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USDA Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD Skip past Image from USDA Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD

Image from USDA Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD

Test Site Information

Site Name: Agricultural Research Station, Beltsville, Maryland, USA
Latitude: 39.03 N
Longitude: 76.85 W
Site Managed By: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Point of Contact: Shunlin Liang
Address: Le Frak Hall, Rm.1113
College Park, MD 20742 USA
Phone: +1 301 405-4556
Site Operating Since: 1910
Affiliated Programs: U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Station
Elevation: 22 meters
Annual Precipitation: 890 mm
Mean Summer Temperature: 25 C
Mean Winter Temperature: 3 C
Seasonality: Humid subtropical, with precipitation throughout year
Predominant Vegetation: Cropland surrounded by urban and mixed forest
Site Data Source: Dr. Shunlin Liang (contact information above)
Site Data Types: Surface spectral reflectance and broadband albedos Leaf area index
Leaf angle distribution
Leaf transmittance/reflectance
Canopy structure parameters (fraction of coverage, tree height etc.).
Soil moisture, nutrition and other parameters
Weather measurements from 4-5 weather stations.
Site Data Access:

The 7000 acre Agricultural Research Center at Beltsville, Maryland is operated by the Agricultural Research Service, an agency within the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Research at the site focuses on natural resources, plant science, animal science, farm commodities, nutrition, and data systems. This site is one of several that is to be used by investigators that will be validating data products that are to be generated from NASA's Earth Observing System.

The NASA validation studies at this site will quantify the accuracy of land surface reflectance and albedo products that are to be produced by the MODIS and MISR sensors on NASA's Earth Observing System. The NASA study includes intensive sites (two crop lands, each about 0.5km by 1km) and an extensive 10km by 10km site that contains a wide variety of land use/land covers from urban to forest. Research activities at the site will include:

  • a) participating EOS field measurements and augmenting correlative measurements of land surface reflectance/albedo;
  • b) validating the methodology of scaling point/plot measurements to MODIS/MISR pixel sizes using high spatial resolution imagery such as low altitude hyperspectral data, ASTER, and LANDSAT 7 observations;
  • c) validating an alternative coupled atmosphere-surface algorithm for retrieving surface reflectance, BRDF and albedo simultaneously, and an alternative algorithm for calculating surface broadband albedos directly from top-of-atmosphere measurements;
  • d) conducting end-to-end certainty evaluation of MODIS surface reflectance and BRDF/albedo retrieval using retrieved MISR aerosol products and different surface BRDF models for temporally variable cover types; and
  • e) testing algorithms for calculating new albedo products directly used for ecological and climatic modeling.

The land cover map for the Beltsville, Maryland Agricultural Research Station area was derived from a 1994 land use/landcover map for Prince George's County. The map is in UTM projection (zone 18, NAD83 datum, GRS1980 spheroid) with upper left corner coordinates of 4333374 north, 318931 east and a pixel size of 60 meters.

Class Description Color (R,G,B) ----- ------------------------------ --------------------- 1 Low Density Urban Bright Red (255,0,0) 2 Medium Density Urban Dark Red (200,0,0) 3 High Density Urban Gray (128,128,128) 4 Surface Mining Operations Purple (160,0,160) 5 Cropland Green (0,210,0) 6 Pasture Pale Green (190,255,190) 7 Orchards, Horticulture Tan (230,200,145) 8 Agricultural Facilities Pink (255,200,200) 9 Deciduous Forest Brown (220,130,0) 10 Evergreen Forest Dark Green (0,120,0) 11 Mixed Forest Yellow (255,255,0) 12 Brush Light Brown (255,170,0) 13 Water Blue (0,0,255) 14 Forested/Nonforested Wetlands Slate (0,160,160) 15 Bare White (255,255,255)

Product Request for the USDA Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD GLCTS Product

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USDA Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD Header File

Project Description:

The purpose of the Global LandCover Test Sites (GLCTS) project is to develop a multitemporal and multi-resolution satellite data set for a selection of global test sites to support the research development of land cover characterization and the testing and validation of improved algorithms for EOS. The sites selected represent a wide range of global land cover types, are well characterized on the ground with on-going field-based monitoring programs, and are of interest to the international global change research community. The primary component of the data set will be historical and recent Landsat data and a series of daily AVHRR 1km data acquisitions in a 500 Km by 500 Km window centered on the site. Digital elevation data and land cover information will be also included for each site.

As with all the Pathfinder projects, this activity will help provide experience with which to develop the data and information system for EOS. In particular, problems associated with developing registered multi-resolution and multi-source data sets, providing tools for data extraction, and developing the appropriate metadata and information management systems will be addressed. The targeted user-community for this product includes: researchers developing regional and global scale land cover assessments; researchers developing improved algorithm for surface parameterization; and field scientists working at the test sites wanting to explore the application of remote sensing.

Site Description:

The 7000 acre Agricultural Research Center at Beltsville, Maryland is operated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service. Research at the site focuses on natural resources, plant science, animal science, farm commodities, nutrition, and data systems. This site is one of several that is to be used by investigators that will be validating data products that are to be generated from NASA's Earth Observing System.

Data Format and Organization:

Data are distributed on a series of low and high density 8 mm tapes, organized by data type. A copy of this header file is the first record on each tape and it will also include specific format and organization data for each tape.

Tape 1 (ancillary, gif, dem data and first 1/3 of AVHRR data):

Readme/header file
Ancillary Data: A full text description of the ongoing research at the site and a listing of available LANDSAT scenes.
Landcover Map GIF Image: generated by site PI.
The land cover map for the Beltsville, Maryland Agricultural Research Station area was derived from a 1994 land use/landcover map for Prince George's County. The map is in UTM projection (zone 18, NAD83 datum, GRS1980 spheroid) with upper left corner coordinates of 4333374 north, 318931 east and a pixel size of 60 meters.
Class Description Color (R,G,B) ----- ------------------------------ --------------------- 1 Low Density Urban Bright Red (255,0,0) 2 Medium Density Urban Dark Red (200,0,0) 3 High Density Urban Gray (128,128,128) 4 Surface Mining Operations Purple (160,0,160) 5 Cropland Green (0,210,0) 6 Pasture Pale Green (190,255,190) 7 Orchards, Horticulture Tan (230,200,145) 8 Agricultural Facilities Pink (255,200,200) 9 Deciduous Forest Brown (220,130,0) 10 Evergreen Forest Dark Green (0,120,0) 11 Mixed Forest Yellow (255,255,0) 12 Brush Light Brown (255,170,0) 13 Water Blue (0,0,255) 14 Forested/Nonforested Wetlands Slate (0,160,160) 15 Bare White (255,255,255)
DEM in UTM projection, north up orientation: Datum used to create the DEM.
Three arc-second (90 meters) Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) used to create DEM. Elevation in meters above mean sea-level, horizontal resolution is 130 meters, vertical resolution is +/- 30 meters and resolution accuracy absolute to WGS - 72 (90% Assurance).
AVHRR data in band sequential order: channels 1 - 5, NDVI, solar zenith angle, viewing angle, relative azimuth angle; UTM projection, North up orientation.

Tape 2 (middle 1/3 of AVHRR data):

Readme/header file
AVHRR data in band sequential order: channels 1 - 5, NDVI, solar zenith angle, viewing angle, relative azimuth angle; UTM projection, North up orientation.

Tape 3 (last 1/3 of AVHRR data):

Readme/header file
AVHRR data in band sequential order : channels 1 - 5, NDVI, solar zenith angle, viewing angle, relative azimuth angle; UTM projection, North up orientation.

Tape 4 (MSS scenes 1 - 4):

Readme/header file
MSS scene 1 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.
MSS scene 2 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.
MSS scene 3 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.
MSS scene 4 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Tape 5 (MSS scenes 5 - 6):

Readme/header file
MSS scene 5 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.
MSS scene 6 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Tape 6 (TM scene 1):

Readme/header file
TM scene 1 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 7; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Tape 7 (TM scene 2):

Readme/header file
TM scene 2 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 7; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Tape 8 (TM scene 3):

Readme/header file
TM scene 3 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 7; UTM projection, north up orientation.

USDA Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD AVHRR Tape 1 Directory

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 9735 bytes

[Ancillary Data record info:]
File 2: Ancillary data (ascii format), 53778 bytes

[Landcover Map GIF image record info:]
File 3: Landcover Map GIF image, 18867 bytes

468 Lines 256 Samples 8-bit data

[DEM record info:]
File 4: USGS DCW DEM, 65170980 bytes
Projection = UTM Zone = 18 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 4.5627E+06 5.4540E+04
URCorner: 4.5627E+06 5.7168E+05
LLCorner: 4.0525E+06 5.4540E+04
LRCorner: 4.0525E+06 5.7168E+05
5670 Lines 5747 Samples [90 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

The AVHRR scene id format consists of a combination of the following fields:
Field Name Type Length Description
Receiving MethodString2An indicator to tell whether the data was received real-time from the satellite or recorded.
Valid codes include:
AO = Orbital pass, a possible mix of HRPT and LAC acquired data.
AH = HRPT 1km High Resolution Picture Transmission (real-time).
AL = HRPT 1km Local Area Coverage(recorded).
Satellite NumberString2The number of the AVHRR satellite which acquired the data.
Acquisition DateDate6The date this data was acquired by the satellite.
Format = MMDDYY
Where M = Month, D = Day, Y = Year.
Acq. Start TimeNumeric6The start time (GMT) when this data was acquired.
Format = HHMMSS
Where H = Hours, M = Minutes, S = Seconds.

[AVHRR Data records info:]
Projection = UTM Zone = 18 vm Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 4.5630E+06 5.4000E+04
URCorner: 4.5630E+06 5.7200E+05
LLCorner: 4.0520E+06 5.4000E+04
LRCorner: 4.0520E+06 5.7200E+05
512 Lines 519 Samples [1000 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

File 5: AO11040192185713 4783104 Bytes
File 6: AO11040292184512 4783104 Bytes
File 7: AO11040692195151 4783104 Bytes
File 8: AO11040792193411 4783104 Bytes
File 9: AO11040892192128 4783104 Bytes
File 10: AO11040992190949 4783104 Bytes
File 11: AO11041092185015 4783104 Bytes
File 12: AO11041492195656 4783104 Bytes
File 13: AO11041592193852 4783104 Bytes
File 14: AO11041792191458 4783104 Bytes
File 15: AO11041892190358 4783104 Bytes
File 16: AO11042392194409 4783104 Bytes
File 17: AO11042492193224 4783104 Bytes
File 18: AO11042892184411 4783104 Bytes
File 19: AO11050792184406 4783104 Bytes
File 20: AO11061292194851 4783104 Bytes
File 21: AO11061392193625 4783104 Bytes
File 22: AO11061592191424 4783104 Bytes
File 23: AO11062092195414 4783104 Bytes
File 24: AO11062192194152 4783104 Bytes
File 25: AO11062292192946 4783104 Bytes
File 26: AO11062392191711 4783104 Bytes
File 27: AO11062892195800 4783104 Bytes
File 28: AO11063092193356 4783104 Bytes
File 29: AO11070192192210 4783104 Bytes
File 30: AO11070292190941 4783104 Bytes
File 31: AO11070792195052 4783104 Bytes
File 32: AO11070992192623 4783104 Bytes
File 33: AO11071692194326 4783104 Bytes
File 34: AO11071792193135 4783104 Bytes
File 35: AO11072392200005 4783104 Bytes
File 36: AO11072492194748 4783104 Bytes
File 37: AO11072592193609 4783104 Bytes
File 38: AO11072692192320 4783104 Bytes
File 39: AO11072792191152 4783104 Bytes
File 40: AO11072892185936 4783104 Bytes
File 41: AO11072992185258 4783104 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

USDA Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD AVHRR Tape 2 Directory

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 9930 bytes

The AVHRR scene id format consists of a combination of the following fields:
Field Name Type Length Description
Receiving MethodString2An indicator to tell whether the data was received real-time from the satellite or recorded.
Valid codes include:
AO = Orbital pass, a possible mix of HRPT and LAC acquired data.
AH = HRPT 1km High Resolution Picture Transmission (real-time).
AL = HRPT 1km Local Area Coverage(recorded).
Satellite NumberString2The number of the AVHRR satellite which acquired the data.
Acquisition DateDate6The date this data was acquired by the satellite.
Format = MMDDYY
Where M = Month, D = Day, Y = Year.
Acq. Start TimeNumeric6The start time (GMT) when this data was acquired.
Format = HHMMSS
Where H = Hours, M = Minutes, S = Seconds.

[AVHRR Data records info:]
Projection = UTM Zone = 18 vm Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 4.5630E+06 5.4000E+04
URCorner: 4.5630E+06 5.7200E+05
LLCorner: 4.0520E+06 5.4000E+04
LRCorner: 4.0520E+06 5.7200E+05
512 Lines 519 Samples [1000 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

File 2: AO11080192195209 4783104 Bytes
File 3: AO11080292193955 4783104 Bytes
File 4: AO11080592190415 4783104 Bytes
File 5: AO11080692185745 4783104 Bytes
File 6: AO11081192193237 4783104 Bytes
File 7: AO11081292192108 4783104 Bytes
File 8: AO11081392190849 4783104 Bytes
File 9: AO11081592184958 4783104 Bytes
File 10: AO11081792200117 4783104 Bytes
File 11: AO11081892194928 4783104 Bytes
File 12: AO11081992193703 4783104 Bytes
File 13: AO11082392185419 4783104 Bytes
File 14: AO11082692195946 4783104 Bytes
File 15: AO11082792194122 4783104 Bytes
File 16: AO11082892192928 4783104 Bytes
File 17: AO11082992192016 4783104 Bytes
File 18: AO11083092190729 4783104 Bytes
File 19: AO11090392195844 4783104 Bytes
File 20: AO11090492194601 4783104 Bytes
File 21: AO11090592193350 4783104 Bytes
File 22: AO11090692192156 4783104 Bytes
File 23: AO11090792190958 4783104 Bytes
File 24: AO11090892185745 4783104 Bytes
File 25: AO11091192200232 4783104 Bytes
File 26: AO11091292195022 4783104 Bytes
File 27: AO11091392193817 4783104 Bytes
File 28: AO11091492192621 4783104 Bytes
File 29: AO11091692190209 4783104 Bytes
File 30: AO11091992200705 4783104 Bytes
File 31: AO11092092195501 4783104 Bytes
File 32: AO11092892195915 4783104 Bytes
File 33: AO11101192190838 4783104 Bytes
File 34: AO11101592195543 4783104 Bytes
File 35: AO11101792193723 4783104 Bytes
File 36: AO11101892191940 4783104 Bytes
File 37: AO11101992190736 4783104 Bytes
File 38: AO11102092185556 4783104 Bytes
File 39: AO11102292201206 4783104 Bytes
File 40: AO11102392200008 4783104 Bytes
File 41: AO11102492194807 4783104 Bytes
File 42: AO11102592193536 4783104 Bytes
File 43: AO11102692192403 4783104 Bytes
File 44: AO11102792191200 4783104 Bytes
File 45: AO11102892185957 4783104 Bytes
File 46: AO11103192200425 4783104 Bytes
File 47: AO11110292194012 4783104 Bytes
File 48: AO11110392192800 4783104 Bytes
File 49: AO11110492191713 4783104 Bytes
File 50: AO11110892200807 4783104 Bytes
File 51: AO11110992195700 4783104 Bytes
File 52: AO11111092194545 4783104 Bytes
File 53: AO11111792200049 4783104 Bytes
File 54: AO11112192191212 4783104 Bytes
File 55: AO11112692195831 4783104 Bytes
File 56: AO11112792194255 4783104 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

USDA Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD AVHRR Tape 3 Directory

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 10131 bytes

[AVHRR Data records info:]
Projection = UTM Zone = 18 vm Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 4.5630E+06 5.4000E+04
URCorner: 4.5630E+06 5.7200E+05
LLCorner: 4.0520E+06 5.4000E+04
LRCorner: 4.0520E+06 5.7200E+05
512 Lines 519 Samples [1000 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

File 2: AO11120492200232 4783104 Bytes
File 3: AO11120592194426 4783104 Bytes
File 4: AO11120692193817 4783104 Bytes
File 5: AO11121292200036 4783104 Bytes
File 6: AO11121392194826 4783104 Bytes
File 7: AO11121492193803 4783104 Bytes
File 8: AO11121592192437 4783104 Bytes
File 9: AO11121692191218 4783104 Bytes
File 10: AO11122192195702 4783104 Bytes
File 11: AO11122292194011 4783104 Bytes
File 12: AO11122392192802 4783104 Bytes
File 13: AO11122892200833 4783104 Bytes
File 14: AO11122992200204 4783104 Bytes
File 15: AO11010193192032 4783104 Bytes
File 16: AO11010693200022 4783104 Bytes
File 17: AO11010793194743 4783104 Bytes
File 18: AO11010893192845 4783104 Bytes
File 19: AO11011093191649 4783104 Bytes
File 20: AO11011393201637 4783104 Bytes
File 21: AO11011693193952 4783104 Bytes
File 22: AO11012193201953 4783104 Bytes
File 23: AO11012293200740 4783104 Bytes
File 24: AO11012393195512 4783104 Bytes
File 25: AO11012493194311 4783104 Bytes
File 26: AO11012993202405 4783104 Bytes
File 27: AO11013093201135 4783104 Bytes
File 28: AO11013193200004 4783104 Bytes
File 29: AO11020193194709 4783104 Bytes
File 30: AO11020293193508 4783104 Bytes
File 31: AO11020393192332 4783104 Bytes
File 32: AO11020493191103 4783104 Bytes
File 33: AO11020893200257 4783104 Bytes
File 34: AO11020993195106 4783104 Bytes
File 35: AO11021193193208 4783104 Bytes
File 36: AO11021293191609 4783104 Bytes
File 37: AO11021593201909 4783104 Bytes
File 38: AO11021693200655 4783104 Bytes
File 39: AO11021893194256 4783104 Bytes
File 40: AO11021993193107 4783104 Bytes
File 41: AO11022093191808 4783104 Bytes
File 42: AO11022793193926 4783104 Bytes
File 43: AO11030393202642 4783104 Bytes
File 44: AO11030493201350 4783104 Bytes
File 45: AO11030593200221 4783104 Bytes
File 46: AO11030693195009 4783104 Bytes
File 47: AO11030993191357 4783104 Bytes
File 48: AO11031193203043 4783104 Bytes
File 49: AO11031293201828 4783104 Bytes
File 50: AO11031393200518 4783104 Bytes
File 51: AO11031493195326 4783104 Bytes
File 52: AO11031693192922 4783104 Bytes
File 53: AO11032093202103 4783104 Bytes
File 54: AO11032193200856 4783104 Bytes
File 55: AO11032293195818 4783104 Bytes
File 56: AO11032393194454 4783104 Bytes
File 57: AO11032593192542 4783104 Bytes
File 58: AO11032893202446 4783104 Bytes
File 59: AO11032993201224 4783104 Bytes
File 60: AO11033093200059 4783104 Bytes
File 61: AO11033193194850 4783104 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

USDA Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD MSS Tape 1 Directory

Landsat Scene ID Definition:

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 9294 bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 2016033007513490
Projection = UTM Zone = 18 vm Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 4.4036E+06 2.1649E+05
URCorner: 4.4036E+06 4.6022E+05
LLCorner: 4.1677E+06 2.1649E+05
LRCorner: 4.1677E+06 4.6022E+05
4140 Lines 4277 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

File 2: 05/14/1975 = 2016033007513490 (P16/R33) Band1 17706780 Bytes
File 3: 05/14/1975 = 2016033007513490 (P16/R33) Band2 17706780 Bytes
File 4: 05/14/1975 = 2016033007513490 (P16/R33) Band3 17706780 Bytes
File 5: 05/14/1975 = 2016033007513490 (P16/R33) Band4 17706780 Bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 2016033007620190
Projection = UTM Zone = 18 vm Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 4.4193E+06 2.0902E+05
URCorner: 4.4193E+06 4.5281E+05
LLCorner: 4.1823E+06 2.0902E+05
LRCorner: 4.1823E+06 4.5281E+05
4159 Lines 4278 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 6: 07/19/1976 = 2016033007620190 (P16/R33) Band1 17792202 Bytes
File 7: 07/19/1976 = 2016033007620190 (P16/R33) Band2 17792202 Bytes
File 8: 07/19/1976 = 2016033007620190 (P16/R33) Band3 17792202 Bytes
File 9: 07/19/1976 = 2016033007620190 (P16/R33) Band4 17792202 Bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 2016033007625590
Projection = UTM Zone = 18 vm Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 4.4290E+06 2.0953E+05
URCorner: 4.4290E+06 4.5127E+05
LLCorner: 4.1926E+06 2.0953E+05
LRCorner: 4.1926E+06 4.5127E+05
4149 Lines 4242 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 10: 09/11/1976 = 2016033007625590 (P16/R33) Band1 17600058 Bytes
File 11: 09/11/1976 = 2016033007625590 (P16/R33) Band2 17600058 Bytes
File 12: 09/11/1976 = 2016033007625590 (P16/R33) Band3 17600058 Bytes
File 13: 09/11/1976 = 2016033007625590 (P16/R33) Band4 17600058 Bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 4015033008313390
Projection = UTM Zone = 18 vm Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 4.4312E+06 2.0742E+05
URCorner: 4.4312E+06 4.5070E+05
LLCorner: 4.1853E+06 2.0742E+05
LRCorner: 4.1853E+06 4.5070E+05
4315 Lines 4269 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 14: 05/13/1983 = 4015033008313390 (P15/R33) Band1 18420735 Bytes
File 15: 05/13/1983 = 4015033008313390 (P15/R33) Band2 18420735 Bytes
File 16: 05/13/1983 = 4015033008313390 (P15/R33) Band3 18420735 Bytes
File 17: 05/13/1983 = 4015033008313390 (P15/R33) Band4 18420735 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

USDA Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD MSS Tape 2 Directory

Landsat Scene ID Definition:

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 8659 bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 4015033008322990
Projection = UTM Zone = 18 vm Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 4.4287E+06 2.1740E+05
URCorner: 4.4287E+06 4.5953E+05
LLCorner: 4.1839E+06 2.1740E+05
LRCorner: 4.1839E+06 4.5953E+05
4297 Lines 4249 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 2: 08/17/1983 = 4015033008322990 (P15/R33) Band1 18257953 Bytes
File 3: 08/17/1983 = 4015033008322990 (P15/R33) Band2 18257953 Bytes
File 4: 08/17/1983 = 4015033008322990 (P15/R33) Band3 18257953 Bytes
File 5: 08/17/1983 = 4015033008322990 (P15/R33) Band4 18257953 Bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5015033008922190
Projection = UTM Zone = 18 vm Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 4.4321E+06 2.0480E+05
URCorner: 4.4321E+06 4.4876E+05
LLCorner: 4.1856E+06 2.0480E+05
LRCorner: 4.1856E+06 4.4876E+05
4326 Lines 4281 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 6: 08/09/1989 = 5015033008922190 (P15/R33) Band1 18519606 Bytes
File 7: 08/09/1989 = 5015033008922190 (P15/R33) Band2 18519606 Bytes
File 8: 08/09/1989 = 5015033008922190 (P15/R33) Band3 18519606 Bytes
File 9: 08/09/1989 = 5015033008922190 (P15/R33) Band4 18519606 Bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5015033009111590
Projection = UTM Zone = 18 vm Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 4.4307E+06 2.1073E+05
URCorner: 4.4307E+06 4.5480E+05
LLCorner: 4.1849E+06 2.1073E+05
LRCorner: 4.1849E+06 4.5480E+05
4313 Lines 4283 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 10: 04/25/1991 = 5015033009111590 (P15/R33) Band1 18472579 Bytes
File 11: 04/25/1991 = 5015033009111590 (P15/R33) Band2 18472579 Bytes
File 12: 04/25/1991 = 5015033009111590 (P15/R33) Band3 18472579 Bytes
File 13: 04/25/1991 = 5015033009111590 (P15/R33) Band4 18472579 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

USDA Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD TM Tape 1 Directory

Landsat Scene ID Definition:

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 7609 bytes

[TM Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5015033008522610
Projection = UTM Zone = 18 vm Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 4.4211E+06 2.1190E+05
URCorner: 4.4211E+06 4.4979E+05
LLCorner: 4.1936E+06 2.1190E+05
LRCorner: 4.1936E+06 4.4979E+05
7985 Lines 8348 Samples [28.5 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 2: 08/14/1985 = 5015033008522610 (P15/R33) Band1 66658780 Bytes
File 3: 08/14/1985 = 5015033008522610 (P15/R33) Band2 66658780 Bytes
File 4: 08/14/1985 = 5015033008522610 (P15/R33) Band3 66658780 Bytes
File 5: 08/14/1985 = 5015033008522610 (P15/R33) Band4 66658780 Bytes
File 6: 08/14/1985 = 5015033008522610 (P15/R33) Band5 66658780 Bytes
File 7: 08/14/1985 = 5015033008522610 (P15/R33) Band6 66658780 Bytes
File 8: 08/14/1985 = 5015033008522610 (P15/R33) Band7 66658780 Bytes

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USDA Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD TM Tape 2 Directory

Landsat Scene ID Definition:

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 7609 bytes

[TM Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5015033009611310
Projection = UTM Zone = 18 vm Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 4.4211E+06 2.1902E+05
URCorner: 4.4211E+06 4.5737E+05
LLCorner: 4.1907E+06 2.1902E+05
LRCorner: 4.1907E+06 4.5737E+05
8084 Lines 8364 Samples [28.5 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 2: 04/22/1996 = 5015033009611310 (P15/R33) Band1 67614576 Bytes
File 3: 04/22/1996 = 5015033009611310 (P15/R33) Band2 67614576 Bytes
File 4: 04/22/1996 = 5015033009611310 (P15/R33) Band3 67614576 Bytes
File 5: 04/22/1996 = 5015033009611310 (P15/R33) Band4 67614576 Bytes
File 6: 04/22/1996 = 5015033009611310 (P15/R33) Band5 67614576 Bytes
File 7: 04/22/1996 = 5015033009611310 (P15/R33) Band6 67614576 Bytes
File 8: 04/22/1996 = 5015033009611310 (P15/R33) Band7 67614576 Bytes

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USDA Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD TM Tape 3 Directory

Landsat Scene ID Definition:

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 7609 bytes

[TM Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5015033009619310
Projection = UTM Zone = 18 vm Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 4.4199E+06 2.2401E+05
URCorner: 4.4199E+06 4.6219E+05
LLCorner: 4.1907E+06 2.2401E+05
LRCorner: 4.1907E+06 4.6219E+05
8077 Lines 8358 Samples [28.5 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 2: 07/11/1996 = 5015033009619310 (P15/R33) Band1 67507566 Bytes
File 3: 07/11/1996 = 5015033009619310 (P15/R33) Band2 67507566 Bytes
File 4: 07/11/1996 = 5015033009619310 (P15/R33) Band3 67507566 Bytes
File 5: 07/11/1996 = 5015033009619310 (P15/R33) Band4 67507566 Bytes
File 6: 07/11/1996 = 5015033009619310 (P15/R33) Band5 67507566 Bytes
File 7: 07/11/1996 = 5015033009619310 (P15/R33) Band6 67507566 Bytes
File 8: 07/11/1996 = 5015033009619310 (P15/R33) Band7 67507566 Bytes

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