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United States Environmental Protection Agency
High Production Volume (HPV) Challenge Program
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Robust Summaries & Test Plans: Primene 81-R amines


EPA is posting submissions to EPA related to the HPV Challenge Program for the purposes of making them more easily accessible to the public and inviting public comment on them. EPA is posting these submissions verbatim without editing them in any way. EPA has not evaluated the submissions on their merits prior to posting. In some cases, submitters have chosen to include information that goes beyond the scope of the HPV Challenge Program guidance, e.g., exposure information and risk characterizations. The Agency has neither reviewed nor evaluated the information contained in these submissions, and EPA cannot attest to their accuracy or sufficiency. Posting of a submission on this website does not constitute an endorsement by EPA of the submission or of any other information contained in the submission.

Download in PDF format.

Please download the PDF version for offline use. The print quality is much better than that of the web pages.

Cover Letter  PDF format

Test Plan  (PDF format)

Test Plan Revision/Updates    July 14, 2004
     Transmittal Letter  (PDF format)
     Revised Test Plan (PDF format)
     Revised Summaries (PDF format)

Summaries  (PDF format)


     December 19, 2003
     Comments  PDF format

Environmental Defense
     December 18, 2003
     Comments  PDF format


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