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Skukuza, Kruger National Park, Republic of South Africa Skip past Image of Skukuza, Kruger National Park, Republic of South Africa

Image of Skukuza, Kruger National Park, Republic of South Africa

Test Site Information

Site Name: Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa
Latitude: 25.0 S
Longitude: 31.7 E
Site Managed By: South Africa National Parks Board
Point of Contact #1: Bob Scholes
Address: CSIR - Environmentek
PO Box 395
Pretoria 0001
South Africa
Phone: +27 12 8412045
Point of Contact #2: Jeff Privette
Address: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 923
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Phone: +1 301-286-5340
Affiliated Programs: South Africa National Parks Board,
EOS Validation Program, NOAA AERONET
Elevation Range: 450 m
Annual Precipitation: 650 mm
Mean Summer Temperature: 30 C
Mean Winter Temperature: 23 C
Seasonality: Subtropical with summer rains between October and March
Predominant Vegetation: Semi-arid savanna woodland of various acacia species (approx. 40% cover)
Site Data Source #1: Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland, USA
Site Data Types: Daily aerosol measuments
Occassional ozonesonde
Meteorological data
After mid-1998:
Canopy spectral bidirectional reflectance
Shortwave and PAR albedo
Surface temperature.
Fractional ground cover and land cover
Site Data Access: Contact Jeff Privette at phone/email above.
Data will eventually be transferred to the Distributed Active Archive Center at Oak Ridge National Laboratories (WWW access:
Site Data Source #2: Additional site data is available through CSIR (

The Skukuza site is a well-equipped, permanent scientific and tourist camp in the southern park of Kruger National Park in eastern South Africa. Facilities are excellent. The area has gently undulating landscape on Arceaen granites. The camp includes a class 1 weather station and airport. The climate is subtropical with summer rains between October and March. The annual rainfall in Kruger Park varies from 700 mm in the south to 400 mm in the north. In winter, surface water is restricted to rivers and artificial watering holes and the animals tend to congregate there. In 1998, an above-canopy tower will be installed at the site for semi-automatic and near-continous measurement of canopy level radiation properties. These data will be augmented with ground transects and aircraft imagery.

Landcover Map GIF Image: The land cover map for the Skukuza site was obtained from the CSIR Division of Water, Environment, and Forestry in the Republic of South Africa. The map is in UTM projection (zone 36, WGS84 datum) with upper left corner coordinates of -2745925 north, 313258 east and a pixel size of 50 meters.

Class Description Color (R,G,B) ----- --------------------------------- ------------------ 1 Forest and Woodland Green (0,0,0) 2 Thicket & bushland Brown (0,0,0) 3 Waterbodies Blue (0,0,0) 4 Barren rock White (0,0,0) 5 Degraded: forest and woodland Pale Green (0,0,0) 6 Degraded: thicket & bushland Tan (0,0,0) 7 Cultivated: permanent, irrigated Red (0,0,0) 8 Cultivated: temporary, irrigated Pink (0,0,0) 9 Cultivated: temporary, dryland Yellow (0,0,0) 10 Urban/built-up land Gray (0,0,0)

Product Request for the Skukuza, Kruger National Park, Republic of South Africa GLCTS Product

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Skukuza, Kruger National Park, Republic of South Africa Header File

Project Description:

The purpose of the Global LandCover Test Sites (GLCTS) project is to develop a multitemporal and multi-resolution satellite data set for a selection of global test sites to support the research development of land cover characterization and the testing and validation of improved algorithms for EOS. The sites selected represent a wide range of global land cover types, are well characterized on the ground with on-going field-based monitoring programs, and are of interest to the international global change research community. The primary component of the data set will be historical and recent Landsat data and a series of daily AVHRR 1km data acquisitions in a 500 Km by 500 Km window centered on the site. Digital elevation data and land cover information will be also included for each site.

As with all the Pathfinder projects, this activity will help provide experience with which to develop the data and information system for EOS. In particular, problems associated with developing registered multi-resolution and multi-source data sets, providing tools for data extraction, and developing the appropriate metadata and information management systems will be addressed. The targeted user-community for this product includes: researchers developing regional and global scale land cover assessments; researchers developing improved algorithm for surface parameterization; and field scientists working at the test sites wanting to explore the application of remote sensing.

Site Description:

Nylsvley was the site of the South African Savanna Ecosystem Research Programme from 1974 to 1990. A large number of studies on primary production, hydrology, herbivory, fire, biogeochemistry, etc. were conducted during this period, and published in the open literature. The 600 ha. Nylsvley research area is set within a larger 3000 ha reserve.

Data Format and Organization:

Data are distributed on a series of low and high density 8 mm tapes, organized by data type. A copy of this header file is the first record on each tape and it will also include specific format and organization data for each tape.

Tape 1 (ancillary, gif, dem data and first 1/3 of AVHRR data):

Readme/header file
Ancillary Data: A full text description of the ongoing research at the site and a listing of available LANDSAT scenes.
Landcover Map GIF Image:
Landcover Map GIF Image: The land cover map for the Skukuza site was obtained from the CSIR Division of Water, Environment, and Forestry in the Republic of South Africa. The map is in UTM projection (zone 36, WGS84 datum) with upper left corner coordinates of -2745925 north, 313258 east and a pixel size of 50 meters. Class Description Color (R,G,B) ----- --------------------------------- ------------------ 1 Forest and Woodland Green (0,0,0) 2 Thicket & bushland Brown (0,0,0) 3 Waterbodies Blue (0,0,0) 4 Barren rock White (0,0,0) 5 Degraded: forest and woodland Pale Green (0,0,0) 6 Degraded: thicket & bushland Tan (0,0,0) 7 Cultivated: permanent, irrigated Red (0,0,0) 8 Cultivated: temporary, irrigated Pink (0,0,0) 9 Cultivated: temporary, dryland Yellow (0,0,0) 10 Urban/built-up land Gray (0,0,0)
DEM in UTM projection, north up orientation: Datum used to create the DEM.
GTOPO30 has a horizontal grid spacing of 30-arc seconds (0.0083333333 degrees). The horizontal coordinate system is decimal degrees of latitude and longitude referenced to WGS84. The vertical units represent elevation in meters above mean sea level. The elevation values range from -407 to 8,752 meters. In the DEM, ocean areas have been masked as "no data" and have been assigned a value of -9999. Lowland coastal areas have an elevation of at least 1 meter, so in the event that a user reassigns the ocean value from -9999 to 0 the land boundary portrayal will be maintained. Due to the nature of the raster structure of the DEM, small islands in the ocean less than approximately 1 square kilometer will not be represented.
AVHRR data in band sequential order: channels 1 - 5, NDVI, solar zenith angle, viewing angle, relative azimuth angle; UTM projection, North up orientation.

Tape 2 (middle 1/3 of AVHRR data):

Readme/header file
AVHRR data in band sequential order: channels 1 - 5, NDVI, solar zenith angle, viewing angle, relative azimuth angle; UTM projection, North up orientation.

Tape 3 (last 1/3 of AVHRR data):

Readme/header file
AVHRR data in band sequential order : channels 1 - 5, NDVI, solar zenith angle, viewing angle, relative azimuth angle; UTM projection, North up orientation.

Tape 4 (MSS scenes 1 - 4):

Readme/header file
MSS scene 1 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.
MSS scene 2 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.
MSS scene 3 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.
MSS scene 4 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Tape 5 (MSS scenes 5):

Readme/header file
MSS scene 5 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Tape 6 (TM scene 1):

Readme/header file
TM scene 1 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 7; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Tape 7 (TM scene 2):

Readme/header file
TM scene 2 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 7; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Tape 8 (TM scene 3):

Readme/header file
TM scene 3 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 7; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Skukuza, Kruger National Park, Republic of South Africa AVHRR Tape 1 Directory

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 8868 bytes

[Ancillary Data record info:]
File 2: Ancillary data (ascii format), 9452 bytes

[Landcover Map GIF image record info:]
File 3: Landcover Map GIF image, 30247 bytes

999 Lines 1025 Samples 8-bit data

[DEM record info:]
File 4: USGS DCW DEM, 518144 bytes
Projection = UTM Zone = 36 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: -2.4570E+06 8.5000E+04
URCorner: -2.4570E+06 5.9600E+05
LLCorner: -2.9620E+06 8.5000E+04
LRCorner: -2.9620E+06 5.9600E+05
506 Lines 512 Samples [90 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

The AVHRR scene id format consists of a combination of the following fields:
Field Name Type Length Description
Receiving MethodString2An indicator to tell whether the data was received real-time from the satellite or recorded.
Valid codes include:
AO = Orbital pass, a possible mix of HRPT and LAC acquired data.
AH = HRPT 1km High Resolution Picture Transmission (real-time).
AL = HRPT 1km Local Area Coverage(recorded).
Satellite NumberString2The number of the AVHRR satellite which acquired the data.
Acquisition DateDate6The date this data was acquired by the satellite.
Format = MMDDYY
Where M = Month, D = Day, Y = Year.
Acq. Start TimeNumeric6The start time (GMT) when this data was acquired.
Format = HHMMSS
Where H = Hours, M = Minutes, S = Seconds.

[AVHRR Data records info:]
Projection = UTM Zone = 36 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: -2.4570E+06 8.5000E+04
URCorner: -2.4570E+06 5.9600E+05
LLCorner: -2.9620E+06 8.5000E+04
LRCorner: -2.9620E+06 5.9600E+05
506 Lines 512 Samples [1000 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

File 5: AO11041292133444 4663296 Bytes
File 6: AO11041792123511 4663296 Bytes
File 7: AO11042092133942 4663296 Bytes
File 8: AO11061292130916 4663296 Bytes
File 9: AO11061492124429 4663296 Bytes
File 10: AO11061792134846 4663296 Bytes
File 11: AO11061892133730 4663296 Bytes
File 12: AO11061992132449 4663296 Bytes
File 13: AO11062092131306 4663296 Bytes
File 14: AO11062292124926 4663296 Bytes
File 15: AO11062892131703 4663296 Bytes
File 16: AO11062992130529 4663296 Bytes
File 17: AO11063092125334 4663296 Bytes
File 18: AO11070492134643 4663296 Bytes
File 19: AO11070592133416 4663296 Bytes
File 20: AO11070692132216 4663296 Bytes
File 21: AO11070792131021 4663296 Bytes
File 22: AO11070892125837 4663296 Bytes
File 23: AO11070992124612 4663296 Bytes
File 24: AO11071692130252 4663296 Bytes
File 25: AO11072292133120 4663296 Bytes
File 26: AO11072492130729 4663296 Bytes
File 27: AO11073092133616 4663296 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

Skukuza, Kruger National Park, Republic of South Africa AVHRR Tape 2 Directory

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 9509 bytes

The AVHRR scene id format consists of a combination of the following fields:
Field Name Type Length Description
Receiving MethodString2An indicator to tell whether the data was received real-time from the satellite or recorded.
Valid codes include:
AO = Orbital pass, a possible mix of HRPT and LAC acquired data.
AH = HRPT 1km High Resolution Picture Transmission (real-time).
AL = HRPT 1km Local Area Coverage(recorded).
Satellite NumberString2The number of the AVHRR satellite which acquired the data.
Acquisition DateDate6The date this data was acquired by the satellite.
Format = MMDDYY
Where M = Month, D = Day, Y = Year.
Acq. Start TimeNumeric6The start time (GMT) when this data was acquired.
Format = HHMMSS
Where H = Hours, M = Minutes, S = Seconds.

[AVHRR Data records info:]
Projection = UTM Zone = 36 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: -2.4570E+06 8.5000E+04
URCorner: -2.4570E+06 5.9600E+05
LLCorner: -2.9620E+06 8.5000E+04
LRCorner: -2.9620E+06 5.9600E+05
506 Lines 512 Samples [1000 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

File 2: AO11080192131205 4663296 Bytes
File 3: AO11080392124826 4663296 Bytes
File 4: AO11080692135253 4663296 Bytes
File 5: AO11080792134056 4663296 Bytes
File 6: AO11080892132900 4663296 Bytes
File 7: AO11080992131648 4663296 Bytes
File 8: AO11081092130441 4663296 Bytes
File 9: AO11081692133326 4663296 Bytes
File 10: AO11081892130901 4663296 Bytes
File 11: AO11082492133726 4663296 Bytes
File 12: AO11082592132536 4663296 Bytes
File 13: AO11082692131326 4663296 Bytes
File 14: AO11082792130156 4663296 Bytes
File 15: AO11082892125026 4663296 Bytes
File 16: AO11083192135416 4663296 Bytes
File 17: AO11090292133019 4663296 Bytes
File 18: AO11090592125216 4663296 Bytes
File 19: AO11090892135742 4663296 Bytes
File 20: AO11090992134530 4663296 Bytes
File 21: AO11091092133325 4663296 Bytes
File 22: AO11091192132110 4663296 Bytes
File 23: AO11091792135000 4663296 Bytes
File 24: AO11091892133931 4663296 Bytes
File 25: AO11091992132731 4663296 Bytes
File 26: AO11092092131325 4663296 Bytes
File 27: AO11092192130105 4663296 Bytes
File 28: AO11092592135429 4663296 Bytes
File 29: AO11092792133009 4663296 Bytes
File 30: AO11100492134259 4663296 Bytes
File 31: AO11100792130946 4663296 Bytes
File 32: AO11101292135104 4663296 Bytes
File 33: AO11102492130659 4663296 Bytes
File 34: AO11102892135929 4663296 Bytes
File 35: AO11103192132539 4663296 Bytes
File 36: AO11110192131039 4663296 Bytes
File 37: AO11110292130141 4663296 Bytes
File 38: AO11110592140330 4663296 Bytes
File 39: AO11110792133910 4663296 Bytes
File 40: AO11110892132650 4663296 Bytes
File 41: AO11111392140720 4663296 Bytes
File 42: AO11111492135522 4663296 Bytes
File 43: AO11111592134310 4663296 Bytes
File 44: AO11111792131720 4663296 Bytes
File 45: AO11112292135930 4663296 Bytes
File 46: AO11112492133330 4663296 Bytes
File 47: AO11112592132350 4663296 Bytes
File 48: AO11112692131140 4663296 Bytes
File 49: AO11112792130209 4663296 Bytes
File 50: AO11092193143759 4663296 Bytes
File 51: AO11092493140731 4663296 Bytes
File 52: AO11092693133951 4663296 Bytes
File 53: AO11093093143240 4663296 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

Skukuza, Kruger National Park, Republic of South Africa AVHRR Tape 3 Directory

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 9269 bytes

The AVHRR scene id format consists of a combination of the following fields:
Field Name Type Length Description
Receiving MethodString2An indicator to tell whether the data was received real-time from the satellite or recorded.
Valid codes include:
AO = Orbital pass, a possible mix of HRPT and LAC acquired data.
AH = HRPT 1km High Resolution Picture Transmission (real-time).
AL = HRPT 1km Local Area Coverage(recorded).
Satellite NumberString2The number of the AVHRR satellite which acquired the data.
Acquisition DateDate6The date this data was acquired by the satellite.
Format = MMDDYY
Where M = Month, D = Day, Y = Year.
Acq. Start TimeNumeric6The start time (GMT) when this data was acquired.
Format = HHMMSS
Where H = Hours, M = Minutes, S = Seconds.

[AVHRR Data records info:]
Projection = UTM Zone = 36 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: -2.4570E+06 8.5000E+04
URCorner: -2.4570E+06 5.9600E+05
LLCorner: -2.9620E+06 8.5000E+04
LRCorner: -2.9620E+06 5.9600E+05
506 Lines 512 Samples [1000 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

File 2: AO11120192135100 4663296 Bytes
File 3: AO11120392132636 4663296 Bytes
File 4: AO11121292131829 4663296 Bytes
File 5: AO11121392130947 4663296 Bytes
File 6: AO11122092132250 4663296 Bytes
File 7: AO11122192131000 4663296 Bytes
File 8: AO11122992131430 4663296 Bytes
File 9: AO11123092130220 4663296 Bytes
File 10: AO11010293140725 4663296 Bytes
File 11: AO11010393135430 4663296 Bytes
File 12: AO11010493134342 4663296 Bytes
File 13: AO11010593132950 4663296 Bytes
File 14: AO11010693131935 4663296 Bytes
File 15: AO11011093141130 4663296 Bytes
File 16: AO11011393133450 4663296 Bytes
File 17: AO11011493132150 4663296 Bytes
File 18: AO11011993140255 4663296 Bytes
File 19: AO11012293132610 4663296 Bytes
File 20: AO11012393131350 4663296 Bytes
File 21: AO11012893135430 4663296 Bytes
File 22: AO11012993134201 4663296 Bytes
File 23: AO11013093132920 4663296 Bytes
File 24: AO11013193131700 4663296 Bytes
File 25: AO11020593135800 4663296 Bytes
File 26: AO11020693134600 4663296 Bytes
File 27: AO11020893132100 4663296 Bytes
File 28: AO11021293141350 4663296 Bytes
File 29: AO11021793131250 4663296 Bytes
File 30: AO11022193140505 4663296 Bytes
File 31: AO11022593130401 4663296 Bytes
File 32: AO11022593131550 4663296 Bytes
File 33: AO11030293135635 4663296 Bytes
File 34: AO11030393133054 4663296 Bytes
File 35: AO11030393134420 4663296 Bytes
File 36: AO11030493133200 4663296 Bytes
File 37: AO11030993141355 4663296 Bytes
File 38: AO11031093140136 4663296 Bytes
File 39: AO11031293133630 4663296 Bytes
File 40: AO11031393132350 4663296 Bytes
File 41: AO11031893140350 4663296 Bytes
File 42: AO11032193132640 4663296 Bytes
File 43: AO11032293131430 4663296 Bytes
File 44: AO11032693140750 4663296 Bytes
File 45: AO11032793135530 4663296 Bytes
File 46: AO11032893134310 4663296 Bytes
File 47: AO11033093131835 4663296 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

Skukuza, Kruger National Park, Republic of South Africa MSS Tape 1 Directory

Landsat Scene ID Definition:

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 9025 bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 1180077007225290
Projection = UTM Zone = 36 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: -2.6163E+06 2.6015E+05
URCorner: -2.6163E+06 4.9208E+05
LLCorner: -2.8406E+06 2.6015E+05
LRCorner: -2.8406E+06 4.9208E+05
3936 Lines 4070 Samples [1000 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

File 2: 09/08/1972 = 1180077007225290 (P180/R77) Band1 16019520 Bytes
File 3: 09/08/1972 = 1180077007225290 (P180/R77) Band2 16019520 Bytes
File 4: 09/08/1972 = 1180077007225290 (P180/R77) Band3 16019520 Bytes
File 5: 09/08/1972 = 1180077007225290 (P180/R77) Band4 16019520 Bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 3180077008116890
Projection = UTM Zone = 36 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: -2.5952E+06 2.5679E+05
URCorner: -2.5952E+06 4.9100E+05
LLCorner: -2.8220E+06 2.5679E+05
LRCorner: -2.8220E+06 4.9100E+05
3979 Lines 4110 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 10: 06/17/1981 = 3180077008116890 (P180/R77) Band1 16353690 Bytes
File 11: 06/17/1981 = 3180077008116890 (P180/R77) Band2 16353690 Bytes
File 12: 06/17/1981 = 3180077008116890 (P180/R77) Band3 16353690 Bytes
File 13: 06/17/1981 = 3180077008116890 (P180/R77) Band4 16353690 Bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5168077008707290
Projection = UTM Zone = 36 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: -2.5991E+06 2.7058E+05
URCorner: -2.5991E+06 5.0211E+05
LLCorner: -2.8303E+06 2.7058E+05
LRCorner: -2.8303E+06 5.0211E+05
4057 Lines 4063 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 14: 03/13/1987 = 5168077008707290 (P168/R77) Band1 16483591 Bytes
File 15: 03/13/1987 = 5168077008707290 (P168/R77) Band2 16483591 Bytes
File 16: 03/13/1987 = 5168077008707290 (P168/R77) Band3 16483591 Bytes
File 17: 03/13/1987 = 5168077008707290 (P168/R77) Band4 16483591 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

Skukuza, Kruger National Park, Republic of South Africa MSS Tape 2 Directory

Landsat Scene ID Definition:

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 7100 bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 4168077009211090
Projection = UTM Zone = 36 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: -2.5982E+06 2.6648E+05
URCorner: -2.5982E+06 4.9613E+05
LLCorner: -2.8295E+06 2.6648E+05
LRCorner: -2.8295E+06 4.9613E+05
4058 Lines 4030 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 2: 04/19/1992 = 4168077009211090 (P168/R77) Band1 16353740 Bytes
File 3: 04/19/1992 = 4168077009211090 (P168/R77) Band2 16353740 Bytes
File 4: 04/19/1992 = 4168077009211090 (P168/R77) Band3 16353740 Bytes
File 5: 04/19/1992 = 4168077009211090 (P168/R77) Band4 16353740 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

Skukuza, Kruger National Park, Republic of South Africa TM Tape 1 Directory

Landsat Scene ID Definition:

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 7319 bytes

[TM Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5168077008707210
Projection = UTM Zone = 36 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: -2.6081E+06 2.7340E+05
URCorner: -2.6081E+06 5.0069E+05
LLCorner: -2.8217E+06 2.7340E+05
LRCorner: -2.8217E+06 5.0069E+05
7494 Lines 7976 Samples [28.5 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 2: 03/13/1987 = 5168077008707210 (P168/R77) Band1 59772144 Bytes
File 3: 03/13/1987 = 5168077008707210 (P168/R77) Band2 59772144 Bytes
File 4: 03/13/1987 = 5168077008707210 (P168/R77) Band3 59772144 Bytes
File 5: 03/13/1987 = 5168077008707210 (P168/R77) Band4 59772144 Bytes
File 6: 03/13/1987 = 5168077008707210 (P168/R77) Band5 59772144 Bytes
File 7: 03/13/1987 = 5168077008707210 (P168/R77) Band6 59772144 Bytes
File 8: 03/13/1987 = 5168077008707210 (P168/R77) Band7 59772144 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

Skukuza, Kruger National Park, Republic of South Africa TM Tape 2 Directory

Landsat Scene ID Definition:

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 7319 bytes

[TM Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5168077009428310
Projection = UTM Zone = 36 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: -2.6088E+06 2.7993E+05
URCorner: -2.6088E+06 5.0653E+05
LLCorner: -2.8235E+06 2.7993E+05
LRCorner: -2.8235E+06 5.0653E+05
7494 Lines 7976 Samples [28.5 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 2: 10/10/1994 = 5168077009428310 (P168/R77) Band1 59910368 Bytes
File 3: 10/10/1994 = 5168077009428310 (P168/R77) Band2 59910368 Bytes
File 4: 10/10/1994 = 5168077009428310 (P168/R77) Band3 59910368 Bytes
File 5: 10/10/1994 = 5168077009428310 (P168/R77) Band4 59910368 Bytes
File 6: 10/10/1994 = 5168077009428310 (P168/R77) Band5 59910368 Bytes
File 7: 10/10/1994 = 5168077009428310 (P168/R77) Band6 59910368 Bytes
File 8: 10/10/1994 = 5168077009428310 (P168/R77) Band7 59910368 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

Skukuza, Kruger National Park, Republic of South Africa TM Tape 3 Directory

Landsat Scene ID Definition:

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 7319 bytes

[TM Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5168077009434710
Projection = UTM Zone = 36 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: -2.6095E+06 2.8195E+05
URCorner: -2.6095E+06 5.0992E+05
LLCorner: -2.8242E+06 2.8195E+05
LRCorner: -2.8242E+06 5.0992E+05
7531 Lines 8000 Samples [28.5 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 2: 12/13/1994 = 5168077009434710 (P168/R77) Band1 60248000 Bytes
File 3: 12/13/1994 = 5168077009434710 (P168/R77) Band2 60248000 Bytes
File 4: 12/13/1994 = 5168077009434710 (P168/R77) Band3 60248000 Bytes
File 5: 12/13/1994 = 5168077009434710 (P168/R77) Band4 60248000 Bytes
File 6: 12/13/1994 = 5168077009434710 (P168/R77) Band5 60248000 Bytes
File 7: 12/13/1994 = 5168077009434710 (P168/R77) Band6 60248000 Bytes
File 8: 12/13/1994 = 5168077009434710 (P168/R77) Band7 60248000 Bytes

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