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The Worker-Trainee Opportunities Program (W-TOP) was designed in the Government's continuing efforts to hire and develop low-skilled and disadvantaged individuals. The W-TOP is primarily used to fill positions restructured at a very low entry level (normally GS-01 or equivalent), referred to as developmental jobs, which require special types of training and developmental experiences that lead to target positions at higher grade levels. Positions are targeted generally to the GS-03 (or equivalent) grade level and above. Progression is based on meeting qualification and training plan requirements.

The Personnel Office establishes special recruitment announcements for W-TOP candidates or may use existing registers of veterans eligible for appointment to fill W-TOP positions.

This employment program is also a mechanism for meeting affirmative action goals set by the installation, for example, increasing representation of women in blue collar occupations.  It is also used to appoint welfare recipients under the Welfare-to-Work Program.

n Title 5 CFR 316.201
RELATED TOPICS: Formal Training

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior