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picture of petroleum refineryU.S. Announces Clean Air Agreement with CITGO Petroleum Corp.; Petroleum Refiner to Reduce Air Emissions at Refineries in Five States
[October 7, 2004] The Department of Justice and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced a comprehensive Clean Air Act settlement with CITGO. The settlement is expected to reduce harmful air emissions by more than 30,000 tons per year from six petroleum refineries in five states that represent nearly five percent of total refining capacity in the United States.
News Release | Read More

Energystar logoEPA Grant will Advance Home Energy Efficiency
[October 7, 2004] Today, as part of a joint federal initiative to improve the energy efficiency of existing homes, EPA awarded a one million dollar grant to the Building Performance Institute (BPI) Inc. This grant is part of the President's National Energy Policy. With funding also provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), this grant will advance the development of a national infrastructure of certified technicians and accredited contractors to deliver whole house energy efficiency improvements.
For more information, see: http://www.energystar.gov.

New Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets Announced by Climate Leader PartnersNew Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets Announced by Climate Leader Partners
[October 7, 2004] Today, six partners in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Climate Leaders program announced their greenhouse gas reduction targets. Climate Leaders is a voluntary program that works with companies to measure greenhouse gas emissions and set aggressive, long-term emissions reduction goals.
More about Climate Leaders

picture of a diesel tractor-trailerWest Coast Diesel Initiative Announced
[September 30, 2004] A consortium of federal, state and local government agencies, non-profits, and industry kick off a $6 million effort to reduce diesel emissions along the West Coast. More than 400 interests are working together.
News release | More about Diesel Reductions

EPA Recognizes Best Workplaces for Commuters from the Fortune 500 Companies
[September 29, 2004] EPA is announcing its first list of Best Workplaces for Commuters from the FORTUNE 500 companies. Sixty-nine companies are being recognized for their environmental commitment to reducing air pollution and their role in easing traffic congestion caused by so many vehicles on our nation’s roads. The Best Workplaces for Commuters program recognizes employers that are leaders in offering superior commuter benefits, such as subsidized transit or vanpool passes, telework programs, or shuttles, to their employees.
News Release | Best Workplaces for Commuters Web Site

Report Shows Air Cleanest in Three Decades
Millions of Tons
  1970 2003*    
CO 197.3   93.7  
NOx 26.9 20.5  
PM10    12.2 2.3  
SO2 31.2 15.8  
VOC 33.7 15.4  
Lead .221 .003  
*preliminary data

[September 20, 2004] Total emissions of the six principal pollutants identified in the Clean Air Act dropped again in 2003, signaling that America's air is the cleanest ever in three decades, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported today. Annual emissions statistics for the six pollutants are considered major indicators of the quality of the nation's air. The Acid Rain Progress Report, also released today, shows annual SO2 and NOx emissions have declined 32 percent and 37 percent respectively since 1990.
News release | 2003 Emissions Report | Acid Rain Report

photo collage - canyon, smokestack, traffic, ocean= EPA Particulate Matter Research Report Released
[September 9, 2004] To further EPA's goal of safe and healthy air for every American community, EPA has released the report, "Particulate Matter (PM) Research Program: Five Years of Progress." This report summarizes PM research by EPA scientists, grantees from universities and other U.S. research institutions.
Read the Report | Information on PM Designations

Eastern States Cut Air Pollution with NOx Cap-and-Trade Program
[September 2, 2004] EPA is releasing its first annual NOx Budget Trading Program 2003 Progress and Compliance Report. The 2003 report assesses the NOx Budget Trading Program, a market-based cap and trade program created to reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from power plants and other large combustion sources in the eastern United States.
News Release | Read the Report

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The Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) develops national programs, technical policies, and regulations for controlling air pollution and radiation exposure. OAR is concerned with energy conservation and pollution prevention, indoor and outdoor air quality, industrial air pollution, pollution from vehicles and engines, radon, acid rain, stratospheric ozone depletion, and radiation protection.

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