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Automatic Subscription - Dockets Mailing Lists

Automatic Subscription - Dockets Mailing Lists

FDA-AC - This listing will give you what has been newly posted on the Advisory Committee Meeting page. We send this out when new information is posted. See an example of what you will get at: http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/ac/acwhatsnew.htm. If you want to subscribe or unsubscribe from this list select "F" for FDA and then FDA-AC from the menu that appears here and then follow the instructions listed.

FDA-AD - This listing is sent out when there are FDA related Federal Register Notices that will be published in the Federal Register (FR). See and eample at: http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/oc/ohrms/advdisplay.cfm. If you want to subscribe or unsubscribe from this list select "F" for FDA and then FDA-AD from the menu that appears here and then follow the instructions listed.

FDA-CitPet - This is a weekly listing of the current year citizen petitions submitted to FDA along with their status and links to petitions of some prior years and their status. See an example at: http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/CITPETS/petitionlist1.htm If you want to subscribe or unsubscribe from this list select "F" for FDA and then FDA-CitPet from the menu that appears here and then follow the instructions listed.

FDA-DD - This listing is sent out on daily basis. It contains documents, correspondence, and citizen comments processed by the Dockets Management Branch on the previous working day, also known as "Daily Dockets Entered" and "Dailies". See an example at: http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/dailys/dailys02.htm. If you want to subscribe or unsubscribe from this list select "F" for FDA and then FDA-DD from the menu that appears here and then follow the instructions listed.

FDA-DDL - This listing is sent out as it is completed. It contains documents, correspondence, and citizen comments (known as "Daily Dockets Entered" and "Dailies") already processed by the Dockets Management Branch, that have now been linked to the corresponding comment/document. See an example at: http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/dailys/dailys02.htm. If you want to subscribe or unsubscribe from this list select "F" for FDA and then FDA-DDL from the menu that appears here and then follow the instructions listed.

FDA-DOKLO - This is a monthly listing of selected dockets that have comment closing periods coming up within the next 30 to 60 days. See what you will be getting at: http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/DOCKETSCLOSE/Commentsdue.htm. If you want to subscribe or unsubscribe from this list select "F" for FDA and then FDA-DOKLO from the menu that appears here and then follow the instructions listed.

FDA-FR - We send this listing out when there are any FDA related Federal Register Notices published in The Federal Register by the Government Printing Office. See an example at http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/oc/ohrms/dailylist.cfm?yr=2002&mn=1&dy=23. IIf you want to subscribe or unsubscribe from this list select "F" for FDA and then FDA-FR from the menu that appears here and then follow the instructions listed.

FDA-GPO - This is the daily Table of Contents for all Federal Register Notices published by the Government Printing Office. We send this listing out every day the FR is published, even if there are no FDA FRs being published. See an example at http://www.fda.gov/OHRMS/DOCKETS/98fr/012302co.htm If you want to subscribe or unsubscribe from this list select "F" for FDA and then FDA-GPO from the menu that appears here and then follow the instructions listed.

FDA-Guide - This is a monthly list since January 1999 of FDA draft guidance documents published in the Federal Register (FR), with links to final guidance documents published in the FR. You can see what you will get at: http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/GUIDANCES/DGUIDES.HTM. If you want to subscribe or unsubscribe from this list select "F" for FDA and then FDA-Guide from the menu that appears here and then follow the instructions listed.

FDA-MET - This is a weekly listing of upcoming FDA meetings for which a Federal Register Notice has been published. See an example of what you will get at: http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/meetings/cmeetings.htm. If you want to subscribe or unsubscribe from this list select "F" for FDA and then FDA-MET from the menu that appears here and then follow the instructions listed.

FDA-RULES - This is a monthly listing of proposed rules for which a Federal Register Notice has been published. See an example of what you will get at: http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/nprrules.htm. If you want to subscribe or unsubscribe from this list select "F" for FDA and then FDA-RULES from the menu that appears here and then follow the instructions listed.

Revised 1/21/03

Page last updated April 1, 2004 kk

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