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Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators

(Docket#A-91-61 and A-98-24)
last updated

The purpose of this page is to provide information regarding EPA's air emission regulations for Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators (HMIWI).   Information is categorized into four groups as follows: (1) Rule Information, (2) Technical Information, (3) Implementation Information, or (4) Related Web Sites.   Descriptions of (and direct links to) these areas are provided below.

Rule Information -- This area contains Federal Register notices for both proposed and promulgated (final) rules.   The Federal Register notices summarize the basis of the rules and include the actual regulatory text.   In addition, and update on the litigation and links to closely related rules, policies, or program guidance are provided here.

Technical Information -- This area contains technical information used in developing the rules.   Background documents are available for download.   In addition, fact sheets which summarize the requirements of the rules are available here.

Implementation Information -- This area contains implementation information including guidance for States and the current status of State Plans.   In addition, compliance and enforcement information is provided here.

Related Web Sites -- This area provides links to other web sites where additional information may be found.

Rule Information

    Proposed and Promulgated Rules

    • Subpart Ec of 40 CFR Part 60 - New Source Performance Standards for Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators constructed after June 20, 1996

    • Subpart Ce of 40 CFR Part 60 - Emission Guidelines for Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators constructed on or before June 20, 1996

    • Subpart HHH of 40 CFR Part 62 - Federal Plan Requirements for Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators constructed on or before June 20, 1996

File Download
02/27/95 60 FR 10654 Proposed Rules Original Proposal of Subparts Ec and Ce  
06/20/96 61 FR 31736 Proposed Rules Re-proposal of Subparts Ec and Ce  
09/15/97 62 FR 48348 Rules/Regulations Final Rule (Promulgation) of Subparts Ec and Ce  
07/06/99 64 FR 36426 Proposed Rules Proposed Federal Plan (Part 62 Subpart HHH) to implement Subpart Ce  
08/15/00 65 FR 49739 Final Final Federal Plan (Part 62 Subpart HHH) to implement Subpart Ce  
NOTE: All files are Government Printing Office (GPO) files unless otherwise indicated by *.

    Litigation Update

    • The Court announced its opinion regarding the HMIWI litigation on March 2, 1999.   The DC Circuit Court Exit EPA disclaimer website contains a searchable data base of court opinions.
    • Background information regarding the litigation.......................................
    • View and/or download the opinion right here...........................................

    Closely Related Rules, Policies or Program Guidance

    • Large MWC Units   40 CFR Part 60 Subparts Eb and Cb - New Source Performance Standards and Emission Guidelines for Large Municipal Waste Combustors

    • Small MWC Units   40 CFR Part 60 Subparts AAAA and BBBB - New Source Performance Standards and Emission Guidelines for Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units

    • Hazardous Waste Combustors   40 CFR Part 63 Subpart EEE - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Hazardous Waste Combustors

    • List of other combustion-related rules


Technical Information

    Background Information Document (BID)/Response to Comments 

    • All of the materials listed below (as well as other information considered by EPA in developing the HMIWI regulations) are available in Docket A-91-61 for public inspection and copying by calling or visiting EPA's Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center (the Docket Office).   A reasonable fee may be charged for copying.   The telephone number for the Docket Office is 202-260-7548.

    • Reports identified with an EPA number (e.g., EPA-453/R-94-042a) are also available (for a fee) through the National Technical Information Service (NTIS).   NTIS documents are identified by a publication number in the table below (e.g., PB95-193116INZ).   To order through NTIS, call 1-800-553-6847 or fax (703) 321-8547 or email     Visit the NTIS Website Exit EPA disclaimer   to search for additional documents.

    • Some of the items below are available for immediate download.

Documents related to NSPS/EG (Subparts Ec and Ce)
Date Description (EPA Number) Item Number in
Docket A-91-61
NTIS Number File Download
8/97 Docket Index -- WordPerfect 6.1 format - to assist in locating items in docket A-91-61 Index  
7/94 Background Information for Proposed Standards and Guidelines - Industry Profile Report   (EPA-453/R-94-042a) III-B-1 PB95-190757INZ
7/94 Background Information for Proposed Standards and Guidelines - Process Description Report   (EPA-453/R-94-043a) III-B-2 PB95-193116INZ
7/94 Background Information for Proposed Standards and Guidelines - Control Technology Performance Report   (EPA-453/R-94-044a) III-B-3 PB95-190724INZ
7/94 Background Information for Proposed Standards and Guidelines - Model Plant Description and Cost Report   (EPA-453/R-94-045a) III-B-4 PB95-190807INZ
7/94 Background Information for Proposed Standards and Guidelines - Economic Impacts for New Sources  (EPA-453/R-94-047a) III-B-6 PB95-190732INZ  
7/94 Background Information for Proposed Standards and Guidelines - Economic Impacts for Existing Sources  (EPA-453/R-94-048a) III-B-7 PB95-190740INZ  
7/94 Background Information for Proposed Standards and Guidelines - Regulatory Impact Analysis  (EPA-453/R-94-063a) III-B-8 PB95-195966INZ  
6/96 National Dioxin Emissions from Medical Waste Incinerators IV-A-7  
6/96 Revised Economic Impacts - existing sources IV-A-8    
6/96 Revised Economic Impacts - new sources IV-A-9    
1/31/96 MACT Floor - existing sources IV-B-24  
9/7/95 Wet Scrubber Costs IV-B-30  
1/29/96 Dry Scrubber Costs IV-B-32  
1/29/96 Cost of Combustion Control Upgrades IV-B-33  
3/20/96 MACT Floor - new sources IV-B-38  
4/8/96 Emission Factors IV-B-42  
5/20/96 Combustion Control Performance - PM, CO, and dioxin IV-B-46  
5/20/96 Combustion Control Performance - Acid Gases and Metals IV-B-47  
5/20/96 Wet Scrubber Performance IV-B-48  
5/20/96 Dry Scrubber Performance IV-B-49  
3/17/97 Revised Testing and Monitoring Options and Costs IV-B-66  
6/16/97 Revised Impacts of the Regulatory Options IV-B-72  
7/97 Background Information for Promulgated Standards and Guidelines - Economic Impacts for Existing Sources   (EPA-453/R-97-007b) V-B-1  
7/97 Background Information for Promulgated Standards and Guidelines - Economic Impacts for New Sources   (EPA-453/R-97-008b) V-B-2  
7/97 Background Information for Promulgated Standards and Guidelines - Regulatory Impact Analysis   (EPA-453/R-97-009b) V-B-3 PB98-110141INZ
7/97 Background Information for Promulgated Standards and Guidelines - Comment/Response Document   (EPA-453/R-97-006b) V-C-1 PB97-199822INZ

Documents related to Federal Plan (Subpart HHH)
Date Description (EPA Number) Item Number in
Docket A-98-24
NTIS Number File Download
June 2000 Background Information for Federal Plan- Public Comments and Responses EPA-456/R-00-003    

    Fact Sheets

    8/97 Press Release Fact Sheet - Final Rule (Subparts Ec and Ce)
    8/97 Technical Fact Sheet - Final New Source Performance Standards (Subpart Ec)
    8/97 Technical Fact Sheet - Final Emission Guidelines (Subpart Ce)
    8/4/00 Fact Sheet for Final Federal Plan for Existing Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators (Subpart HHH)


Implementation Information

    Implementation Documents

  • 1997 State Implementation Guidance Document  (EPA-456/R-97-007)
  • 1997 State Implementation Guidance Document  (EPA-456/R-97-007) w/o appendices
  • Questions and Answers Document - 11/97
  • List of Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas - 6/93
  • June 2004 HMIWI Inventory
  • Brochure: New Regulations Controlling Emissions from HMIWI - 9/97
  • Current Status of State Plans
    • Compliance and Enforcement Information

        Applicability Determination Index (ADI).   The ADI is maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) and provides a data base of memoranda dealing with applicability issues.   The database is searchable by Subpart.


    Related Web Sites

      Medical Waste Pollution Prevention (P2) Software   This site provides information about mercury as commonly used in medical care facilities, especially hospitals and clinics.   The program explains the impact of mercury on human health and the integrity of ecosystems, and a 'virtual hospital' allows users to see sources of mercury and their alternatives.   Detailed survey and self-audit materials are provided, along with case studies from the Mayo Clinic and other locations.
      Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)   The U.S. EPA and the American Hospital Association (AHA) have signed an MOU to address Pollution Prevention ("P2") opportunities at hospitals.   The primary purpose of the MOU is to transfer technical information on P2 opportunities that exist with respect to waste generated by the health care industry.   This information transfer will provide the health care industry with tools for reducing the volumes of waste generated.   Such reductions are beneficial to the environment and will reduce the waste disposal costs incurred by the health care industry.
      The Sustainable Hospitals Project Exit EPA disclaimer   The Sustainable Hospitals Project provides health care personnel with tools, training and technical support to improve the environmental practices of hospitals and healthcare facilities.


    EXIT EPA  NOTE:   Links identified with this symbol are pointers to other hosts and locations in the Internet. This information is provided as a service; however the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency does not endorse, approve or otherwise support these sites.


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