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Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project Skip past Image for Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments

Image for Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments

Test Site Information

Site Name: Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project
(formerly Minimum Critical Size of Ecosystems Project)
Latitude: 2.5 S
Longitude: 60.0 W
Site Managed By: Smithsonian Institute and the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia (INPA)
Point of Contact: Claude Gascon, Ph.D. (Field Director)
Convenio INPA/SI
CP 478
69011-970 Manaus AM BRAZIL
Phone: 55-92-642-1148
Fax: 642-2050
Site Operating Since: 1979
Affiliated Programs: Smithsonian Institute INPA
Elevation Range: 80 - 110 meters
Annual Precipitation: 2186 mm (30 year average from Manaus)
Mean Annual Temp.: 27 C
Maximum Temp.: 35-39 C
Minimum Temp.: 19-21 C
Seasonality: March and April rainy (c. 300 mm each), and July, August, and September dry (>100 mm each)
Predominant Vegetation: Non-flooded (terra firme) lowland tropical moist forest, far from large rivers and associated riverine habitats.
Site Data Types: Radar Imagery (Space Radar Laboratory) Detailed topography and soil maps (GIS) Small-scale soil variation Nitrogen mineralization Stream ecology Woody plants Microclimate/plant physiology Assorted detailed data on flora and fauna
Data Access: As of October 1994, the project technical series consisted of 54 M.S. or Ph.D. theses in progress or completed and 132 published papers.

The Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project (formerly Minimum Critical Size of Ecosystems Project) is located 70-90 km north of Manaus in the Distrito Agropecuario, an area of approximately 500,000 ha of relatively undisturbed upland Amazonian rain forest under development by the Manaus Free Trade Zone Authority (SUFRAMA). The study areas are protected by presidential decree no. 91.884 (5 November 1985).

Soils are nutrient-poor clayey yellow latosols (xanthic ferralsols). Forests are 30-37 m in height with emergents to 45-55 m. Average estimated height to first branch is 12 m. A 15 ha sample yielded an average of 647 stems/ha >10 cm DBH with a basal area of 31 m^2/ha. Based on a sample of 31 ha over a roughly 40 km "transect" sampled by the project sites, the four most abundant tree families were Burseraceae, Sapotaceae, Leguminoseae, and Lecythidaceae. The most species rich were Sapotaceae (est. 72 species), Chrysobalanaceae (est. 58-80 species), Annonaceae, and Lecythidaceae (39 species).

The project was initiated in 1979 as a joint Brazilian (INPA) and U.S. (World Wildlife Fund) project to study the effects of forest fragmentation on rainforest ecosystems. Research focuses on the effect of fragment size on ecosystem composition and function. During the period 1980-1991, eleven forest fragments were created: five 1-ha, four 10-ha and two 100-ha fragments. The fragments and several control sites have been used to address questions relating to the biology of extinction, forest edge effects, forest regeneration, and the genetic structure of tropical species. Additionally, insights into intact tropical rainforest ecosystems have been gained through comparisons of perturbed forest with undisturbed control areas. Many of the pastures surrounding the forest fragments were eventually abandoned, providing excellent opportunities for studies of forest regeneration.

Complementing this research program is an intensive outreach program for Brazilian and international policy makers. The project's goal is to foster management schemes that maintain the highest species diversity possible in the face of human-impacts.

The land cover map is a 4x reduction of the the maps produced by the NASA Landsat Pathfinder Humid Tropical Forest project from Landsat TM imagery acquired on July 12, 1987. It is in UTM projection (zone 20) with an approximate upper left corner coordinate of 9776222N, 667887E. The data is referenced to the Clarke 1866 spheroid and has a grid cell resolution of 228 meters.

Class Land Cover Color ------ ---------------------- -------- 1 Water Blue (0,0,255) 2 Forest Dark Green (0,0,255) 3 Secondary Growth Bright Green (0,0,255) 4 Deforestation Red (0,0,255) 5 Cloud White (0,0,255) 6 Cloud Shadow Black (0,0,255)

Product Request for the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project GLCTS Product

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Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project Header File

Project Description:

The purpose of the Global LandCover Test Sites (GLCTS) project is to develop a multitemporal and multi-resolution satellite data set for a selection of global test sites to support the research development of land cover characterization and the testing and validation of improved algorithms for EOS. The sites selected represent a wide range of global land cover types, are well characterized on the ground with on-going field-based monitoring programs, and are of interest to the international global change research community. The primary component of the data set will be historical and recent Landsat data and a series of daily AVHRR 1km data acquisitions in a 500 Km by 500 Km window centered on the site. Digital elevation data and land cover information will be also included for each site.

As with all the Pathfinder projects, this activity will help provide experience with which to develop the data and information system for EOS. In particular, problems associated with developing registered multi-resolution and multi-source data sets, providing tools for data extraction, and developing the appropriate metadata and information management systems will be addressed. The targeted user-community for this product includes: researchers developing regional and global scale land cover assessments; researchers developing improved algorithm for surface parameterization; and field scientists working at the test sites wanting to explore the application of remote sensing.

Site Description:

The Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project is located 70-90 km north of Manaus in the Distrito Agropecuario, an area of approximately 500,000 ha of relatively undisturbed upland Amazonian rain forest under development by the Manaus Free Trade Zone Authority (SUFRAMA). The project was initiated in 1979 as a joint Brazilian (INPA) and U.S. (World Wildlife Fund) project to study the effects of forest fragmentation on rainforest ecosystems.

Data Format and Organization:

Data are distributed on a series of low and high density 8 mm tapes, organized by data type. A copy of this header file is the first record on each tape and it will also include specific format and organization data for each tape.

Tape 1 (ancillary, gif, dem data and first 1/3 of AVHRR data):

Readme/header file
Ancillary Data: A full text description of the ongoing research at the site and a listing of available LANDSAT scenes.
Landcover Map GIF Image: generated by site PI.
The land cover map is a 4x reduction of the the maps produced by the NASA Landsat Pathfinder Humid Tropical Forest project from Landsat TM imagery acquired on July 12, 1987. It is in UTM projection (zone 20) with an approximate upper left corner coordinate of 9776222N, 667887E. The data is referenced to the Clarke 1866 spheroid and has a grid cell resolution of 228 meters.
Class Land Cover Color ------ ---------------------- -------- 1 Water Blue (0,0,255) 2 Forest Dark Green (0,0,255) 3 Secondary Growth Bright Green (0,0,255) 4 Deforestation Red (0,0,255) 5 Cloud White (0,0,255) 6 Cloud Shadow Black (0,0,255)
DEM in UTM projection, north up orientation: Datum used to create the DEM.
DEM in UTM projection, north up orientation: Datum used to create the DEM. GTOPO30 has a horizontal grid spacing of 30-arc seconds (0.0083333333 degrees). The horizontal coordinate system is decimal degrees of latitude and longitude referenced to WGS84. The vertical units represent elevation in meters above mean sea level. The elevation values range from -407 to 8,752 meters. In the DEM, ocean areas have been masked as "no data" and have been assigned a value of -9999. Lowland coastal areas have an elevation of at least 1 meter, so in the event that a user reassigns the ocean value from -9999 to 0 the land boundary portrayal will be maintained. Due to the nature of the raster structure of the DEM, small islands in the ocean less than approximately 1 square kilometer will not be represented.
AVHRR data in band sequential order: channels 1 - 5, NDVI, solar zenith angle, viewing angle, relative azimuth angle; UTM projection, North up orientation.

Tape 2 (middle 1/3 of AVHRR data):

Readme/header file
AVHRR data in band sequential order: channels 1 - 5, NDVI, solar zenith angle, viewing angle, relative azimuth angle; UTM projection, North up orientation.

Tape 3 (last 1/3 of AVHRR data):

Readme/header file
AVHRR data in band sequential order : channels 1 - 5, NDVI, solar zenith angle, viewing angle, relative azimuth angle; UTM projection, North up orientation.

Tape 4 (MSS scenes 1 - 2):

Readme/header file
MSS scene 1 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.
MSS scene 2 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Tape 5 (TM scene 1):

Readme/header file
TM scene 1 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 7; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Tape 6 (TM scene 2):

Readme/header file
TM scene 2 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 7; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Tape 7 (TM scene 3):

Readme/header file
TM scene 3 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 7; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project AVHRR Tape 1 Directory

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 8793 bytes

[Ancillary Data record info:]
File 2: Ancillary data (ascii format), 9884 bytes

[Landcover Map GIF image record info:]
File 3: Landcover Map GIF image, 47791 bytes
847 Lines   960 Samples   8-bit data

[DEM record info:]
File 4: USGS DCW DEM, 504000 bytes
Projection = UTM Zone = 20 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: -2.7000E+04 5.8200E+05
URCorner: -2.7000E+04 1.8500E+06
LLCorner: -5.2600E+05 5.8200E+05
LRCorner: -5.2600E+05 1.8500E+06
500 Lines 504 Samples [90 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

The AVHRR scene id format consists of a combination of the following fields:
Field Name Type Length Description
Receiving Method String 2 An indicator to tell whether the data was received real-time from the satellite or recorded.
Valid codes include:
AO = Orbital pass, a possible mix of HRPT and LAC acquired data.
AH = HRPT 1km High Resolution Picture Transmission (real-time).
AL = HRPT 1km Local Area Coverage (recorded).
Satellite Number String 2 The number of the AVHRR satellite which acquired the data.
Acquisition Date Date 6 The date this data was acquired by the satellite.
Format = MMDDYY
Where M = Month, D = Day, Y = Year.
Acq. Start Time Numeric 6 The start time (GMT) when this data was acquired.
Format = HHMMSS
Where H = Hours, M = Minutes, S = Seconds.

[AVHRR Data records info:]
Projection = UTM Zone = 20 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: -3.0000E+00 5.8200E+05
URCorner: -3.0000E+00 1.0860E+06
LLCorner: -5.0000E+00 5.8200E+05
LRCorner: -5.0000E+00 1.0860E+06
502 Lines 505 Samples [1000 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

File 5: AO11040292184512 4563180 Bytes
File 6: AO11040492182116 4563180 Bytes
File 7: AO11042292180731 4563180 Bytes
File 8: AO11042792185556 4563180 Bytes
File 9: AO11050592185715 4563180 Bytes
File 10: AO11061492192439 4563180 Bytes
File 11: AO11061692190039 4563180 Bytes
File 12: AO11062492190552 4563180 Bytes
File 13: AO11071192190304 4563180 Bytes
File 14: AO11071492183134 4563180 Bytes
File 15: AO11071892191912 4563180 Bytes
File 16: AO11071992191242 4563180 Bytes
File 17: AO11072292183610 4563180 Bytes
File 18: AO11072792191152 4563180 Bytes
File 19: AO11072992185258 4563180 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project AVHRR Tape 2 Directory

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 9254 bytes

The AVHRR scene id format consists of a combination of the following fields:
Field Name Type Length Description
Receiving MethodString2An indicator to tell whether the data was received real-time from the satellite or recorded.
Valid codes include:
AO = Orbital pass, a possible mix of HRPT and LAC acquired data.
AH = HRPT 1km High Resolution Picture Transmission (real-time).
AL = HRPT 1km Local Area Coverage(recorded).
Satellite NumberString2The number of the AVHRR satellite which acquired the data.
Acquisition DateDate6The date this data was acquired by the satellite.
Format = MMDDYY
Where M = Month, D = Day, Y = Year.
Acq. Start TimeNumeric6The start time (GMT) when this data was acquired.
Format = HHMMSS
Where H = Hours, M = Minutes, S = Seconds.

[AVHRR Data records info:]
Projection = UTM Zone = 20 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: -3.0000E+00 5.8200E+05
URCorner: -3.0000E+00 1.0860E+06
LLCorner: -5.0000E+00 5.8200E+05
LRCorner: -5.0000E+00 1.0860E+06
502 Lines 505 Samples [1000 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

File 2: AO11080592190415 4563180 Bytes
File 3: AO11080692185745 4563180 Bytes
File 4: AO11081292192108 4563180 Bytes
File 5: AO11081392190849 4563180 Bytes
File 6: AO11081492185654 4563180 Bytes
File 7: AO11081592184958 4563180 Bytes
File 8: AO11082892192928 4563180 Bytes
File 9: AO11090892185745 4563180 Bytes
File 10: AO11091692190209 4563180 Bytes
File 11: AO11091892184317 4563180 Bytes
File 12: AO11092492190641 4563180 Bytes
File 13: AO11092592185442 4563180 Bytes
File 14: AO11100192192321 4563180 Bytes
File 15: AO11100392190420 4563180 Bytes
File 16: AO11100492185204 4563180 Bytes
File 17: AO11100592184430 4563180 Bytes
File 18: AO11100992192737 4563180 Bytes
File 19: AO11101092191534 4563180 Bytes
File 20: AO11101192190838 4563180 Bytes
File 21: AO11101292185627 4563180 Bytes
File 22: AO11101392184413 4563180 Bytes
File 23: AO11101892191940 4563180 Bytes
File 24: AO11101992190736 4563180 Bytes
File 25: AO11102092185556 4563180 Bytes
File 26: AO11102192184834 4563180 Bytes
File 27: AO11102792191200 4563180 Bytes
File 28: AO11102892185957 4563180 Bytes
File 29: AO11102992185249 4563180 Bytes
File 30: AO11110492191713 4563180 Bytes
File 31: AO11110592190412 4563180 Bytes
File 32: AO11111192193806 4563180 Bytes
File 33: AO11111292192023 4563180 Bytes
File 34: AO11111492185557 4563180 Bytes
File 35: AO11111992193625 4563180 Bytes
File 36: AO11112092192412 4563180 Bytes
File 37: AO11112292190033 4563180 Bytes
File 38: AO11112392185310 4563180 Bytes
File 39: AO11112792194255 4563180 Bytes
File 40: AO11113092190501 4563180 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project AVHRR Tape 3 Directory

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 9195 bytes

The AVHRR scene id format consists of a combination of the following fields:
Field Name Type Length Description
Receiving MethodString2An indicator to tell whether the data was received real-time from the satellite or recorded.
Valid codes include:
AO = Orbital pass, a possible mix of HRPT and LAC acquired data.
AH = HRPT 1km High Resolution Picture Transmission (real-time).
AL = HRPT 1km Local Area Coverage(recorded).
Satellite NumberString2 The number of the AVHRR satellite which acquired the data.
Acquisition DateDate6The date this data was acquired by the satellite.
Format = MMDDYY
Where M = Month, D = Day, Y = Year.
Acq. Start TimeNumeric6The start time (GMT) when this data was acquired.
Format = HHMMSS
Where H = Hours, M = Minutes, S = Seconds.

[AVHRR Data records info:]
Projection = UTM Zone = 20 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: -3.0000E+00 5.8200E+05
URCorner: -3.0000E+00 1.0860E+06
LLCorner: -5.0000E+00 5.8200E+05
LRCorner: -5.0000E+00 1.0860E+06
502 Lines 505 Samples [1000 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

File 2: AO11120792192549 4563180 Bytes
File 3: AO11121592192437 4563180 Bytes
File 4: AO11121692191218 4563180 Bytes
File 5: AO11122292194011 4563180 Bytes
File 6: AO11122392192802 4563180 Bytes
File 7: AO11122592190412 4563180 Bytes
File 8: AO11122692185703 4563180 Bytes
File 9: AO11010193192032 4563180 Bytes
File 10: AO11010993192353 4563180 Bytes
File 11: AO11011093191649 4563180 Bytes
File 12: AO11011793193245 4563180 Bytes
File 13: AO11012093185618 4563180 Bytes
File 14: AO11012493194311 4563180 Bytes
File 15: AO11012693192004 4563180 Bytes
File 16: AO11012793191040 4563180 Bytes
File 17: AO11020193194709 4563180 Bytes
File 18: AO11020293193508 4563180 Bytes
File 19: AO11020393192332 4563180 Bytes
File 20: AO11020493191103 4563180 Bytes
File 21: AO11021193193208 4563180 Bytes
File 22: AO11021293191609 4563180 Bytes
File 23: AO11021393190333 4563180 Bytes
File 24: AO11021793194756 4563180 Bytes
File 25: AO11021893194256 4563180 Bytes
File 26: AO11021993193107 4563180 Bytes
File 27: AO11022093191808 4563180 Bytes
File 28: AO11022193191113 4563180 Bytes
File 29: AO11022793193926 4563180 Bytes
File 30: AO11022893192203 4563180 Bytes
File 31: AO11030893193056 4563180 Bytes
File 32: AO11030993191357 4563180 Bytes
File 33: AO11031093190625 4563180 Bytes
File 34: AO11031593194109 4563180 Bytes
File 35: AO11031693192922 4563180 Bytes
File 36: AO11031793191757 4563180 Bytes
File 37: AO11032593192542 4563180 Bytes
File 38: AO11032693191318 4563180 Bytes
File 39: AO11032793190539 4563180 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project MSS Tape 1 Directory

Landsat Scene ID Definition:

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 7985 bytes
[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5231062008518790
Projection = UTM Zone = 20 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: -2.1392E+05 6.4923E+05
URCorner: -2.1392E+05 8.8817E+05
LLCorner: -4.2779E+05 6.4923E+05
LRCorner: -4.2779E+05 8.8817E+05
3753 Lines 4193 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 2: 07/06/1985 = 5231062008518790 (P231/R62) Band1 15736329 Bytes
File 3: 07/06/1985 = 5231062008518790 (P231/R62) Band2 15736329 Bytes
File 4: 07/06/1985 = 5231062008518790 (P231/R62) Band3 15736329 Bytes
File 5: 07/06/1985 = 5231062008518790 (P231/R62) Band4 15736329 Bytes

[HEADER Data record info:]
[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5231062008724190
Projection = UTM Zone = 20 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: -2.1392E+05 6.4923E+05
URCorner: -2.1392E+05 8.8817E+05
LLCorner: -4.2779E+05 6.4923E+05
LRCorner: -4.2779E+05 8.8817E+05
3753 Lines 4193 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 6: 08/29/1987 = 5231062008724190 (P231/R62) Band1 15736329 Bytes
File 7: 08/29/1987 = 5231062008724190 (P231/R62) Band2 15736329 Bytes
File 8: 08/29/1987 = 5231062008724190 (P231/R62) Band3 15736329 Bytes
File 9: 08/29/1987 = 5231062008724190 (P231/R62) Band4 15736329 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project TM Tape 1 Directory

Landsat Scene ID Definition:

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 7565 bytes
[TM Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5231062008518710
Projection = UTM Zone = 20 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: -2.1563E+05 6.5747E+05
URCorner: -2.1563E+05 8.8088E+05
LLCorner: -4.2556E+05 6.5747E+05
LRCorner: -4.2556E+05 8.8088E+05
7367 Lines 7840 Samples [28.5 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 2: 07/06/1985 = 5231062008518710 (P231/R62) Band1 57757280 Bytes
File 3: 07/06/1985 = 5231062008518710 (P231/R62) Band2 57757280 Bytes
File 4: 07/06/1985 = 5231062008518710 (P231/R62) Band3 57757280 Bytes
File 5: 07/06/1985 = 5231062008518710 (P231/R62) Band4 57757280 Bytes
File 6: 07/06/1985 = 5231062008518710 (P231/R62) Band5 57757280 Bytes
File 7: 07/06/1985 = 5231062008518710 (P231/R62) Band6 57757280 Bytes
File 8: 07/06/1985 = 5231062008518710 (P231/R62) Band7 57757280 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project TM Tape 2 Directory

Landsat Scene ID Definition:

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 7565 bytes
[TM Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5231062008921410
Projection = UTM Zone = 20 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: -2.1113E+05 6.4846E+05
URCorner: -2.1113E+05 8.8541E+05
LLCorner: -4.3198E+05 6.4846E+05
LRCorner: -4.3198E+05 8.8541E+05
7750 Lines 8315 Samples [28.5 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 2: 08/02/1989 = 5231062008921410 (P231/R62) Band1 64441250 Bytes
File 3: 08/02/1989 = 5231062008921410 (P231/R62) Band2 64441250 Bytes
File 4: 08/02/1989 = 5231062008921410 (P231/R62) Band3 64441250 Bytes
File 5: 08/02/1989 = 5231062008921410 (P231/R62) Band4 64441250 Bytes
File 6: 08/02/1989 = 5231062008921410 (P231/R62) Band5 64441250 Bytes
File 7: 08/02/1989 = 5231062008921410 (P231/R62) Band6 64441250 Bytes
File 8: 08/02/1989 = 5231062008921410 (P231/R62) Band7 64441250 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project TM Tape 3 Directory

Landsat Scene ID Definition:

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 7565 bytes
[TM Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5231062009526310
Projection = UTM Zone = 20 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: -2.1144E+05 6.4963E+05
URCorner: -2.1144E+05 8.8641E+05
LLCorner: -4.3212E+05 6.4963E+05
LRCorner: -4.3212E+05 8.8641E+05
7744 Lines 8309 Samples [28.5 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 2: 09/20/1995 = 5231062009526310 (P231/R62) Band1 64344896 Bytes
File 3: 09/20/1995 = 5231062009526310 (P231/R62) Band2 64344896 Bytes
File 4: 09/20/1995 = 5231062009526310 (P231/R62) Band3 64344896 Bytes
File 5: 09/20/1995 = 5231062009526310 (P231/R62) Band4 64344896 Bytes
File 6: 09/20/1995 = 5231062009526310 (P231/R62) Band5 64344896 Bytes
File 7: 09/20/1995 = 5231062009526310 (P231/R62) Band6 64344896 Bytes
File 8: 09/20/1995 = 5231062009526310 (P231/R62) Band7 64344896 Bytes

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