Press Statement

Press Statement - May 3, 2000 Horizontal Rule

PS 00-6
Media contact:  Bill Noxon  (703) 292-8070

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Statement by Rita Colwell
Director, National Science Foundation

On Her Election to the National Academy of Sciences

I am honored to have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences. It is a privilege to join the ranks of the Academy’s more than 1,800 active members.

The Academy recognizes distinguished and continuing achievements in original research. For me, this recognition validates the contribution of my many years of research in microbiology and microbial ecology with so many colleagues and students.

I am proud to be among the eight women elected to the Academy this year, and honored to be in association with the NAS’s 170 Nobelists.

The Academy's 137-year history of maintaining the highest standards of research excellence and ethical conduct in science makes it an institutional leader among democratic nations and a pivotal reason for America's continuing preeminence in science and engineering.

I look forward to playing an active role in the Academy’s growing outreach and assistance to developing nations in their need for scientific knowledge. Science for the benefit of the world community should not only be a worthy goal but an expanding reality.

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