon from the University of Oregon Eugene and Dr. Kanatbek Abdrahkmatov from the Kyrgyz Institute of Seismology.

The Tien Shan Mountains offer superb exposure and complex geology where the students will be able to address some of the most fundamental questions on mountain building and interactions of older and younger deformational events. The Tien Shan will introduce the students to a completely new class of structures that are not well exposed in the US. The mapping projects are designed to answer specific scientific questions about the active deformation in the Tien Shan, as well as to provide excellent learning situations for the students. This project will also further understanding of the geology and geodynamics of the Tien Shan orogen, that currently absorbs half of the shortening caused by the collision of Eurasia and the Indian subcontinent.

This project in earth sciences research will train students in field mapping and will enhance the development of ties between the next generation of geoscientists. This project also fulfills the program objectives of bringing together leading experts in the U.S. and Central/Eastern Europe to combine complementary efforts and capabilities in areas of strong mutual interest and competence on the basis of equality, reciprocity, and mutuality of benefit.

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