NSF LogoNSF Award Abstract - #9911224

A Study of Place: Satellite Technology Fuses Earth Science and Human Geography

Latest Amendment Date April 9, 2002
Award Number 9911224
Award Instrument Continuing grant
Program Manager Gerhard L. Salinger
ESI Division of Elementary, Secondary & Informal Education
EHR Directorate for Education & Human Resources
Start Date June 1, 2000
Expires May 31, 2004 (Estimated)
Awarded Amount to Date $925322
Investigator(s) Katherine Paget katherine_paget@terc.edu (Principal Investigator)
Susan Doubler (Co-Principal Investigator)
Sponsor TERC Inc
2067 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02140 617/547-0430
Field Application(s) 0000099 Other Applications NEC
Program Reference Code(s) SMET,9177
Program Element Code(s) 7355


9911224 PAGET 'A Study of Place" integrates geographic visualization technologies into the study of earth science and geography at the middle school. Two modules, each of four to six weeks duration, are "The Antarctic Continent: Ice Climate and Exploration,' and 'The Atlantic and Its Coasts: Currents and Commerce.' Each module is driven by science and geography standards and has a common sequence. A dilemma or mystery of an historical event in a particular geographic setting frames the unit. Central earth science concepts are developed in tandem with investigative, image analysis, and mapping skills. Core understandings are built in the context of current research. A parallel study in a related or extended setting is carried out and becomes the assessment. The materials use satellite images, advanced geographic visualizations and other computer technologies. The materials are disseminated on the Web as are teacher guides that support teachers in their learning to use non-traditional classroom strategies.

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