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Fandou Beri, Niger (HAPEX/Sahel) Skip past Project Image for Fandou Beri, Niger

Project Image for Fandou Beri, Niger

Test Site Information

Site Name: Fandou Beri, Niger - HAPEX
Latitude: 13.5 N
Longitude: 2.6 E
Site Managed By:  
Point of Contact: Dr. Stephen Prince
Department of Geography
University of Maryland
Room 1113
LeFrak Hall
College Park, MD 20742-8225 USA
Phone: 301-454-1824
Site Operating Since: 1990
Affiliated Programs: French Institute for Scientific Reseach for Development and Cooperation (ORSTOM)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Comit Permanent Inter-Etats de Lutte contre la
Scheresse dans le Sahel (CILLS) agriculture,
hydrology and meteorology centre (AGRHYMET)
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi
Arid Tropics Sahelian Centre
African Centre of Meteorology Applied to Development
UK Institute of Hydrology,
United States Agency for International Development
Elevation Range: 175 - 294 meters
Annual Precipitation: 50 cm
Mean Summer Temp.: 34 C
Mean Winter Temp.: 24 C
Seasonality: Rainy season is June through August
Predominant Vegetation: Tiger bush (Guiera senegalensis, Combretum spp., Acacia spp.) and millet agriculture
Site Data Source: French Institute for Scientific Reseach for Development and Cooperation (ORSTOM)
Site Data Types: Meteorological measurements
Soil moisture and sub-surface hydrology
Soil and vegetation gas exchange
Vegetation quantity and structure
Radiation balance
Canopy level fluxes
Boundary layer sounding
Maps of soil and vegetation characteristics
Site Data Access: WWW:

This site is under study by HAPEX-Sahel (Hydrological and Atmospheric Pilot Experiment in the Sahel). HAPEX-Sahel is an international land surface and atmosphere observation program with the overall aim to improve our understanding of the role of the Sahel on the general circulation, the effects of the large interannual fluctuations on land surface conditions, and how general atmospheric circulation is related to the persistent droughts that have affected the Sahel during the last 25 years. An extensive measurement program was undertaken including field, aircraft, and satellite remote sensing measurements, mainly between mid-1990 and late 1992. An intensive operations period was undertaken for 8 weeks from mid to late growing season of 1992.

A 1 degree x 1 degree region (approximately 100x100 km) was selected in which regional measurements would be made and within which three supersites would be located for detailed measurements. The landscape consists of repeated toposequences from plateau to valley bottoms. In less disturbed areas of the plateau, vegetation arcs 3-5m in height and 10m wide form stripes of varying length. Between adjacent stripes there is generally no soil or vegetation. Millet cultivation is common on the lower slopes. The valley floor is covered with millet fields and fallow. The valley bottom has bleached sands and often has temporary pools during the rainy season.

The climate of the study area is typical of the southern Sahel. Mean rainfall at Niamey is about 560mm (1905-1989) with a north to south gradient of about 1mm per km. The last 25 years have been marked with persistent drought and the mean for this period is 495mm. Rains usually begin in June, and the average length of the growing season is 94 days. Potential evapotranspiration is about 2000mm and the annual deficit between evapotranspiration and rainfall increases northwards by about 200 mm per degree of latitude. Winds are strongly linked to the seasons. Mean of minimum and maximum temperatures in the Sudano-Sahelian region for the rainy season are 22C and 34C respectively, increasing northwards.

HAPEX-Sahel was initiated in response to the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Global Energy and Water Cycles Experiment (GEWEX) which aims to determine the fluxes of water and energy globally in order to quantify the energetic processes of the Earth's climate system and the forcing functions on the ocean, land, ice and vegetation. HAPEX-Sahel is also coordinated with the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP). Several IGBP core projects are expected to benefit from HAPEX-Sahel, including the International Global Atmospheric Chemsitry Project (IGAC), Biospheric Aspects of the Hydrological Cycle (BAHC), Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems (GCTE), and Global Analysis, Interpretation and Modelling (GAIM). In addition to the French IGBP program, Savannas on the Long Term (SALT), has designated the HAPEX-Sahel site as one of its study areas.

The TM scene which was classified was path/row # 192/051 acquired on Sep. 18, 1992. There were some cumulus clouds in the southwest portion of the image so that the accuracy of the classification may suffer in these areas. The data are in a UTM projection (zone 31, Clarke 1866 spheroid) and have a 30 meter pixels. Upper left UTM coordinate is 1534860N 413220E.

The classes which are included are as follows:

Class # Description Color -------------------------------------------------- --------- 1 Sandy Bare soil Light tan 2 Skirt Millet (sparse) Pale blue/green 3 Dense Millet Blue/green 4 Fallow and Grassland Yellow 5 Degraded Red 6 Tiger Bush and Vegetation along drainages Green 7 Bare Plateau and escarpment Tan

Product Request for the Fandou Beri, Niger (HAPEX/Sahel) LTER GLCTS Product

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Fandou Beri, Niger (HAPEX/Sahel) Header File

Project Description:

The purpose of the Global LandCover Test Sites (GLCTS) project is to develop a multitemporal and multi-resolution satellite data set for a selection of global test sites to support the research development of land cover characterization and the testing and validation of improved algorithms for EOS. The sites selected represent a wide range of global land cover types, are well characterized on the ground with on-going field-based monitoring programs, and are of interest to the international global change research community. The primary component of the data set will be historical and recent Landsat data and a series of daily AVHRR 1km data acquisitions in a 500 Km by 500 Km window centered on the site. Digital elevation data and land cover information will be also included for each site.

As with all the Pathfinder projects, this activity will help provide experience with which to develop the data and information system for EOS. In particular, problems associated with developing registered multi-resolution and multi-source data sets, providing tools for data extraction, and developing the appropriate metadata and information management systems will be addressed. The targeted user-community for this product includes: researchers developing regional and global scale land cover assessments; researchers developing improved algorithm for surface parameterization; and field scientists working at the test sites wanting to explore the application of remote sensing.

Site Description:

This site is under study by HAPEX-Sahel (Hydrological and Atmospheric Pilot Experiment in the Sahel). HAPEX-Sahel is an international land surface and atmosphere observation program with the overall aim to improve our understanding of the role of the Sahel on the general circulation, the effects of the large interannual fluctuations on land surface conditions, and how general atmospheric circulation is related to the persistent droughts that have affected the Sahel during the last 25 years. An extensive measurement program was undertaken including field, aircraft, and satellite remote sensing measurements, mainly between mid-1990 and late 1992.

Data Format and Organization:

Data are distributed on a series of low and high density 8 mm tapes, organized by data type. A copy of this header file is the first record on each tape and it will also include specific format and organization data for each tape.

Tape 1 (ancillary, gif, dem data and first 1/3 of AVHRR data):

Readme/header file
Ancillary Data: A full text description of the ongoing research at the site and a listing of available LANDSAT scenes.
Landcover Map GIF Image: generated by site PI.
The TM scene which was classified was path/row # 192/051 acquired on Sep. 18, 1992. There were some cumulus clouds in the southwest portion of the image so that the accuracy of the classification may suffer in these areas. The data are in a UTM projection (zone 31, Clarke 1866 spheroid) and have a 30 meter pixels. Upper left UTM coordinate is 1534860N 413220E.

Class # Description Color (R,G,B)
1 Sandy Bare soilLight tan
2 Skirt Millet (sparse)Pale blue/green
3 Dense Millet Blue/green
4 Fallow and GrasslandYellow
6 Tiger Bush and Vegetation along drainagesGreen
7 Bare Plateau and escarpmentTan

DEM in UTM projection, north up orientation: Datum used to create the DEM.
Three arc-second (90 meters) Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) used to create DEM. Elevation in meters above mean sea-level, horizontal resolution is 130 meters, vertical resolution is +/- 30 meters and resolution accuracy absolute to WGS - 72 (90% Assurance).
AVHRR data in band sequential order: channels 1 - 5, NDVI, solar zenith angle, viewing angle, relative azimuth angle; UTM projection, North up orientation.

Tape 2 (middle 1/3 of AVHRR data):

Readme/header file
AVHRR data in band sequential order: channels 1 - 5, NDVI, solar zenith angle, viewing angle, relative azimuth angle; UTM projection, North up orientation.

Tape 3 (last 1/3 of AVHRR data):

Readme/header file
AVHRR data in band sequential order : channels 1 - 5, NDVI, solar zenith angle, viewing angle, relative azimuth angle; UTM projection, North up orientation.

Tape 4 (MSS scenes 1 - 4):

Readme/header file
MSS scene 1 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.
MSS scene 2 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.
MSS scene 3 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.
MSS scene 4 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Tape 5 (MSS scenes 5 - 6):

Readme/header file
MSS scene 5 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.
MSS scene 6 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Tape 6 (TM scene 1):

Readme/header file
TM scene 1 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 7; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Tape 7 (TM scene 2):

Readme/header file
TM scene 2 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 7; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Tape 8 (TM scene 3):

Readme/header file
TM scene 3 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 7; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Fandou Beri, Niger (HAPEX/Sahel) AVHRR Tape 1 Directory

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 8651 bytes

[Ancillary Data record info:]
File 2: Ancillary data (ascii format), 11194 bytes

[Landcover Map GIF image record info:]
File 3: Landcover Map GIF image, 214285 bytes

1024 Lines 891 Samples 8-bit data

[DEM record info:]
File 4: USGS DCW DEM, 509016 bytes
Projection = UTM Zone = 31 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 1.7430E+06 2.0500E+05
URCorner: 1.7430E+06 7.1200E+05
LLCorner: 1.2430E+06 2.0500E+05
LRCorner: 1.2430E+06 7.1200E+05
501 Lines 508 Samples [1000 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

The AVHRR scene id format consists of a combination of the following fields:
Field Name Type Length Description
Receiving MethodString2An indicator to tell whether the data was received real-time from the satellite or recorded.
Valid codes include:
AO = Orbital pass, a possible mix of HRPT and LAC acquired data.
AH = HRPT 1km High Resolution Picture Transmission (real-time).
AL = HRPT 1km Local Area Coverage(recorded).
Satellite NumberString2The number of the AVHRR satellite which acquired the data.
Acquisition DateDate6The date this data was acquired by the satellite.
Format = MMDDYY
Where M = Month, D = Day, Y = Year.
Acq. Start TimeNumeric6The start time (GMT) when this data was acquired.
Format = HHMMSS
Where H = Hours, M = Minutes, S = Seconds.

[AVHRR Data records info:]
Projection = UTM Zone = 31 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 1.7420E+06 2.0600E+05
URCorner: 1.7420E+06 7.1200E+05
LLCorner: 1.2420E+06 2.0600E+05
LRCorner: 1.2420E+06 7.1200E+05
501 Lines 507 Samples [1000 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

File 5: AO11060392145642 4572126 Bytes
File 6: AO11060492144444 4572126 Bytes
File 7: AO11061292144750 4572126 Bytes
File 8: AO11061492142526 4572126 Bytes
File 9: AO11061592141405 4572126 Bytes
File 10: AO11061992150618 4572126 Bytes
File 11: AO11062192144218 4572126 Bytes
File 12: AO11062392141806 4572126 Bytes
File 13: AO11062992144644 4572126 Bytes
File 14: AO11070692150218 4572126 Bytes
File 15: AO11070792145106 4572126 Bytes
File 16: AO11070992142707 4572126 Bytes
File 17: AO11071092141516 4572126 Bytes
File 18: AO11071892141946 4572126 Bytes
File 19: AO11071992140745 4572126 Bytes
File 20: AO11072392145946 4572126 Bytes
File 21: AO11072492144816 4572126 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

Fandou Beri, Niger (HAPEX/Sahel) AVHRR Tape 2 Directory

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 9488 bytes

The AVHRR scene id format consists of a combination of the following fields:
Field Name Type Length Description
Receiving MethodString2An indicator to tell whether the data was received real-time from the satellite or recorded.
Valid codes include:
AO = Orbital pass, a possible mix of HRPT and LAC acquired data.
AH = HRPT 1km High Resolution Picture Transmission (real-time).
AL = HRPT 1km Local Area Coverage(recorded).
Satellite NumberString2The number of the AVHRR satellite which acquired the data.
Acquisition DateDate6The date this data was acquired by the satellite.
Format = MMDDYY
Where M = Month, D = Day, Y = Year.
Acq. Start TimeNumeric6The start time (GMT) when this data was acquired.
Format = HHMMSS
Where H = Hours, M = Minutes, S = Seconds.

[AVHRR Data records info:]
Projection = UTM Zone = 31 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 1.7420E+06 2.0600E+05
URCorner: 1.7420E+06 7.1200E+05
LLCorner: 1.2420E+06 2.0600E+05
LRCorner: 1.2420E+06 7.1200E+05
501 Lines 507 Samples [1000 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

File 2: AO11080392142900 4572126 Bytes
File 3: AO11080892150822 4572126 Bytes
File 4: AO11080992145655 4572126 Bytes
File 5: AO11081092144547 4572126 Bytes
File 6: AO11081692151232 4572126 Bytes
File 7: AO11081892145006 4572126 Bytes
File 8: AO11081992143749 4572126 Bytes
File 9: AO11082092142556 4572126 Bytes
File 10: AO11082592150543 4572126 Bytes
File 11: AO11082692145559 4572126 Bytes
File 12: AO11082892143026 4572126 Bytes
File 13: AO11090392145816 4572126 Bytes
File 14: AO11090592143414 4572126 Bytes
File 15: AO11091192150340 4572126 Bytes
File 16: AO11091292145150 4572126 Bytes
File 17: AO11091392143847 4572126 Bytes
File 18: AO11091592141423 4572126 Bytes
File 19: AO11091992150735 4572126 Bytes
File 20: AO11092092145525 4572126 Bytes
File 21: AO11092192144305 4572126 Bytes
File 22: AO11092292143355 4572126 Bytes
File 23: AO11092392141850 4572126 Bytes
File 24: AO11092792151159 4572126 Bytes
File 25: AO11092892145859 4572126 Bytes
File 26: AO11092992144734 4572126 Bytes
File 27: AO11100192141944 4572126 Bytes
File 28: AO11100592151729 4572126 Bytes
File 29: AO11100692150227 4572126 Bytes
File 30: AO11100792145152 4572126 Bytes
File 31: AO11100892143937 4572126 Bytes
File 32: AO11100992142719 4572126 Bytes
File 33: AO11101092142346 4572126 Bytes
File 34: AO11101492150837 4572126 Bytes
File 35: AO11101792143204 4572126 Bytes
File 36: AO11101892141939 4572126 Bytes
File 37: AO11102592143609 4572126 Bytes
File 38: AO11102692142349 4572126 Bytes
File 39: AO11103092151659 4572126 Bytes
File 40: AO11110192145229 4572126 Bytes
File 41: AO11110392142809 4572126 Bytes
File 42: AO11110792152225 4572126 Bytes
File 43: AO11111092144430 4572126 Bytes
File 44: AO11111292142003 4572126 Bytes
File 45: AO11111692151135 4572126 Bytes
File 46: AO11111792150938 4572126 Bytes
File 47: AO11111892144810 4572126 Bytes
File 48: AO11112492151530 4572126 Bytes
File 49: AO11112592150555 4572126 Bytes
File 50: AO11112692150024 4572126 Bytes
File 51: AO11112792144123 4572126 Bytes
File 52: AO11112892142900 4572126 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

Fandou Beri, Niger (HAPEX/Sahel) AVHRR Tape 3 Directory

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 8768 bytes

The AVHRR scene id format consists of a combination of the following fields:
Field Name Type Length Description
Receiving MethodString2An indicator to tell whether the data was received real-time from the satellite or recorded.
Valid codes include:
AO = Orbital pass, a possible mix of HRPT and LAC acquired data.
AH = HRPT 1km High Resolution Picture Transmission (real-time).
AL = HRPT 1km Local Area Coverage(recorded).
Satellite NumberString2The number of the AVHRR satellite which acquired the data.
Acquisition DateDate6The date this data was acquired by the satellite.
Format = MMDDYY
Where M = Month, D = Day, Y = Year.
Acq. Start TimeNumeric6The start time (GMT) when this data was acquired.
Format = HHMMSS
Where H = Hours, M = Minutes, S = Seconds.

[AVHRR Data records info:]
Projection = UTM Zone = 31 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 1.7420E+06 2.0600E+05
URCorner: 1.7420E+06 7.1200E+05
LLCorner: 1.2420E+06 2.0600E+05
LRCorner: 1.2420E+06 7.1200E+05
501 Lines 507 Samples [1000 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

File 2: AO11120392150850 4572126 Bytes
File 3: AO11120692143310 4572126 Bytes
File 4: AO11121192151300 4572126 Bytes
File 5: AO11121292150050 4572126 Bytes
File 6: AO11121492144505 4572126 Bytes
File 7: AO11121992151650 4572126 Bytes
File 8: AO11122192145200 4572126 Bytes
File 9: AO11123092144420 4572126 Bytes
File 10: AO11010493152420 4572126 Bytes
File 11: AO11010593151200 4572126 Bytes
File 12: AO11010693151328 4572126 Bytes
File 13: AO11011593145140 4572126 Bytes
File 14: AO11011793142700 4572126 Bytes
File 15: AO11012093154116 4572126 Bytes
File 16: AO11012393145550 4572126 Bytes
File 17: AO11012993152400 4572126 Bytes
File 18: AO11020193144630 4572126 Bytes
File 19: AO11020793151600 4572126 Bytes
File 20: AO11020893150400 4572126 Bytes
File 21: AO11021493154339 4572126 Bytes
File 22: AO11021593152655 4572126 Bytes
File 23: AO11022293154351 4572126 Bytes
File 24: AO11022393153527 4572126 Bytes
File 25: AO11022493151000 4572126 Bytes
File 26: AO11022593145750 4572126 Bytes
File 27: AO11022693144530 4572126 Bytes
File 28: AO11022793143310 4572126 Bytes
File 29: AO11030393152620 4572126 Bytes
File 30: AO11031393150540 4572126 Bytes
File 31: AO11031493145325 4572126 Bytes
File 32: AO11031993154131 4572126 Bytes
File 33: AO11032793154517 4572126 Bytes
File 34: AO11032893153734 4572126 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

Fandou Beri, Niger (HAPEX/Sahel) MSS Tape 1 Directory

Landsat Scene ID Definition:

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 9028 bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 2207051007532690
Projection = UTM Zone = 31 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 1.5449E+06 2.8819E+05
URCorner: 1.5449E+06 5.1289E+05
LLCorner: 1.3407E+06 2.8819E+05
LRCorner: 1.3407E+06 5.1289E+05
3584 Lines 3943 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

File 2: 11/22/1975 = 2207051007532690 (P207/R51) Band1 14131712 Bytes
File 3: 11/22/1975 = 2207051007532690 (P207/R51) Band2 14131712 Bytes
File 4: 11/22/1975 = 2207051007532690 (P207/R51) Band3 14131712 Bytes
File 5: 11/22/1975 = 2207051007532690 (P207/R51) Band4 14131712 Bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 2207051007603390
Projection = UTM Zone = 31 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 1.5321E+06 2.7542E+05
URCorner: 1.5321E+06 5.0012E+05
LLCorner: 1.3278E+06 2.7542E+05
LRCorner: 1.3278E+06 5.0012E+05
3585 Lines 3943 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 6: 02/02/1976 = 2207051007603390 (P207/R51) Band1 14135655 Bytes
File 7: 02/02/1976 = 2207051007603390 (P207/R51) Band2 14135655 Bytes
File 8: 02/02/1976 = 2207051007603390 (P207/R51) Band3 14135655 Bytes
File 9: 02/02/1976 = 2207051007603390 (P207/R51) Band4 14135655 Bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 2206051007608690
Projection = UTM Zone = 31 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 1.5446E+06 4.4414E+05
URCorner: 1.5446E+06 6.6884E+05
LLCorner: 1.3407E+06 4.4414E+05
LRCorner: 1.3407E+06 6.6884E+05
3578 Lines 3943 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 10: 03/26/1976 = 2206051007608690 (P206/R51) Band1 14108054 Bytes
File 11: 03/26/1976 = 2206051007608690 (P206/R51) Band2 14108054 Bytes
File 12: 03/26/1976 = 2206051007608690 (P206/R51) Band3 14108054 Bytes
File 13: 03/26/1976 = 2206051007608690 (P206/R51) Band4 14108054 Bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 2206051007827390
Projection = UTM Zone = 31 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 1.5354E+06 4.4779E+05
URCorner: 1.5354E+06 6.7249E+05
LLCorner: 1.3315E+06 4.4779E+05
LRCorner: 1.3315E+06 6.7249E+05
3578 Lines 3943 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 14: 09/30/1978 = 2206051007827390 (P206/R51) Band1 14108054 Bytes
File 15: 09/30/1978 = 2206051007827390 (P206/R51) Band2 14108054 Bytes
File 16: 09/30/1978 = 2206051007827390 (P206/R51) Band3 14108054 Bytes
File 17: 09/30/1978 = 2206051007827390 (P206/R51) Band4 14108054 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

Fandou Beri, Niger (HAPEX/Sahel) MSS Tape 2 Directory

Landsat Scene ID Definition:

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 8389 bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5192051008606190
Projection = UTM Zone = 31 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 1.5379E+06 3.9587E+05
URCorner: 1.5379E+06 6.2238E+05
LLCorner: 1.3397E+06 3.9587E+05
LRCorner: 1.3397E+06 6.2238E+05
3477 Lines 3975 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 2: 03/02/1986 = 5192051008606190 (P192/R51) Band1 13821075 Bytes
File 3: 03/02/1986 = 5192051008606190 (P192/R51) Band2 13821075 Bytes
File 4: 03/02/1986 = 5192051008606190 (P192/R51) Band3 13821075 Bytes
File 5: 03/02/1986 = 5192051008606190 (P192/R51) Band4 13821075 Bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5192051008622190
Projection = UTM Zone = 31 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 1.5379E+06 3.9587E+05
URCorner: 1.5379E+06 6.2238E+05
LLCorner: 1.3397E+06 3.9587E+05
LRCorner: 1.3397E+06 6.2238E+05
3477 Lines 3975 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 6: 08/09/1986 = 5192051008622190 (P192/R51) Band1 13821075 Bytes
File 7: 08/09/1986 = 5192051008622190 (P192/R51) Band2 13821075 Bytes
File 8: 08/09/1986 = 5192051008622190 (P192/R51) Band3 13821075 Bytes
File 9: 08/09/1986 = 5192051008622190 (P192/R51) Band4 13821075 Bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 4192051009004890
Projection = UTM Zone = 31 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 1.5379E+06 3.9587E+05
URCorner: 1.5379E+06 6.2238E+05
LLCorner: 1.3397E+06 3.9587E+05
LRCorner: 1.3397E+06 6.2238E+05
3477 Lines 3975 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 10: 02/17/1990 = 4192051009004890 (P192/R51) Band1 13821075 Bytes
File 11: 02/17/1990 = 4192051009004890 (P192/R51) Band2 13821075 Bytes
File 12: 02/17/1990 = 4192051009004890 (P192/R51) Band3 13821075 Bytes
File 13: 02/17/1990 = 4192051009004890 (P192/R51) Band4 13821075 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

Fandou Beri, Niger (HAPEX/Sahel) TM Tape 1 Directory

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 7334 bytes

[TM Data records info:]
Scene Id = 4192051009227810
Projection = UTM Zone = 31 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 1.5373E+06 3.9968E+05
URCorner: 1.5379E+06 6.2253E+05
LLCorner: 1.3398E+06 3.9968E+05
LRCorner: 1.3398E+06 6.2253E+05
6931 Lines 7820 Samples [28.5 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 2: 10/04/1992 = 4192051009227810 (P192/R51) Band1 54200420 Bytes
File 3: 10/04/1992 = 4192051009227810 (P192/R51) Band2 54200420 Bytes
File 4: 10/04/1992 = 4192051009227810 (P192/R51) Band3 54200420 Bytes
File 5: 10/04/1992 = 4192051009227810 (P192/R51) Band4 54200420 Bytes
File 6: 10/04/1992 = 4192051009227810 (P192/R51) Band5 54200420 Bytes
File 7: 10/04/1992 = 4192051009227810 (P192/R51) Band6 54200420 Bytes
File 8: 10/04/1992 = 4192051009227810 (P192/R51) Band7 54200420 Bytes

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Fandou Beri, Niger (HAPEX/Sahel) TM Tape 2 Directory

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 7334 bytes

[TM Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5192051008631710
Projection = UTM Zone = 31 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 1.5455E+06 3.9247E+05
URCorner: 1.5455E+06 6.1720E+05
LLCorner: 1.3344E+06 3.9247E+05
LRCorner: 1.3344E+06 6.1720E+05
7408 Lines 7886 Samples [28.5 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 2: 11/13/1986 = 5192051008631710 (P192/R51) Band1 58419488 Bytes
File 3: 11/13/1986 = 5192051008631710 (P192/R51) Band2 58419488 Bytes
File 4: 11/13/1986 = 5192051008631710 (P192/R51) Band3 58419488 Bytes
File 5: 11/13/1986 = 5192051008631710 (P192/R51) Band4 58419488 Bytes
File 6: 11/13/1986 = 5192051008631710 (P192/R51) Band5 58419488 Bytes
File 7: 11/13/1986 = 5192051008631710 (P192/R51) Band6 58419488 Bytes
File 8: 11/13/1986 = 5192051008631710 (P192/R51) Band7 58419488 Bytes

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Fandou Beri, Niger (HAPEX/Sahel) TM Tape 3 Directory

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 7334 bytes

[TM Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5192051009134710
Projection = UTM Zone = 31 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 1.5459E+06 3.9002E+05
URCorner: 1.5459E+06 6.1503E+05
LLCorner: 1.3332E+06 3.9002E+05
LRCorner: 1.3332E+06 6.1503E+05
7465 Lines 7896 Samples [28.5 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 2: 12/13/1991 = 5192051009134710 (P192/R51) Band1 58943640 Bytes
File 3: 12/13/1991 = 5192051009134710 (P192/R51) Band2 58943640 Bytes
File 4: 12/13/1991 = 5192051009134710 (P192/R51) Band3 58943640 Bytes
File 5: 12/13/1991 = 5192051009134710 (P192/R51) Band4 58943640 Bytes
File 6: 12/13/1991 = 5192051009134710 (P192/R51) Band5 58943640 Bytes
File 7: 12/13/1991 = 5192051009134710 (P192/R51) Band6 58943640 Bytes
File 8: 12/13/1991 = 5192051009134710 (P192/R51) Band7 58943640 Bytes

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