Why citizens should register for disasterhelp.gov
Customized Personal Page
Registering for DisasterHelp allows you to customize your personal page. With a customized personal page you can place all of the information that you care about in a single location. Each time you log on and view your personal page you will see all of the channels that you have placed there, giving you quick and easy access to information that is important to you. Registering and creating a customized personal page allows you to see what you want with only one click.
Custom Channels
Being a registered user also allows you to create your own custom channels to pull together links or web pages in a manner that allows you to see the information you want in one place. Custom channels can then be placed on your customized personal page for easy access.
Why First Responders should register for disasterhelp.gov
Customized Personal Page
As a validated First Responder, you will have the ability to create and manage your own personal page. A customized personal page allows you to view all of the channels that are important to you in one quick and easy manner. The channels on your personal page will appear each time you log on, saving you the time and hassle of searching for relevant information on different pages.
Custom Channels
In addition to the standard channels available to you, as a validated First Responder you will be able to create custom channels that contain the information you want to see. Custom channels can then be placed on your personal page for easy viewing.
DisasterHelp IM and Chat
Validated First Responders also have access to DisasterHelp Instant Messaging and Chat. DisasterHelp IM allows you to chat quickly and easily with other DisasterHelp users, enabling you to contact other First Responders in a timely manner. Chat rooms allow you to chat with several registered DisasterHelp users at once, making it an ideal environment for sharing emergency management information across the country.
DisasterHelp Enterprise Collaboration Center
While the above features are available to all registered DisasterHelp users, as a validated First Responder you will have access to the DisasterHelp Enterprise Collaboration Center (ECC). The DisasterHelp ECC is a knowledge sharing center that allows validated users to upload and download documents into the relevant community knowledge centers. The DisasterHelp ECC is organized by community (eg. Police, Hazmat, etc.), making it fast and easy to locate the information you need.

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