NOAA OR&R | Toxic Chemicals in Coastal Environments

Toxic Chemicals in Coastal Environments

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Based on NOAA's responsibility as a trustee for coastal resources, scientists in the Coastal Protection and Restoration Division work to evaluate threats that toxic contaminants pose to fish, marine mammals, and other aquatic species, as well as their supporting habitats.

We assess the effects of contaminants on the environment, help develop protective cleanup plans and coordinate projects to restore affected rivers, estuaries, and other coastal ecosystems.

 " " About Us
Information about the role of the CPR division, what we do, and how to find us. 

 Sediment Guidelines
Tools and guidelines for examining the ecological effects of toxic contaminants in sediment.

 Regional Information
Details on contaminants in specific areas of the U.S. and Hazardous Waste Site Reports.

 " " Watershed Database and Mapping Projects
Information about how and why we examine watersheds using GIS and contaminant data, including downloadable Query Manager and MARPLOT data and software, ArcIMS sites, GIS tools, and Watershed Project Webguides.

 " " Library
Technical publications, reports and summaries regarding contaminants that threaten aquatic species.

 " " Photo Tours
Visual examples of contaminated sites and the mapping tools we use to examine these sites.

 " " Coastal Brownfields Outside link to NOAA websiteClick here for more information on CPR and NOAA efforts to support the cleanup and reuse of coastal brownfields.

 " " Related Links
Coastal protection and restoration oriented websites.

" " CPRD Site Index


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Office of Response and Restoration, National Ocean Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration