Contact: Rick Nelson
(701) 250-4242 ext 3600 May 15, 2001


Jamestown Reservoir was selected as one of 31 lakes nationwide which will be part of a pilot program to find innovative ways to manage federal lakes to meet increasing public recreation demands.

Dennis Breitzman, Area Manager for the Bureau of Reclamation's Dakotas Area Office in Bismarck, said Congress passed legislation in 1996 directing that a Recreational Lakes Study Commission be organized to review current and anticipated recreation demand and to review ways to enhance public recreation opportunities at federally-managed manmade lakes and reservoirs in the U.S.

As part of a Federal Lakes Recreational Lakes Demonstration, 31 "pilot lakes" were recently designated to take the lead in developing a model for future management. The lakes are managed by 6 different federal agencies in 20 states. At those lakes, management will be reshaped to find innovative ways to develop and maintain needed recreational facilities, improve health and safety conditions and protect natural resources. The demonstration program will also be used to sponsor workshops, training sessions and seminars on policies and procedures to improve recre ation opportunities. Demonstration projects may continue for up to four years and lessons learned will be shared with other Federal recreation lake managers nationwide.

Breitzman said Jamestown was selected for this distinction because of increasing recreation demands and management opportunities identified in a Resource Management Plan completed in 1999. He said the demonstration at Jamestown will emphasize cooperative efforts between Reclamation and others having an interest in enhancing recreational opportunities at the reservoir. Reclamation and its local managing partner, the Stutsman County Park Board, will strive to expand the partnership base to include local governments, organizations, business and education groups. Involvement of a wide array of water-related recreation interests will enhance funding opportunities and lead to new, innovative ways to achieve recreational goals, he added.

Each year there are more than 900 million visits to 1782 Federal lakes in the U.S. This represents over half of all visitation to all federal lands and recreational demands are expected to increase.

Any group or individual wishing to work with Reclamation to enhance recreational opportunities at Jamestown should call the office in Bismarck at (701) 250-4242, Ext. 3600.