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Picture of Secretary Ann M. Veneman
Secretary Ann M. Veneman:
I applaud the bipartisan support and passage of legislation to create President Bush’s vision of a Department of Homeland Security.
Biography of Ann M. Veneman

Active USDA Disaster Map

USDA Headlines
• USDA Awards $24.6 Million in Rural Development Grants for Education and Medical Service
• Secretary Veneman Announces The Healthier US School Challenge
• Bovine Genome Sequenced; Database Now Online
• Veneman Announces Launch of My.USDA.gov
• USDA Announces $95.2 Million in Loans to Increase Rural Access to Hi-Speed Internet Technology - Loans will Expand Access to Broadband Technology for over 46,000 Rural Homes and Businesses in Six States
More headlines »

 • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
USDA remains committed to helping America's farmers and ranchers. But we also do much more--
 • USDA Homeland Security
Information on keeping America's food and agriculture safe.
 • USDA Operations Center
To contact the USDA Operations Center please call either 202-720-5711 or 1-877-677-2369 (877-OPP-CEN9) or visit the USDA Employee Information Center- Be Prepared at http://www.usda.gov/oo/beprepared/.
 • USDA: National Drought Policy Commission : Reports
the National Drought Policy Commission and the report "Preparing for Drought in the 21st Century".
 • USDA, Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES), Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN)
A collaborative effort by Extension Services to help citizens affected by disasters.
 • USDA Newsroom

 • Office of Operations Employee Emergency Information and Guidelines
 • Washington Area Service Center Protective Operations Program
The Washington Area Service Center exists to create, maintain and protect the work environment of USDA employees and visitors in the Washington DC headquarters buildings.
 • Hazardous Material Management Program
 • Employee Welfare, Safety & Health Program

 • Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
The Animal and Plant Health inspection Service (APHIS) is responsible for protecting and promoting U.S. agricultural health, administering the Animal Welfare Act, and carrying out wildlife damage management activities.
 • APHIS Pest Detection
Plant Protection and Quarantine's (PPQ's) pest detection and survey activities.
 • APHIS Current Emergency Programs
Current Emergency Programs for Plant Protection & Quarantine.
 • APHIS Emergency Programs Manual
PPQ manuals help officials / cooperators to safeguard agricultural resources.
 • Risk Management Agency (RMA) Crop Policies
RMA provides policies for more than 100 crops.

Natural disaster is a constant threat to America's farmers and ranchers. From drought to flood, freeze, tornadoes, or other calamity, natural events can severely hurt even the best run agricultural operation. But farmers don't have to face a natural disaster alone. If your farming or ranching operation has suffered a loss due to a natural disaster, you may be eligible for assistance under one or more of the following FSA programs:

Natural disaster is a constant threat to America's farmers and ranchers. From drought to flood, freeze, tornadoes, or other calamity, natural events can severely hurt even the best run agricultural operation. But farmers don't have to face a natural disaster alone. If your farming or ranching operation has suffered a loss due to a natural disaster, you may be eligible for assistance under one or more of the following FSA programs:

Overview of Disaster Assistance Programs offered by the USDA Farm Service Agency. USDA Farm Service Agency Disaster AssistanceOverview of Disaster Assistance Programs offered by the USDA Farm Service Agency.
The Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) provides emergency funding for farmers and ranchers to rehabilitate farmland damaged by wind erosion, floods, hurricanes, or other natural disasters, and for carrying out emergency water conservation measures during periods of severe drought. Emergency Conservation ProgramThe Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) provides emergency funding for farmers and ranchers to rehabilitate farmland damaged by wind erosion, floods, hurricanes, or other natural disasters, and for carrying out emergency water conservation measures during periods of severe drought.
The Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) provides financial assistance to eligible producers affected by natural disasters. This federally funded program covers                          noninsurable crop losses and planting prevented by disasters. Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP)The Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) provides financial assistance to eligible producers affected by natural disasters. This federally funded program covers noninsurable crop losses and planting prevented by disasters.
USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) provides emergency loans to help producers recover from production and physical losses due to drought, flooding, other natural disasters, or quarantine. Emergency Loan Assistance (EM)USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) provides emergency loans to help producers recover from production and physical losses due to drought, flooding, other natural disasters, or quarantine.
Emergency haying and grazing of certain Conservation Reserve Program acreage may be made available in areas suffering from weather-related natural disaster. Emergency Haying and Grazing AssistanceEmergency haying and grazing of certain Conservation Reserve Program acreage may be made available in areas suffering from weather-related natural disaster.
Further information and help in applying for emergency assistance is available at the FSA county office serving your area. Use this service to locate your nearest FSA county office. Where Can I Apply for FSA Emergency Assistance?Further information and help in applying for emergency assistance is available at the FSA county office serving your area. Use this service to locate your nearest FSA county office.
 Rural Development - Disaster Assistance for Housing and Community Programs
 Rural Development - Business and Emergency Community Water Assistance
 Rural Development - Disaster Declarations Site

Click here to access the USDA Disaster Assistance site in a separate browser window.

The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), a public health regulatory agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, protects consumers by ensuring that meat, poultry, and egg products are safe, wholesome, and accurately labeled. The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), a public health regulatory agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, protects consumers by ensuring that meat, poultry, and egg products are safe, wholesome, and accurately labeled.

 USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service
 Food Security & Emergency Preparedness
This Meat and Poultry Hotline helps prevent food borne illness specifically by answering questions about the safe storage, handling, and preparation of meat, poultry, and egg products. Meat and Poultry HotlineThis Meat and Poultry Hotline helps prevent food borne illness specifically by answering questions about the safe storage, handling, and preparation of meat, poultry, and egg products.
Recalls are voluntary actions carried out by industry in cooperation with Federal and State agencies. Products are recalled when found to be contaminated, adulterated, or misbranded. FSIS Recall Information CenterRecalls are voluntary actions carried out by industry in cooperation with Federal and State agencies. Products are recalled when found to be contaminated, adulterated, or misbranded.
Food Safety publications are accessible on this website. Food Safety PublicationsFood Safety publications are accessible on this website.
Frequently asked questions about food safety and safe food handling can be found at the website. Food Safety QuestionsFrequently asked questions about food safety and safe food handling can be found at the website.
E. coli Testing Program Results E. coli Testing Program ResultsE. coli Testing Program Results
Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network Food NetFoodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network
 2002 Blue Book
 2000 FSIS National Residue Program
 Progress Report on Salmonella Testing
ALP accredits nonfederal analytical chemistry laboratories to analyze meat and poultry food products.... Accredited Laboratory ProgramALP accredits nonfederal analytical chemistry laboratories to analyze meat and poultry food products....
Meat and Poultry Microbiology Baseline Data Baseline DataMeat and Poultry Microbiology Baseline Data
 Microbiology Laboratory Guidebook
Animal Disposition Reporting System ADRS DataAnimal Disposition Reporting System

The USDA Food & Nutrition Service increases food security and reduces hunger in partnership with cooperating organizations by providing children and low-income people access to food, a healthful diet, and nutrition education in a manner that supports American agriculture and inspires public confidence. The USDA Food & Nutrition Service increases food security and reduces hunger in partnership with cooperating organizations by providing children and low-income people access to food, a healthful diet, and nutrition education in a manner that supports American agriculture and inspires public confidence.

The Food Stamp Program provides benefits to low-income people that they can use to buy food to improve their diets. USDA Food & Nutrition Service Food Stamp ProgramThe Food Stamp Program provides benefits to low-income people that they can use to buy food to improve their diets.
List of numbers to get information on food stamp questions in the States and areas of States listed. State Food Stamp Information/Hotline numbersList of numbers to get information on food stamp questions in the States and areas of States listed.
Our dual mission is (1) to strengthen the nutrition safety net through commodity distribution and other nutrition assistance to low-income families, emergency feeding programs, Indian Reservations, and the elderly and (2) to strengthen American agriculture. FNS Food Distribution Program (FDP)Our dual mission is (1) to strengthen the nutrition safety net through commodity distribution and other nutrition assistance to low-income families, emergency feeding programs, Indian Reservations, and the elderly and (2) to strengthen American agriculture.
FNS makes commodities available for distribution to disaster relief agencies, such as the Red Cross, when the President of the United States declares a disaster, as well as in other situations of distress. FNS FDP's Food Assistance in Disaster SituationsFNS makes commodities available for distribution to disaster relief agencies, such as the Red Cross, when the President of the United States declares a disaster, as well as in other situations of distress.
FNS has developed this EBT Disaster Plan Guide to help States in their planning for the electronic issuance of food stamp benefits during a disaster. Responses to recent disasters have demonstrated EBT can effectively deliver food stamp benefits during a disaster situation. FNS EBT Disaster GuidelinesFNS has developed this EBT Disaster Plan Guide to help States in their planning for the electronic issuance of food stamp benefits during a disaster. Responses to recent disasters have demonstrated EBT can effectively deliver food stamp benefits during a disaster situation.
 FNS Disaster Assistance
TEFAP is a Federal program that helps supplement the diets of low-income needy persons, including elderly people, by providing them with emergency food and nutrition assistance.  The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)TEFAP is a Federal program that helps supplement the diets of low-income needy persons, including elderly people, by providing them with emergency food and nutrition assistance.
 Commodity Food Network: DisasterAssistance Programs

 • USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
The Natural Resources Conservation Service provides leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment.
 • NRCS Emergency Watershed Protection
The purpose of the Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) program is to undertake emergency measures.