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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
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PCB Identifiers (PCB ID)

Recent changes to the PCB ID pages.
Table of PCB Congeners & Other Species
All PCB Congeners, plus Mixtures and Homologs, together with their CASR, BZ, and IUPAC identifiers and more.
PCB Definitions
A brief primer on PCB terminology and chemical structure. Also discusses the differences between BZ and IUPAC nomenclature, Aroclor mixtures, some trade names used for PCB products, and the many equivalent names for congeners.
Composition of PCB Mixtures
The congener compositions of seven Aroclor mixtures in weight percent.
TEFs for PCB Congeners
Toxicity Equivalency Factors assigned by WHO.
Download PCB ID Data
The PCB ID data in various formats for downloading to your PC. Includes full data dictionary and references.
Important references, sources, and acknowledgments for the PCB ID data.
PCB Identifiers


Table of PCB Congeners & Other Species

PCB Definitions

Composition of PCB Mixtures

TEFs for PCB Congeners

Download PCB ID Data


More About PCB

Introductory Note

PCB is complex in many ways, not the least of which is the nomenclature used to name and otherwise identify its various species.  This page is an attempt to bring together in one place the relevant names and numbers needed to correctly specify as many PCB species as possible, in an easily accessible reference document.  The data presented here have been carefully checked for accuracy and completeness.  However, we encourage anyone finding a possible error or omission to contact us at once, so that we can correct it.  We also welcome any other questions or suggestions for additions or improvements.




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