Title : NIEE Video Project: A Sequel to Gilbane Gold Type : Award NSF Org : SES Latest Amendment Date : May 29, 2003 File : a0138309 Award Number: 0138309 Award Instr.: Continuing grant Prgm Manager: Rachelle D. Hollander SES DIVN OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SCIENCES SBE DIRECT FOR SOCIAL, BEHAV & ECONOMIC SCIE Start Date : March 15, 2002 Expires : February 28, 2005 (Estimated) Expected Total Amt. : $265661 (Estimated) Investigator: Jimmy H. Smith Jimmy.Smith@coe.ttu.edu (Principal Investigator current) Michael C. Loui (Co-Principal Investigator current) Steven P. Nichols (Co-Principal Investigator current) William D. Lawson (Co-Principal Investigator current) Sponsor : Texas Tech University 203 Holden Hall Lubbock, TX 794091035 806/742-3884 NSF Program : 7915 ETHICS AND VALUES STUDIES Fld Applictn: Program Ref : 7915,9178,SMET, Abstract : A project team of engineer educators, engineer practitioners, and philosophers with international reputations in engineering ethics creates a video dramatizing a fictional but realistic case study in engineering ethics. This is a sequel Gilbane Gold; a highly successful, award-winning video. This video will help meet the contemporary need for effective instruction in engineering ethics, prompted by recent accreditation requirements for engineering curricula to include aspects of engineering ethics, and by increases in requirements for awareness of professional ethics in the licensing of professional engineers by states' licensing agencies. The video will reach hundreds of thousands of engineering students, practicing engineers, and others who work with engineers. It emphasizes the positive responsibilities of engineers and the resulting benefit to the public, rather than whistle-blowing, which was one aspect of Gilbane Gold. Because of the globalization of the economy, the new video is cast in an international context. The video is done in three versions to enhance its exposure and pedagogical effectiveness: a 20-25 minute "basic" story version along the lines of Gilbane Gold, a "segmented' version that can be viewed in parts, and an "interactive" version on DVD that allows the viewer to observe the consequences of different ethical decisions. The film will improve the ability of students and practicing engineers to: Evaluate alternatives according to basic ethical values and through simple tests Identify and distinguish ethical issues, technical issues, and economic issues Identify affected parties (stakeholders) and their rights and responsibilities Identify social and political constraints on possible solutions Determine whether additional information is needed to make a good decision Formulate alternative courses of action Test the alternatives and imagine possible consequences of those alternatives. Also, the video will help the viewers become more aware that: Ethical considerations are an integral part of making engineering decisions A code of ethics will provide guidance in the decision-making process The obligations of a code of ethics do not stop at the United States border The obligations of engineers go beyond fulfilling a contract with a client or customer. The effectiveness of the video in achieving these goals is assessed through questionnaires and a standard test of moral reasoning. As part of the dissemination plan and in order to assure its wide use in the educational environment, a free copy will be sent to every engineering dean in the United States who oversees ABET-accredited engineering programs. Free examination copies will also be sent to major engineering and applied ethics societies in the United States. This wide distribution will encourage use of the video in conveying the importance of ethics in undergraduate curricula, graduate curricula, and continuing education programs.