NSF LogoNSF Award Abstract - #0413012

Micromirror Arrays for Imaging Sensors

Latest Amendment Date September 23, 2004
Award Number 0413012
Award Instrument Continuing grant
Program Manager Junku Yuh
IIS Division of Information & Intelligent Systems
CSE Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering
Start Date October 1, 2004
Expires September 30, 2005 (Estimated)
Awarded Amount to Date $250000
Investigator(s) Robert Hicks ahicks@drexel.edu (Principal Investigator)
Timothy Kurzweg (Co-Principal Investigator)
Sponsor Drexel University
3201 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104 215/895-2000
Field Application(s) 0104000 Information Systems,
0104000 Information Systems
Program Reference Code(s)
Program Element Code(s) 7339


For decades, the lens-CCD chip paradigm has dominated the design of imaging sensors. Design goals of these systems are to maximize resolution and to maximize the field of view. This work proposes a new design paradigm for a sensor that employs state-of-the art optical micro-electro-mechanical systems, with the goal of ultimately producing ultra-high resolution images. This will be made possible by an application of the theory of vector fields and distributions to optical design, and the effort will entail collaboration between a mathematician and an electrical engineer. A major component of this work will involve the integration of research and education. This work will enable students and researchers to explore the multi-discipline area of optical microsystems through the development of courses, labs, and research experiences, developing a qualified next-generation engineering force for US leadership in the emerging optical microsystem field.

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